Day 6
Barstow, CA to San Luis Obispo, CA
This day featured less driving than most of the previous days. All we had to do was go from Barstow to SLO, where we would meet up with my friends Nick and Gina the next day.
Endless rows of telephone poles.
Weird trees.
Holy moly there were a lot of wind power things!
Then we spent some time in Bakerfield. Did a little shopping and drove around the campus of Cal State Bakersfield.
Then we headed toward SLO... now there are some mountains in the way, but we looked at the map, and saw a line that went across the mountains... we didn't quite realize what we were getting into! I am SOO glad my mom was driving for this section.
This road was narrow...
and windy with sharp turns...
no signs marking the turns...
and no guardrails!
Luckily we made it through OK. I made myself go to sleep for awhile after this because I was feeling a bit sick after all the twisting and turning!
We made it into SLO and had a nice dinner at this restaurant across from the hotel.