Day 4

Groom, TX

As we drove along I-40, we began to see the cross in the distance... it just kept getting bigger... and bigger... and bigger!


See my mom at the bottom? Verry tiny compared to the cross.

Now I zoomed in on her.

There are a number of things to see around the cross.

First we stopped at this station.

Awww :(

Then we stopped by this fountain.

Not just any fountain... the divine mercy fountain!

Then we went to this one, but we did it out of order. This is one of the stations of the cross, featuring Jesus and the 2 criminals that hung net to Him.

I think this was the unrepentant criminal


The repentant criminal

Oh look! The empty tomb!

I like this picture

This building freatures and exact replica of the shroud of Turin, and my reflection taking the picture.

Next we visited the stations of the cross. These sculptures are life-sized and gorgeous. Lots of attention to detail.

The station of Jesus on the cross is earlier on this page.

I was actually expecting something cheesier. The cross is really cheesy, but the rest of the stuff was pretty cool. The gift shop was tiny and not stuffed full of awful trinkets like I expected.

The Cross's Official Website

Day 4 - Groom, TX to Albuquerque, NM.

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