San Marcos River Vault

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Unread postby smokinvaulter1 » Tue May 29, 2007 5:13 pm

My favorite meet all summer :yes:

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Updated entries

Unread postby lonestar » Wed May 30, 2007 9:39 pm

***If you registered and don't see your name in your flight, search through all the flights as I may have moved you to a more appropriate group to balance things out.***

2007 San Marcos River Vault Entries (114) as of 5/31@ 8:00pm

10:00 AM – Pit 1

Advanced – Opening @13’3 Gender/Age PR

Blake Luther m21 157
Casey Pikla m20 151
Scott Duckworth m21 166
Thomas Blanchette m19 146
Cason Spurlock m18 146
Zack Arnold m18 146
Garrett Stafford m18 146
David Taylor m17 146
Michael Mahnke m17 146
Chase Riley m16 137
Travis Timm m17 136
Brewster Herns m20 00
Dan Ventura m35 140
Toby Zelt m22 161
Casey Cummings m21 163
Clay Hamilton m24 160
Nick Garza m23 149
Jason Myers m24 160
Chris Tamez m27 169

10:00 AM – Pit 2

Intermediate - Opening @11’3 Gender/Age PR

Heidi Holloway f20 116
Kellie Delka f19 116
Seth Arnold m14 136
Jonathan Johnson m15 136
Mike Cantu m31 130
Daniel Cudzilo m18 126
Bubba Sparks m53 116
Hayden Nichols m16 116
Scott Shaffer m15 113
Marc Herns m50 113
Chris Munger m18 113
Dirk Boedeker m16 130
Brandon Wynne m17 136
Terry Porter m54 150
Pedro Rodriguez m23 147
Trey Mohr m19 140
Eric Frawley m16 140
Bob Crites m52 00

1:00 PM – Pit 1

Emerging Elite – Opening @12’2/16’2 Gender/Age PR

Brian Hunter m27 1810 Adam Keul m27 189
Erica Bartolina f27 146
Eric Eshbach m26 184
Geoff Fairbanks m28 182
Jeremy Hull m28 182
Randy Flach m24 180
Bobby Most m23 180
Sam Pribyl m24 179
Matt Adkisson m22 176
Adam Pierson m24 174
Alex Bentley m19 1610
Jared Tuel m19 167
Wade Hayes m19 166
Paul Turner m23 166
Will Paine m19 166
Jessica Blair f22 124

1:00 PM – Pit 2

Novice - Opening @8’3 Gender/Age PR

Janet Stokes f16 96
Senna Lasater f15 96
Danielle Arnold f15 96
Leticia Arnold f15 96
Taylor Callahan f15 86
Lisa Turner f17 111
Kayla Kirk f17 110
Sammy Nash f18 110
Bonner Wren f14 110
Rachel Demny f16 106
Antoinette Conchin f17 106
Dominique Robles f17 100
Jannah Evans f18 100
Lauren Marks f19 100
Andi Williamson f18 00
Mary Henson f15 100
Steven Warr m66 96
Brazos Bonner m13 96
Don Arnold m50 90
Justin Fondon m16 116
Michael McGee m14 100
Malachi Bauman m14 00
Larry Bonnett m58 100

4:00 PM – Pit 1

High School Elite – Opening@10’4/14’4 Gender/Age PR

Maston Wallace 18 175
Jessica Doyle f16 129
Ari Ince f18 126
Joe Farley m18 166
Blaine Bassler m17 164
Aly Daily f16 123
Zac Givens m18 160
Alysia Scott f18 120
Derek Schutz m18 159
Morgan Lancaster f17 120
Austyn Rapp f15 116
Jennifer Day f18 116
Sage Lasater f17 116
Dillard Glass m18 152
Cutter Bernhard m17 150
Joshua Hyde m18 150
Bryan Brown m18 150
Aaron De Noble m17 146

4:00 PM – Pit 2

Beginner – Opening @ 5’3 Gender/Age PR

Courtney Harris f18 86
Helen Croskell f34 86
Sarah Korn f15 80
Brianna Simpson f14 76
Kierstan Garlington f14 76
Kally Long f11 76
Julie Shaffer f42 70
Catherine Chenault f13 67
Bailey Browder f12 66
Brianna Abreo f13 66
Aurelie' Spencer f12 40
Calie' Spencer f11 40
Callie Hadobas f13 00
Christina Briskey f15 00
Nathalie Doyle f14 00
Matt Day m11 70
Connor Mendoza m0 00
Brad De Noble m10 00
Buddy Johnson m15 00
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Unread postby achtungpv » Sun Jun 03, 2007 7:32 am

I'm sure official results will be posted soon but Adam Keul easily cleared 18'4 1/2" and attempted a PR 5.71 (18-8 3/4). He had plenty of height but had slight blow throughs on his attempts. I had to leave right before the elite HS ended but Joseph Farley cleared at least 16'9" for a PR.
"You have some interesting coaching theories that seem to have little potential."

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Unread postby Bubba PV » Sun Jun 03, 2007 7:59 am

I had a blast! Thanks Kris and Lone Star!! Bubba
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Unread postby CowtownPV » Sun Jun 03, 2007 2:50 pm


2007 San Marcos River Vault
June 2, Sewell Park, San Marcos

Thanks to Gregory Zarate for this report.

Mixed Pole Vault Advanced
Name Year Team Finals Points
1 18 Hamilton, Clay Unattached 15-09.00
2 20 Myers, Jason Unattached J15-09.00
3 13 Ventura, Dan Unattached 15-03.00
4 122 Frawley, Vince Unattached 14-09.00
5 3 Duckworth, Scott Unattached 14-03.00
6 7 Mahnke, Michael Unattached J14-03.00
7 128 Williams, Tom Unattached J14-03.00
8 111 Taylor, David Unattached J14-03.00
9 19 Garza, Nick Unattached J14-03.00
9 9 Stafford, Garrett Unattached J14-03.00
11 6 Spurlock, Cason Unattached 13-09.00
11 2 Pikla, Casey Unattached 13-09.00
11 123 Tomasini, Thomas Unattached 13-09.00
11 116 Windham, Nick Unattached 13-09.00
15 12 Herns, Brewster Unattached 13-03.00
15 127 Barnhart, Wes Unattached 13-03.00
15 8 Arnold, Zach Unattached 13-03.00
15 5 Blanchette, Thomas Unattached 13-03.00
15 11 Timm, Travis Unattached 13-03.00
-- 10 Riley, Chase Unattached NH
-- 84 Hyde, Joshua Unattached NH

Mixed Pole Vault Intermediate
Name Year Team Finals Points
1 33 Wynne, Brandon Unattached 13-03.00
2 32 Munger, Chris Unattached 12-09.00
2 27 Cudzilo, Daniel Unattached 12-09.00
2 112 Yeager, Jace Unattached 12-09.00
5 37 Frawley, Eric Unattached J12-09.00
6 25 Johnson, Jonathan Unattached J12-09.00
7 24 Arnold, Seth Unattached J12-09.00
8 28 Sparks, Bubba Unattached 12-03.00
8 26 Cantu, Mike Unattached 12-03.00
8 31 Herns, Marc Unattached 12-03.00
11 38 Crites, Bob Unattached 11-09.00
11 124 Golibart, Paul Unattached 11-09.00
13 126 McINtyre, Larry Unattached 11-03.00
-- 113 Boedeker, Dirk Unattached NH
-- 115 Sawyer, Drake Unattached NH
-- 34 Porter, Terry Unattached NH
-- 30 Shaffer, Scott Unattached NH
-- 39 Delka, Kellie Unattached NH

Mixed Pole Vault Novice
Name Year Team Finals Points
1 118 Wren, Bonner Unattached 11-09.00
2 133 Le, Lie Unattached J11-09.00
3 30 Shaffer, Scott Unattached J11-09.00
4 73 Mendoza, Connor Unattached 11-03.00
5 76 Bonnett, Larry Unattached 10-09.00
6 61 Nash, Sammy Unattached J10-09.00
7 59 Turner, Lisa Unattached J10-09.00
8 60 Kirk, Kayla Unattached 10-03.00
8 70 Bonner, Brazos Unattached 10-03.00
10 119 Lancaster, Morgan Unattached J10-03.00
10 65 Evans, Jannah Unattached J10-03.00
10 40 Holloway, Heidi Unattached J10-03.00
10 74 McGee, Michael Unattached J10-03.00
10 93 Lasater, Sage Unattached J10-03.00
15 69 Warr, Steven Unattached 9-09.00
15 62 Demny, Rachel Unattached 9-09.00
15 64 Robles, Dominique Unattached 9-09.00
15 66 Marks, Lauren Unattached 9-09.00
19 58 Callahan, Taylor Unattached 9-03.00
19 67 Williamson, Andi Unattached 9-03.00
19 55 Lasater, Senna Unattached 9-03.00
22 54 Stokes, Jaynellen Unattached 8-09.00
22 75 Bauman, Malachi Unattached 8-09.00
22 57 Arnold, Danielle Unattached 8-09.00
-- 68 Henson, Mary Unattached NH
-- 132 Smith, Shane Unattached NH
-- 72 Fondon, Justin Unattached NH

Mixed Pole Vault Emerging Elite
Name Year Team Finals Points
1 44 Keul, Adam Unattached 5.60m
2 117 Adkinsson, Matt Unattached 5.37m
3 48 Flach, Randy Unattached 5.22m
4 51 Pribyl, Sam Unattached J5.22m
5 46 Fairbanks, Geoff Unattached 5.07m
6 130 Dennis, Kyle Unattached J5.07m
7 47 Hull, Jeremy Unattached 4.92m
8 22 Turner, Paul Unattached J4.92m
9 16 Cummings, Casey Unattached J4.92m
10 129 Altenberg, Cory Unattached 4.70m
11 131 Dorsey, Danielle Unattached 3.70m
-- 14 Tuel, Jared Unattached NH
-- 42 Blair, Jessica Unattached NH
-- 45 Eshbach, Eric Unattached NH
-- 23 Paine, Will Unattached NH
-- 52 Pierson, Adam Unattached NH
-- 53 Bentley, Alex Unattached NH
-- 49 Most, Bobby Unattached NH

Mixed Pole Vault High School Elite
Name Year Team Finals Points
1 78 Farley, Joe Unattached 16-09.00
2 88 Ince, Ari Unattached J12-02.00
3 79 Bassler, Blaine Unattached J16-02.00
4 89 Daily, Aly Unattached J11-08.00
5 87 Doyle, Jessica Unattached J11-08.00
6 81 Schutz, Derek Unattached J15-08.00
7 85 Brown, Bryan Unattached J15-08.00
8 90 Scott, Alysia Unattached J11-08.00
9 91 Rapp, Austyn Unattached J11-02.00
9 86 De Noble, Aaron Unattached J15-02.00
11 92 Day, Jennifer Unattached J11-02.00
12 80 Givens, Zac Unattached J15-02.00
13 83 bernhard, Cutter Unattached J14-02.00
13 11 Timm, Travis Unattached J14-02.00
-- 6 Spurlock, Cason Unattached NH
-- 82 Glass, Dillard Unattached NH
-- 77 Wallacw, Maston Unattached NH

Mixed Pole Vault Beginner
Name Year Team Finals Points
1 94 Harris, Courtney Unattached 9-03.00
2 103 Abreo, Brianna Unattached 8-09.00
3 110 Johnson, Buddy Unattached J8-09.00
4 101 Chenault, Catherin Unattached 8-03.00
5 96 Korn, Sarah Unattached J8-03.00
6 107 Briskey, Chrstina Unattached 7-09.00
7 100 Shaffer, Julie Unattached J7-09.00
8 120 Doyle, Nathlaie Unattached J7-09.00
9 95 Croskell, Helen Unattached 7-03.00
9 102 Browder, Bailey Unattached 7-03.00
9 98 Garlington, Kierst Unattached 7-03.00
9 99 Long, Kally Unattached 7-03.00
9 97 Simpson, Brianna Unattached 7-03.00
14 108 Day, Matt Unattached 6-09.00
15 105 Spencer, Calie Unattached 6-03.00
15 121 Schwarz, Caroline Unattached 6-03.00
15 104 Spencer, Aurelie Unattached 6-03.00
18 109 De Noble, Brad Unattached 5-02.00
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Unread postby achtungpv » Sun Jun 03, 2007 7:54 pm

It should be noted that Bonner Wren (11'9") was a female 8th grader this season (and is still female actually). :yes:
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masters vaulters from the San Marcos River Vault

Unread postby mcantu3814 » Sun Jun 03, 2007 11:53 pm

I'm currently uploading videos from the river vault. Most of the clips are from the masters vaulters.

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Unread postby invert07 » Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:45 pm

great meet fast runways great music thanks for having all of us come down there and have a blast kris!
sic 'em!!

Today, talent alone is not enough.

-sergey bubka-

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Unread postby invert07 » Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:21 pm

does anyone have any video of the highschool elite division??
sic 'em!!

Today, talent alone is not enough.

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Unread postby belmore » Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:44 pm

two quick shout outs to the river vault. Kris Allison and his crew put on one heckuva show, they work their tails off to get this thing up and running and then break it all back down and leave the park cleaned up for the next day. Outstanding effort on their part. Thanks Kris and gang. Second bit of recognition to that little girl from Whitney, Wren Bonner, 8th grader jumping ll'9 from a 5 step. That was pretty impressive. Great day.
compete and jump safe, have fun

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Unread postby Bubba PV » Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:11 am

Great call Brian and totally agree. But NONE of these events would roll with the precision they do without you Buddy!! Great job to you and all your helpers!! Bubba
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Unread postby SweetPVJumps » Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:51 am the 8th graders all time PR 11' 9"? or has she gone higher

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