Summer camps, Skyjumpers v. Slippery Rock

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Summer camps, Skyjumpers v. Slippery Rock

Unread postby ACvault » Sun Apr 29, 2007 3:08 pm

Hi, last year I went to the skyjumpers camp in Kutztown, PA and I am now trying to figure out where I might want to go this year. I could go back to skyjumpers but I am also wondering if anyone here has gone to the slippery rock camp and if they have any feedback? Or even better if you could compare the two camps. The skyjumpers camp did help me quite a bit, I went from a 9'0 sophomore and I am currently and 11'6 junior. Thanks

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Unread postby KYSEAMAN » Sun Apr 29, 2007 4:42 pm

I have never been to slippery rock but I think this year Allan Launder will be there, and any chance you get to be coached by him you should take full advantage of it. I have also been to skyjumpers and its a really fun time...but I would choose Slippery Rock
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Unread postby ACvault » Sun Apr 29, 2007 7:15 pm

Ok, here's what I'm considering

Slippery Rock

Slippery rock looked pretty good except i live in baltimore and it is 5 hours away

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Unread postby MightyMouse » Tue May 01, 2007 2:57 pm

ACvault wrote:Ok, here's what I'm considering

Slippery Rock

Slippery rock looked pretty good except i live in baltimore and it is 5 hours away

Slippery Rock is a blast. Lots of vaulting + be prepared for long technique lectures. :yes:

**I dont think Alan will be there for the guys section
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Unread postby VTechVaulter » Tue May 01, 2007 10:54 pm

MightyMouse wrote:
ACvault wrote:Ok, here's what I'm considering

Slippery Rock

Slippery rock looked pretty good except i live in baltimore and it is 5 hours away

Slippery Rock is a blast. Lots of vaulting + be prepared for long technique lectures. :yes:

**I dont think Alan will be there for the guys section

also be prepared for them to use massive taps and tell you how great it is your up poles. ive heard way to many horrer stories about them out there. i personally have grown up on the sky jumpers system. i have a lot of respect for jan and his ability to teach the vault. however in the area it seems like your looking, if you want to try something other than sky jumpers, i would give Mike Lawryk a ring.

i dont know if hes doing camps at the moment, but hes got lots of vault times at his place.
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Unread postby wannaflyhigh20 » Wed May 02, 2007 7:16 am

burning bridges again? as a stugglin vaulter tryin to move to the next level why would you burn bridges with some of the most influential people in the event/? this cant help your cause. opinions = good but try to express it in a professional matter. whats another bridge burnt??

my coach sent me my friend to slippery rock (i got sick and couldnt go) and that stuff not true bout them.

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Unread postby VTechVaulter » Wed May 02, 2007 1:18 pm

i have had former teammates and many friends go to his camp, and vault for him at slipeery rock. all have had the same things to say.. i have also watched many of his vaulters at different points throughout the last few years. im not saying a lot of the things he does aren't good, just watch out for that

as for my bridge burning, would u care to elaborate on who im not on good terms with. the only person i have had any real debates on here with is altius, and we happen to stay in touch outside of pvp on a regular basis and i continue to learn a great deal from him.
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Unread postby MightyMouse » Wed May 02, 2007 3:35 pm

VTechVaulter wrote:i have had former teammates and many friends go to his camp, and vault for him at slipeery rock. all have had the same things to say.. i have also watched many of his vaulters at different points throughout the last few years. im not saying a lot of the things he does aren't good, just watch out for that

It is one of the largest pole vaulting camps and there are numerous coaches running 4-5 pits. So there is a slightly variance on quality of coaching, From all of my experiences there it was safe.
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Unread postby sooch90 » Thu May 03, 2007 10:40 pm

VTechVaulter wrote:
MightyMouse wrote:
ACvault wrote:Ok, here's what I'm considering

Slippery Rock

Slippery rock looked pretty good except i live in baltimore and it is 5 hours away

Slippery Rock is a blast. Lots of vaulting + be prepared for long technique lectures. :yes:

**I dont think Alan will be there for the guys section

also be prepared for them to use massive taps and tell you how great it is your up poles. ive heard way to many horrer stories about them out there. i personally have grown up on the sky jumpers system. i have a lot of respect for jan and his ability to teach the vault. however in the area it seems like your looking, if you want to try something other than sky jumpers, i would give Mike Lawryk a ring.

i dont know if hes doing camps at the moment, but hes got lots of vault times at his place.

Wait, what do you mean by "massive taps" and "up poles"??

I'm sort've debating the same thing. Fiber Benders, Vertical Assault, and skyjumpers. Hmm... I'm sort've leaning towards Vertical Assault because I've jumped there before and I know they're great.

However, my teammates are leaning towards fiber benders, so blahh.

My other 2 options are A). Ask for the pole vaulting coach at my school to train me throughout the summer (he coaches softball during spring so I can't really get any coaching now). or B). go to anther places called HIP Athletics and jump throughout the summer.

I might do a combination, but I'm not sure yet.

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Unread postby CLCPV04 » Sat May 05, 2007 8:31 am

Vertical Assault has a camp the end of July -->

No current Vertical Assault club members are allowed to go the Vertical Assault overnight camp because they want to save the spots for kids who cannot normally come, and they want the current club kids to go to another camp to get a different perspective on their vault.

Vertical Assault sends kids to both Slippery Rock and Sky Jumpers. Both are well run camps, and teach along the same lines. Both are good camps for learning and improving your vault.

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Unread postby big10jumper » Sat May 05, 2007 9:06 pm

fyi... i went to slippery rock, enjoyed it WAS SAFE and had a good time. id go back if i had the money! care to donate???!!

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slippery rock

Unread postby ALYpolevault » Sun May 06, 2007 5:02 pm

the slippery rock camp is really really good they cram like months of training into a week. its really nice. our coach sends us up there and then he goes up that week and helps out. the only complaint ive ever heard about it is that if you're lefty (like me) they might try and switch you to righty just because

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