Bubka vs Warmerdam

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Unread postby dj » Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:45 pm


maxvault you are actually onto a valid point..

because of the shorting of the fiberglass pole bubka kept his mass lower than wamerdam without having to drop a leg..

this is why i have stated a vault should move "in" before/instead of going up imediately at takeoff.. the way tim mack did on the 5.90 jump and most of his jumps..

he is taking advantage of the "metronome" effect and the "shorting/lengthing of the cord of the pole.. and i need to add

very effectively..

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Unread postby jcoover » Thu Mar 15, 2007 3:32 pm

by the way... where do i order myself a copy of this "100 bubka jumps" dvd? i definitely need a copy in my collection.
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Unread postby dj » Fri Mar 16, 2007 4:59 pm


i think i showed this video to earl bell and guy kochel... in 1974.. it was on 16 mil.. and i played it on a football projector.. it had a lot of training stuff also.. like high bar ..etc...

i projected a lot of jumps onto paper on the wall and drew stick figures to show earl where we thought he should forcus his technique.....

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Unread postby achtungpv » Fri Mar 16, 2007 5:56 pm

jcoover wrote:by the way... where do i order myself a copy of this "100 bubka jumps" dvd? i definitely need a copy in my collection.

contact david butler at rice.
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Re: Bubka vs Warmerdam

Unread postby agapit » Thu May 03, 2007 11:01 am

dafox wrote:I had an epiphany a few months ago, and finally got around to doing something regarding my (!!) idea.

I ordered '100 Bubka Jumps' DVD from Dave Butler last year. I was watching it one day and about 15min into it I started to zone out. Not really paying attention, but watching. And as I saw the forest from the trees, I realized something... he's doing the same damn thing over and over and over. BUT I've seen this before....where? OH! I know! WARMERDAM does the SAME FREAKING JUMP. So I pulled up video of him and viola!

so, with the magic of video editing software, I present to you Bubka vs Warmerdam:
Unfortunately I cant get it to loop forever in the main Youtube window, so I'm going to link this which is probably fullscreen (since we cant embed it here), but this will loop: http://www.youtube.com/v/LKfdIDdt67Q&loop=1

If you'd like to download the actual video, let me know. I can post it.

The bubka vid is from the above mentioned DVD (I suggest buying it from Dave! He's done some great things and its a way to say thank you). The warmerdam clip can be found on numerous videos (including the DVD above). Warmerdam's vid has been flipped (hes not left handed) btw.

Thank you for your excellent comment and observation. Where can I buy the DVD?
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Unread postby dafox » Thu May 03, 2007 11:56 am

PM'd you his email. I wont post it here to save him from spammers :)

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Unread postby VFG » Thu May 10, 2007 9:22 pm

How can one purchase that "100 Bubka Jumps" DVD? -
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Unread postby dafox » Thu May 10, 2007 10:27 pm


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Unread postby Siros » Thu May 10, 2007 10:30 pm

Wow, hey, I was wondering........would you by chance be willing to upload the videos so that I may be able to download them lolz. I would order them online, but my folks will never in a million years let me order something off of the net. If not then can you direct me to some really good video databases.

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Unread postby dafox » Thu May 10, 2007 10:51 pm

Siros wrote:Wow, hey, I was wondering........would you by chance be willing to upload the videos so that I may be able to download them lolz. I would order them online, but my folks will never in a million years let me order something off of the net. If not then can you direct me to some really good video databases.

www.stabhoch.com is probably the best one. www.neovault.com has some as well. I have a few talks on my google videos: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 9846&hl=en (click the 'From User' on the right to see the others I've uploaded)

I dont own the rights to the DVD, and I'm sure David would give you his phone number if you wanted to talk to the guy who's selling it to ya. He's a real person, I can vouch for him. In fact, you can see him talk in that google video link above :) I'll PM you his email if you'd like to contact him.

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Unread postby Siros » Thu May 10, 2007 11:01 pm

Ok, I will. Thanks.

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