World's fastest human

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Unread postby jumpbackin » Wed Oct 25, 2006 4:07 pm

There are sprint guys on sites like Sub10, and that have all the 10 meter splits of every big race. I cn't remember the exact numbers, but, history's elite 100m runners all have faster 10 meter splits than MJ. In other words, they reach a faster top speed. Usually obtained on the 50-60m split.

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Unread postby Polevaultgirly16 » Sat Dec 09, 2006 4:23 am

I was just wondering if anyone can say someone is the fast man ever because there were hundred of years where they didnt document races and speeds. Think about way back to the first olympic games where the romans raced or when there was slavery and african americans couldnt compete in any sports... just being logical but i dont really think anyone can prove the fastest man ever. Also, im sure there are hundreds of people who never even ran that could have been amazing... just a thought
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Unread postby Scott Go Pre » Sun Dec 10, 2006 1:02 am

On August 8th, 1992 in Barcelona, Spain, the American Men's 4x100m relay team had the fastest recorded time in the 100m for any one person. Carl Lewis, the anchor leg, ran a recorded 8.85 sec.

8.85 seconds in the 100m = 11.2994m/s

Compared to MJ's 10.2354m/s; that is a difference of 1.10395m/s.

Carl Lewis was interviewed after running that 4x100 relay about his speed. He stated, "I just wanted to prove to everyone that I am the fastest man ever."
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Unread postby LHSpolevault » Sun Dec 10, 2006 11:06 am

Scott Go Pre wrote:On August 8th, 1992 in Barcelona, Spain, the American Men's 4x100m relay team had the fastest recorded time in the 100m for any one person. Carl Lewis, the anchor leg, ran a recorded 8.85 sec.

8.85 seconds in the 100m = 11.2994m/s

Compared to MJ's 10.2354m/s; that is a difference of 1.10395m/s.

Carl Lewis was interviewed after running that 4x100 relay about his speed. He stated, "I just wanted to prove to everyone that I am the fastest man ever."

:eek: :eek: :eek:

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Unread postby blistex720 » Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:33 am

some humans are pretty fast i know
Last edited by blistex720 on Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread postby bvpv07 » Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:52 am

I believe that she is saying that there is no way that we can ever definitively know who was or is the fastest person in the world since we are unable to have the data on every single person who has ever sprinted.
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Unread postby vaultmd » Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:08 pm

blistex720 wrote:
Polevaultgirly16 wrote:I was just wondering if anyone can say someone is the fast man ever because there were hundred of years where they didnt document races and speeds. Think about way back to the first olympic games where the romans raced or when there was slavery and african americans couldnt compete in any sports... just being logical but i dont really think anyone can prove the fastest man ever. Also, im sure there are hundreds of people who never even ran that could have been amazing... just a thought

What are you saying? The ancients were running around putting up 9.6 100's?

I'm sure there were some people that ran pretty fast with animals chasing them. They probably didn't have time to set up the auto timing device.

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Unread postby ashcraftpv » Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:29 pm

Scott Go Pre wrote:On August 8th, 1992 in Barcelona, Spain, the American Men's 4x100m relay team had the fastest recorded time in the 100m for any one person. Carl Lewis, the anchor leg, ran a recorded 8.85 sec.

8.85 seconds in the 100m = 11.2994m/s

one thing to keep in mind with 4x100 splits are that they are a very subjective thing. Was this an FAT split? Where did they determine his starting point to be: at 100m from te finsih or when he got the baton? You also get a rolling start in the 4x1. I ran a 9.5 split in High School, but that was hand timed and I got the baton at the very end of the exchange zone. Not knocking Carl's speed or achievements, but I always take 4x1 splits with a grain of salt...
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Unread postby Scott Go Pre » Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:57 pm

ashcraftpv wrote:one thing to keep in mind with 4x100 splits are that they are a very subjective thing. Was this an FAT split? Where did they determine his starting point to be: at 100m from te finsih or when he got the baton? You also get a rolling start in the 4x1. I ran a 9.5 split in High School, but that was hand timed and I got the baton at the very end of the exchange zone. Not knocking Carl's speed or achievements, but I always take 4x1 splits with a grain of salt...

This was done at the 1992 Olympics, in Barcelona. And generally, the times are from when the baton crosses the 100m marks.
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Unread postby vault3rb0y » Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:44 pm

theres a big different between fastest man from START to finish and fastest man AT the finish. Fastest man START to finish would be determined by acceleration speed and fastest man AT the finish would be determined by m/sec. Take your pick.
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Unread postby newPVer » Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:09 am

and the 8.85 is the 100m he ran when he was already moving when he hit the start. it usually takes about .4-.5 for a sprinter to get to full speed, and that time on the 8.85 would give hi, 9.3ish. that is incrediably fast, but who is to say that there wasnt anyone faster?
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