WORST Vault Article I think I have EVER SEEN

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Unread postby BethelPV » Fri Oct 27, 2006 10:53 pm

Sorry man, I do appreciate the loaning at Nationals though... by the way congrats on a successful indoor campaign last year man! Hope to see you at the top again this year! Are you going to Reno? If so, I will see you there!

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Unread postby bel142 » Mon Oct 30, 2006 6:11 pm

Ive heard worse... But not by much.... :(

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Unread postby saraf » Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:08 pm

BethelPV wrote:Sorry man, I do appreciate the loaning at Nationals though... by the way congrats on a successful indoor campaign last year man! Hope to see you at the top again this year! Are you going to Reno? If so, I will see you there!


I will see you there! :yes:

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Unread postby baggettpv » Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:52 am

When you stand flat footed and stright up! the pole tip is 3 to 6 inches away from the back of the box. When you extend upward as high as you can reach and push with the takeoff foot the pole tip then will touch or be very close to touching the back of the box. Haha thus making the 5'9" guy now 6 feet tall! I wish I would have done this when I was jumping!

My thoughts.

Rick Baggett

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Re: Takeoff....

Unread postby saraf » Tue Oct 31, 2006 3:46 pm

baggettpv wrote:When you stand flat footed and stright up! the pole tip is 3 to 6 inches away from the back of the box. When you extend upward as high as you can reach and push with the takeoff foot the pole tip then will touch or be very close to touching the back of the box. Haha thus making the 5'9" guy now 6 feet tall! I wish I would have done this when I was jumping!

My thoughts.

Rick Baggett

SWEET if i can only do that then I will be 5'9" at take off!!

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Re: Takeoff....

Unread postby Tim McMichael » Wed Nov 01, 2006 10:54 am

baggettpv wrote:When you stand flat footed and stright up! the pole tip is 3 to 6 inches away from the back of the box. When you extend upward as high as you can reach and push with the takeoff foot the pole tip then will touch or be very close to touching the back of the box. Haha thus making the 5'9" guy now 6 feet tall! I wish I would have done this when I was jumping!

My thoughts.

Rick Baggett

Here are some thoughts I posted on this very subject a while back. To do what you are describing you have to set up for it in your run, which is not easy. This is how we did it in Oklahoma back in the day.

The best measurement of plant height is the distance between the top hand and the takeoff foot the instant the pole starts to bend. It is best when this happens just as the toe leaves the ground. For most vaulters this happens while the foot is flat on the ground. This makes a huge difference in plant height.

I found that when I got as tall as possible while still being able to accelerate coming in to the plant that this was easier to accomplish. I did this by pulling my abs in and my chest up and then slightly shortening my stride as I came in to the takeoff. This made me feel that my foot strike was more beneath me than in front. I was able to accelerate while doing this because as I got taller my turnover increased by more than enough to compensate for the slight decrease in stride length. I also inhaled as much as possible just before takeoff to spread my ribcage and gain a few more centimeters of reach. In my experience, if there is any slack in the body when the pole hits the back of the box, that slack must be taken out before the vaulter can leave the ground. This is an energy leak. The pole is bending and nothing positive is happening to the athlete. The pole and the vaulter become mistimed, the trail leg is short, and the swing is late, and all kinds of awful things result; anything from flagging out to coming up short.

This is different from the long jump takeoff in that there is no deliberate penultimate step. It is about getting tall and then driving in and up off of that tall position. The ideal feeling is that you get lighter and taller and faster coming in to takeoff till you are so fast and light and stretched out that all you have to do is push the ground away without giving up anything in terms of forward momentum.

I once asked Mike Connolly about this technique, and he told me that this was the only other way to do a world class long jump besides the conventional method of lowering the center of gravity in the penultimate step and then jumping up off of the board. He also said that it was very rare.

Don Hood once asked how it was that Joe Dial and I had plants as tall as Billy Olson when we were so much shorter. It was a trade secret at that time so we didn’t tell, but this is how we did it.

This was long before the days of the free takeoff, and Bubka was still a total mystery, so take it for what it is worth. I suppose you could call this a proto-free takeoff. We were on the right track, and I wonder how these ideas would fit in with modern theories.

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Unread postby vault3rb0y » Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:24 pm

Very awesome, informing post. That just shows one of the tons of ways to improve your jumping by fine tuning things such as your breathing and exact take off to go higher. I cant wait to find tons more of these little tweaks that set a great vaulter apart from the best.
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Re: Takeoff....

Unread postby robillard » Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:56 pm

Tim McMichael wrote:
This was long before the days of the free takeoff, and Bubka was still a total mystery, so take it for what it is worth. I suppose you could call this a proto-free takeoff. We were on the right track, and I wonder how these ideas would fit in with modern theories.

what exactly is a free take off versus the old style of take off. what are the difference in the take off the vault etc when compared with how more modern day vaulters jump.

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Re: Takeoff....

Unread postby lonestar » Wed Nov 01, 2006 10:45 pm

robillard wrote:
Tim McMichael wrote:
This was long before the days of the free takeoff, and Bubka was still a total mystery, so take it for what it is worth. I suppose you could call this a proto-free takeoff. We were on the right track, and I wonder how these ideas would fit in with modern theories.

what exactly is a free take off versus the old style of take off. what are the difference in the take off the vault etc when compared with how more modern day vaulters jump.

Use the SEARCH button at the top. There have been about 100 threads discussing it.
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Unread postby altius » Thu Nov 02, 2006 3:25 am

Better still, buy a copy of Beginner to Bubka!! Sorry folks I couldnt resist it. :D :yes:
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Unread postby vault3rb0y » Thu Nov 02, 2006 3:51 am

No i like Tim better :). haha JUST KIDDING :yes:
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Unread postby SKOT » Thu Nov 02, 2006 11:48 am

altius wrote:Better still, buy a copy of Beginner to Bubka!! Sorry folks I couldnt resist it. :D :yes:

best idea yet!

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