All you math people...see if you can help me out.

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All you math people...see if you can help me out.

Unread postby hallvaulter » Thu Aug 31, 2006 12:13 pm

Ok, we are trying to get an indoor setup going in our auxilary gym. The gym is 84' by 92' usable. And the school dance team has a 40' by 40' mat that is in one of the corners. So basically, I need to know how much runway I can get and perhaps where to place the mats. So to generalize this a little more, we have a somewhat 'L' shaped area we can use. Any questions just repost. Could really use some help though.
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Unread postby bjvando » Thu Aug 31, 2006 12:30 pm

say you have 16' pits ( just a reference)

you can fit a 76' runway on the other side of the gym away from the dance teams mat.

You still have in the long section of the "L" 92' to work with- subtract the pit length from the 92' and thats how much length you have for the a 76' runway- could work some short run stuff.....

hope this makes sense :D
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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Thu Aug 31, 2006 12:36 pm

Can you put it in front of a door so you can start outside the gym? That's what our guys did.

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Unread postby Powervaulter » Thu Aug 31, 2006 12:41 pm

Set up the runway along the diagonal (not across the dance mat). Assuming that your runway is 3' wide, you can get 121.6' of runway in. Of course, that's with no pit. If you give me the dimensions of the pit (depth of the pit from the box to the end, and also the width), I can let you know what you'll have left for your runway.

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Unread postby hallvaulter » Thu Aug 31, 2006 5:49 pm

sorry, the pit is 21'6" x 23'4" x 28, link to picture and dimensions=

K, so you guys are on the right track. I figured out that i could get about 75' on the straightaway. Hoping to go the diagonal route. Thanks for all the help so far! :yes:

Also, not that it has anything to do with this, but I just got back from the doc and my back is healing great, and ill be able to start jumpin again in december!!! :D

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Unread postby Powervaulter » Fri Sep 01, 2006 1:07 am

You're left with 98.5' of runway, with those pits taken into consideration now. That's pretty good... most people can get at least 7 lefts in from there.

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