Bad Poles? Has anyone had experiences with them?

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Bad Poles? Has anyone had experiences with them?

Unread postby UAVLTR » Sat May 10, 2003 8:55 pm

A bit of background first. I'm a senior college vaulter. I jump on 15'6" Carbon FX's. The series we have that I jump on goes 16.8, 16.0, 15.5, and 15.0. My meet PR is 5.05m.

So here's the deal. In practice I usually end up jumping on the 16.0 for the majority of the time. In a meet though I tend to need stiffer poles for one reason or another. I jump on the 15.5, usually blow through with the standards at 80cm have to move the 15.0. Thing is, I've jumped on the 15.0 in 7 meets, and only cleared one bar on the thing. The pole shouldn't be that much different than the 15.5, just maybe a little quicker and straighten a little more vertical so I don't blow through. What happens though is that I get stood up and usually come straight down on the bar that's set with the standards at 55 or 60. I was talking to a very experienced vaulter at our meet today and he said something just a pole can just be bad. Something about it might not bend quite right, or the bend might be a bit lower than the rest of the poles in the series. I was just wondering if any experienced vaulter out there has had similar problems or should I just pull my head out of well ya know and figure out how to jump on that pole. Any comments or help would certainly be appreciated.

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Unread postby zack » Sat May 10, 2003 10:54 pm

I really don't think its possible for poles to go bad. Especially Carbon FXs. Maybe Brian can help you a little more.

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Unread postby das_1971 » Sat May 10, 2003 11:33 pm

UAVLTR, I had a 15'6 carbon pacer that seemed the same. It was bought in series and was completely different that any of the other poles. Jumping on it felt like jumping into an iron rod. The next pole up was okay, and the pole before it was okay too, just that one particular pole was.... off. It was heavy, off color, even carried funny on the run. it was in a series of 12 poles, and was the only one like that.

I wasn't in your competition with the particular vaulter you spoke with, but I can assume he ment that they can be recieved 'bad', sometimes with a funny bend. A pole cannot really go bad through age unless its been damaged or some of the lenght removed, and usually it will break very shortally afterward.

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Unread postby vaultguru6 » Sat May 10, 2003 11:34 pm

I'm on pretty much the same series as you, but haven't had a problem with it. This weekend I jumped 5.10 on a 15'6" 16.8, my first college PR! Next pole was a 16.5, went up and didn't really have a problem. I love the 15'6" poles, and have never really had a problem with them. Earlier in the season i was getting stood up by the 16.8, going straght up and then back down, but only a .5 change in flex shouldn't be that big of a problem, especially if your standards were at 80. i'd say its more of a pull your head out situation than anything else.

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Unread postby Decamouse » Sun May 11, 2003 6:35 am

Bad poles - possible but not high probability - if it was in the middle of the series and behaved radically different - then definitely get it re-checked - since it is the stiffest in the series - you may be hitting the point were your present speed, technique and confidence almost get you through the vault - tailwind or just one of those days that everything is clicking may be all it takes. If you want to stop in we could re-check it - if all else fails call and harass Brian -
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Unread postby Bruce Caldwell » Sun May 11, 2003 7:42 am

Yes confidence is another variable that bends poles.
This is the stiffest pole you have in your series it is the ADRENALINE POLE the difference between the 15.5 and the 15.0 is EST at 2 lbs stiffer. If your handgrip is the same on both poles you may not be ready for it. Or need to be more comfortable.

If you have a series then in most cases these are like poles. If the dates in the engraved area are drastically different then maybe there are some differences in runs of glass.
It has to be in the mind of the pilot. The Pole Vault is both physical and mental

In a few days or weeks you will pull that pole out and it will click.
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Unread postby UAVLTR » Sun May 11, 2003 9:57 am

Thanks for the replies. The series we have actually doesn't stop at 15.0 it keeps going down 3 more poles, 14.4, 13.8, and 13.4, I've just never jumped on any of them because of not really being able to jump safely on the 15.0. My one team mate jumped on them a little bit in the indoor season. He never said anything, but he was usually on the upper 3 poles because of his speed and weight. The dates on all of the poles are all either from April or May of last year. I appreciate the offer of having the pole retested, that would be great if there were time, but that's something I've almost run out of. I have our conference meet and then regionals, and of course nationals if I advance (anything's possible). I'm just trying to look and give myself the best possible situation to be in, and of course I don't want to end my career jumping drastically lower in meets than I do in practice. My first idea was to look at the video and check out what I was doing different from the softer poles to the 15.0, but since my coach was who knows where doing who knows what there was only one jump on tape on the 15.0. So I came here to ask you guys. Thanks again for your comments. I have 3-5 weeks, I guess it is just time to let it all out and do the best that I can with what God has given me to work with.

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Unread postby Bruce Caldwell » Mon May 12, 2003 10:34 am

You might look to see how the pole initially bends in the video. If it is a side view, see if you get the perfect arch in the pole? See if the pole bends low? If so change the angle of the takeoff more upward to eliminate the low bend that would cause you to not bend the pole over. This might improve all your vaults. Good luck.
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