Geezerjock magazine doing drugs -- seeks athlete input

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Geezerjock magazine doing drugs -- seeks athlete input

Unread postby TrackCEO » Wed May 03, 2006 12:06 pm

Geezerjock magazine is tackling the elephant in the living room -- the use of prescription drugs by masters athletes. Many of us take our medicine under doctor's orders. Some may have a more nefarious purpose. Geezerjock magazine wants to get to the bottom of all this, with real-life stories instead of whispered rumors. I've been asked to throw a net on the Net -- ask y'all to volunteer your own experiences as drug-takers. Geezerjock founder and editor Sean Callahan promises confidentiality to those who share stories that might subject them to the unwanted attentions of the USATF or WMA drug police.

Mainly, Sean wants to know: What prescription drugs do you take? For what ailments? How do these medications help your quality of life? Do you think they help (or hurt) your athletic performance?

Sean isn't picking on track and fielders alone. He hopes to gather stories from athletes in other masters sports. (So if you know a swimmer, baseball player or hoopster, for example, pass the word.)

Sean has been poking around this issue for years -- even before 2001. In fact, his article on the Kathy Jager doping ordeal was supposed to have appeared in the prestigious New York Times Magazine. But that fell through when 9/11 hit.

Eventually, he sold his article to Salon, which published it in July 2002.

More recently -- in late March 2006 -- Sean was interviewed for NPR's "All Things Considered." And he touched on drugs in masters sports there as well.

So Sean is serious.

Please lend a hand to the effort by writing him at

Tell 'im I sent you.

Ken Stone

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