The saga continues and I'm out for about 8 weeks

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The saga continues and I'm out for about 8 weeks

Unread postby souleman » Thu Jul 28, 2005 12:49 pm

Well? Seeing that I've bored you all to death with my "road to pole induced higher heights" I thought I'd fill you in on this one. I go in on the 11th of August to have a hernia fixed. Doc said that I wouldn't need to have it done if I wasn't luggin' band equipment around or foolish enough to be doing this pole vaulting thing. But seeing that the answer is affirmitive to both activities, I'm getting it fixed. I wrote Bubba about it and got him laughing about how "tunnel visioned" we all are in this sport. When the Doc asked me when I first noticed it I said, "Well? I felt it a little on my first attempt at 9' and it was about the same when I made 9'. Where I really noticed it was on my 2 attempts at 9'6". In fact, I had to withdraw cause it was hurtin' pretty bad". He looked at me with a smile on his face and said,"no Mike, I mean, how long ago as far as days or weeks ago did you first start noticing the discomfort"? This is a sickness isn't it? Anyway, I'll be down for a couple of weeks for sure and because Bubba's been down this road before he's going to give me a plan for getting back at it. Any other suggestions will definitely be considered and appreciated. Later...............Mike

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Unread postby ladyvolspvcoach » Thu Jul 28, 2005 1:29 pm

Mike sorry to hear about your injury...keep us updated!!

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Unread postby souleman » Thu Jul 28, 2005 3:25 pm

AAH shucks! It ain't nothin'. It only hurts when I laugh, cough and vault. Thanks Dave.

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Unread postby master » Fri Jul 29, 2005 5:11 pm

Hey Mike,

I've been away from the boards for a few days and I come back and read this news! What a bummer. At least you got yours doing things you like to do. When I got a hernia many years ago it was when I was trying to lift a concrete lid off the septic tank.

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Unread postby souleman » Mon Aug 15, 2005 11:16 am

Well? I got a new tire patch in my gut. I can't say it feels "really" good right now but I don't think it'll be too much time before I can start the training again. I talked with Bubba Sparks on Saturday and he told me that I should be able to start trotting in a couple of weeks. I'll be looking forward to that and the jumping again. I'll start with "running" the straights and walking the corners. When I get back I'll really concentrate on hitting a 33' mid with only 6 steps to take off holding at 9'10" for an 8 foot height. I measured it out in my back yard and man, that looks like a long way. But Bubba was telling me it really helps a guy like me who has always been "under" to get out. Back to the injury. I'm kinda getting a double whammy out of it. Not only do I get 6 to 8 sessions of PT for the hernia repair but the Doc also included my right hamstring in the order. Cool Huh? Sidenote, John, sorry you didn't jump as high as you normally do in Hawaii but still glad you had a good time. We'll all be ready for Reno. Right? Later..................Mike

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