Moving to Longer Poles

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Moving to Longer Poles

Unread postby Lagjump » Fri Mar 21, 2003 3:10 pm

Moving to the longer poles!
BOY did I goof!

I should have bought a range no matter the brand rather than all the same size!

I now have a bunch of poles all the same size that I am not going to use, I am doing so much better now and ready to move to a longer pole. I have to sell some poles to afford to buy more.

I have a SPIRIT 15-150-155-160 that runs light. Used less than one month I will sell those for $100.00 each

I have two NORDIC poles 14'9"-150-160 could not get on so they run stiff $100.00 each Like new

I have one PACER 15-150 and ESSX 15-151.8 lbs. That I will sell for $350.00 each. They are the best. However I have been more consistent on the ESSX poles. You will need to pay the freight so the more you buy from me the better the freight is.

I will accept the best offers!!!

If interested please write to first orders gets the poles.

Oh and yes Bruce I do like the new label it is hot! I will give you 7 more points. And by the way thanks for your support. You are correct about the change in my technique, I am now clearing the bar better and more consistently (16'5"). I get higher in the air on Pacer, but could not get the penetration I needed with those poles. I will be jumping on ESSX poles and will be ordering a 15'9" ESSX poles soon.

They are great poles!


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Unread postby PVJunkie » Fri Mar 21, 2003 4:01 pm

Share this insight into technique.................what did you do to improve on what you were doing before??

On a side note, you can decorate your own poles to make them "look" cool and personalize them. Go to your local harware store and find the tape section. They have tons of different colors and you can candy stripe them pretty easily. Most of the poles at the Skyjumpers club are spray painted. Some to identify them for stiffness others just to say they belong to Jan. Be careful though, never use abrasive or petroleum based products on the glass (not a good thing........).

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Unread postby Lagjump » Fri Mar 21, 2003 4:24 pm

I had a coach that told me that I wasn't driving the back of the box. so I keep driving the box and comming down on the bar. After I emailed Bruce he suggested that I jump with the pole rather than try to crush it, and explained how to leap and swing vault. Not only did the pacers work better, but the ESSX pole worked even better. After working two weeks with Bruce's suggestion, I now feel that I'm ready for a longer pole.
I've seen guys with extra tape of different colors, and designes on their poles, but doesn't that all that add weight to the pole? I don't think I would ever want to put paint on the pole either.

Thanks PoleVaultPower, this is a great web site. I've sold all of my poles except my Nordic Poles.

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Unread postby Bruce Caldwell » Fri Mar 21, 2003 4:28 pm

"They have tons of different colors and you can candy stripe them pretty easily.

I think TONS is the key word here that will add about 5-8 oZ. of weigh to the poles.

I do not recomend you brush or spray paint a pole.

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Fri Mar 21, 2003 4:29 pm

Lagjump wrote:P.S.
Thanks PoleVaultPower, this is a great web site. I've sold all of my poles except my Nordic Poles.

You're welcome :)

I've seen some pretty cool poles with spray paint... maybe I should try that sometime. Well this summer when I have my own poles to work with. I don't think my coach at UGA would appreciate me making our poles look pretty ;)

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Unread postby PVJunkie » Fri Mar 21, 2003 5:07 pm

the key to spray painting is not to paint the glass. I dont think anyone knows how it will effect the pole (if at all). if you paint over the TAPE though its not a problem.

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Thanks to this site I have sold all my poles

Unread postby Lagjump » Fri Mar 21, 2003 8:50 pm

WOW the people on here are hungry for poles. Man I sold two PACERS, one ESSX 350.00 each , One ALTIUS 150.00, 2 NORDIC 75.00 each, and 3 SPIRITS 100.00 each. sold the spitits within 5 seconds of my posting.

I now have money to buy longer poles.



Unread postby zack » Sat Mar 22, 2003 12:38 am


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