Alternative workouts for injured vaulters

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Alternative workouts for injured vaulters

Unread postby LPVG » Wed May 04, 2005 3:06 pm

I have a couple of injured vaulters (severe shin splints and Novicular joint inflammation) that do not allow them to run, much less jump. They are currently working through their injuries with podiatrists, and physical and massage therapists. They are making progress and are beginning to heal.

I am looking for some guidance on pool and stationary bike workouts so I can eliminate weight bearing exercises involving foot pressure and still keep them aerobically fit. Your suggestions would be most appreciated.


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Unread postby gbob » Thu May 05, 2005 1:23 pm


There are hundreds of drills, excercises and workouts you can do without putting added stress on your athletes legs and joints. Obviously nothing will compare to actually vaulting, but many gymnastics drills will keep them in the right state of mind as well as refine many other aspects of the vault.

There are obviously three factors I would say you need to consider: (I am sure there are probably more, but I am trying to simplify things here.) Strength conditioning, Aerobic (general) Conditioning and Gymnastics... You can usually fit an excercise or workout into one of those catagories when not actually vaulting.

I spend a great deal of time on each of those three when my athletes are injured or hurt in some way.

Obviously you should discuss rehab with your Athletic Trainers or team doctor if you have one, they will also have insight on what they should stay away from while using "alternate" training methods.

So, with all of that said, finding actual "alternate" training methods such as pool, gymnastics, weightroom, biking or any other kind of workout... looking for specifics... well, just search thru this forum, usually in the Technique Section you will find hundreds of ideas as well as many links to websites that actually show various drills and excercises. Just look for "pool vaulting" or "drills" for various gymnastics drills. For general conditioning in the pool, I am not sure I have seen a lot of workouts in any of the Vaulting websites... Maybe someone else can direct both of us in that direction? I can usually find some kind of workouts in a "running" website and tailor it to my vaulters needs.

I know I didnt answer specifics, but it should get you headed in the right direction.

Good Luck.


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Re: Alternative workouts for injured vaulters

Unread postby cstary » Wed May 11, 2005 5:25 pm

LPVG wrote:
I am looking for some guidance on pool and stationary bike workouts so I can eliminate weight bearing exercises involving foot pressure and still keep them aerobically fit. Your suggestions would be most appreciated.


General 20 min stationary bike workout (tempo+lactate)

1) light warmup spin for 5 min
2) 5X45 sec at 90rpm with medium resistance; 45 sec recovery
3) 5X15 to 20 sec at 100+ rpm with high resistance, 45 sec recovery
4) 5 min cool down spin for 5 min

I incorporate this workout throughout the season - very good for cadence/stride and leg strength. MAKE SURE full leg extension is made on the bike(i.e. seat high enough).


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