Russian Style Pole Vaulting..

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Russian Style Pole Vaulting..

Unread postby ShOcKaMaN » Sun Mar 20, 2005 5:30 pm

I read in an article that the Russian Method to Pole Vaulting is/has been know to be a more superior way to vaulting than the modernized vaulting methods here in America. The Bubka Russian Style Vaulting..which is typically one fluid movement from when the vaulter picks up the pole until he lands in the pit, is that the key to becoming a successful vaulter is to position the pole as high to the vertical as possible at take off. The tip of the pole is dropped into the MIDDLE of the box as the tip slides to-wards the back of the box the vaulter forcibly punches both hands high overhead and leaves the runway before the pole hits the back of the box, this increases the vaulters energy and the pre-jump enables the pole to reach its highest point vertically at the instant it hits the back of the box.
Does anyone know anything about this?? and what do you think about this method which i think is great because it has really helped my jumping alot.

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Unread postby KYLE ELLIS » Sun Mar 20, 2005 8:31 pm

I dont agree that thats the absolute best way and that is supreme to some american technique. You have to be a really good athlete to preform that type of jump therefor I dont think it is the best. Either you jump 18+ with the russian style or u dont jump higher than 16 and there is a reason for that. Vadim from KU had problems with that style but he did pop some big ones once or twice....
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Unread postby indestructo » Mon Mar 21, 2005 9:32 am

I'd have to disagree with Kyle on this one. I for one have achieved a pre-jump (free-takeoff) on a few occassions, and I've noticed a significant difference. Mind you this was 3 years ago, but I didn't have enough time left in the season to really work with it. I felt so much more power that it would have taken a couple weeks to really adjust the rest of my vault to properly use it.

Now, after reading up on this Petrov/Bubka techniques, I'm moving forward with introducing it to some of my more advanced jumpers. And correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Rick Suhr over in NY teaching a similar technique to his vaulters with absolutely amazing results??

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INteresting they call it Russian?

Unread postby Bruce Caldwell » Mon Mar 21, 2005 9:47 am

Dave Roberts Kjell Isakkson, Roland Carter, Hans Lagerqvist, Bill Smalley, Mike White,and Dennis Phillips worked on this method in 1973?

Besides is there still a Russia?

Dave Roberts use to say " It is like runing towards a tree limb, all one fluid moment, you jump up to it, hips go up and the rest happens. Next thing you know you are over the bar"
He was a Medical Student who called this sensation "Somasetic"
The feeling of adrenilene or a flush in the blood stream that runs to the Somasetic Cortex of the brain to activate all that has been learn, practiced, or programed!
Steve Smith who did not use the Method of jumping before the tip hits that back of the box use to describe the THe vault as a "continuos chain of links, when you feel this fear up the back of the neck you know you got it the chain pulled tight." He would feel this fear down the back of his neck 3-4 strides out.

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Unread postby KYLE ELLIS » Mon Mar 21, 2005 12:51 pm

Whats wrong with tim macks jump? his is more of my ideal jump with a free takeoff but not jumping up off the ground. Toby has a unique lead leg but he is very powerfull and effeciant. Thats why the usa has been 1&2 the last two olympics because we produce good athletes who are technically good. Some way better than others but still. My idea of the supreme effeciant vault was tim mcmicheal i doubt very many people on this board ever saw him jump, pat manson and chad harting were very good as well.
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Unread postby izzystikchik » Mon Mar 21, 2005 4:03 pm

Yes, i remember my coach telling me this, i think its called "Free Flight", i'm only a novice but i heard it does wonders if taught correctly and preformed perfectly,

Now are we saying that the american way of vaulting is when the take off and the tip of the pole making contact with the back of the box are happening at the same exact moment? I've also seen vaulters run under and into the pole as a means of making the pole bend more, which is more efficient?

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Unread postby vaulter894 » Mon Mar 21, 2005 8:05 pm

Yes, Rick does teach a free takeoff I know a few of his vaulter and they are fast and have these free takeoffs and get on some pretty big sticks. I personally believe that the free takeoff will get you the biggest results but as stated before, it changes the rest of your vault so it takes adjusting and some people don't have as much time or patience as others. just like if you take off inside it effects the rest of your vault with you getting put on your back quicker.. I think You have to find what is best for you or what you believe is best for you and then perfect it to your own way. As stated before, Toby has a slighlty different lead leg but he does it to perfection for himself IMO, Tim MAck's takeoff is different than Toby's and Bubkas russian take off but it works for him.

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Unread postby SlickVT » Mon Mar 21, 2005 9:52 pm

Pretty much anyone who coaches preaches free takeoff.

People who have/had free takeoffs:
Markov (The best you will ever see)

People who "American" style vault:

There are about an equal number, if not more 6 m vaulters in the second group than the first.

The vault of each individual kind of determines whether a free takeofff will benefit I think.

I, personally, vault much better when I am in the air before the pole hits.
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Unread postby izzystikchik » Mon Mar 21, 2005 11:14 pm

i'm confused, how does a "free flight" take off improve your jump? If anything i could see it help with forward penetration, but don't you travel forward for a good amount of time instead of upwards/forwards? feed back?

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Unread postby vaulter894 » Mon Mar 21, 2005 11:49 pm ... anova.html

hopefully these links will help if you are still having problems "seeing it" the way your jump is improved is that a larger angle is created when you have a free takeoff compared to an under or on one.

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Unread postby vaulter870 » Tue Mar 22, 2005 9:43 am

hmm i personaly find that it isnt really a certain style that any one group has but rather some things that eveyone has to do and then from there it is a persons own style cause we cant all jump alike
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Unread postby USMC Vaulter » Tue Mar 22, 2005 4:50 pm

SlickVT wrote:Pretty much anyone who coaches preaches free takeoff.

I'm gonna have to disagree on that one. There are a whole lot of coaches who dont 'preach' free takeoff. As a matter of fact, there are quite a few who say that you shouldnt jump at all during takeoff - but rather simply continue your run. It is actually an ongoing argument over which is the proper/best way to put the maximum amount of energy into the pole.

vaulter894 wrote:Yes, Rick does teach a free takeoff I know a few of his vaulter and they are fast and have these free takeoffs and get on some pretty big sticks. I personally believe that the free takeoff will get you the biggest results but as stated before, it changes the rest of your vault so it takes adjusting and some people don't have as much time or patience as others.

Rick Suhr does infact teach the Russian/eastern european method of vaulting, however I've reviewed some of Mary Saxers video footage and from what I can tell, she definitely isnt jumping with a free takeoff.

So basically it all comes down to personal preference, style, and abilities. You really cant write off either one since excellent vaulters (6m) have come from both groups (as SlickVT stated )

Just a couple things to think about.
Matthew Savini
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