Cross bar injuries

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Cross bar injuries

Unread postby skyshark177 » Thu Jan 06, 2005 4:47 am

Who here has ever felt the pain from the cross bar?

Landing on it with your back.

Hitting it with thier funny bone going over.

Having it land on your head.

I hate when that happens!!

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Unread postby lonestar » Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:20 am

Broke one under my back, right across my kidneys one time. Had a solid line of black and blue for 2 weeks.

A girl was putting a bar up one time and it fell off and hit her ear, splitting the top of it open. She needed stitches. Bled all over my new pit!
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Unread postby izzystikchik » Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:21 am

Oh, man, that is the story of my life there! The cross bar plays such a significant role. You when you clear it, then land on your back and watch the middle part wobble up and down while praying "please stay on please!" and if you're lucky it does.
But other times when you turn and you know you hit it you're like, "oh man, i knocked it off" then a second later it comes down to smack you in the face just to remind you that you missed.
I've seen a girl at my state meet sit on the cross bar and break it in half, he he, pretty funny.

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Unread postby ashcraftpv » Thu Jan 06, 2005 1:30 pm

i've split my chin open a couple of times by clipping it on the way over.....

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Unread postby indestructo » Thu Jan 06, 2005 5:27 pm

A friend of mine during our high school conference championships caught the crossbar with a knee, but the crossbar didn't come off the pegs.....its stayed there whle he came down, bending further and further, until it slipped off his knee..... The bar shot straight back up and caught him in the nose. You could literally see through his nose....sideways. Nasty injury.

As for me, I've snapped a few cheap ones landing on them, hurts for a few, but no big deal.

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Unread postby skyin' pimp » Thu Jan 06, 2005 5:56 pm

i was down jumpin' at "barrington's vaultin' palace" at a 16' bar, hit it on the way up, and i landed just before the crossbar on the very back of the pit, one side of the crossbar landed and whipped the other side down right across my funnybone on my left arm.. that was 4 years ago and to this day my elbow is f'ed.. it was painfully tingly for 3 weeks, i didn't like that injury
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Unread postby souleman » Thu Jan 06, 2005 6:10 pm

Ok, another "stone age" story from the old guy. Well ya see you young whippers, back in my day........(oh paalease!) anyway, the crossbars mostly came from Gill. they were steel or aluminum and they were triangle in shape. So when ya missed there were several ways to get conked, bonked, and generally mamed by that sucker when she came down. There were plenty of shin raspberrys from scraping on it going over and then to add insult to injury, that bugger would come spinnin' down and find multi places to inflicted bodily harm. . All (or most) of which I experienced. It would look those spinny things that the guys on those X-box "kill your oponent" games are throwin at each other. Worst though was when I wasn't looking where I was walking and I would step on the pointy end with my bare feet when it was laying on the ground......ouch!......and how embarrassing. Later.......Mike. (I pole vaulted in bare feet until I was a Jr. ,I think, Soph at least)

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Unread postby skyshark177 » Thu Jan 06, 2005 6:16 pm

The school I coach at has a bundle of those triangle shaped cross bars. When I first started jumping I had no idea what they were. Black and white striped, thought they were some kind of fencing.

I should start using them as bar lifts.

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Unread postby Axe » Thu Jan 06, 2005 7:16 pm

My freshman year i manged to stratle a crossbar. Sat on top of it for about a min. b4 it finally snapped. Man did that hurt i couldnt walk for about an hour.
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Unread postby jmayesvaultmom » Thu Jan 06, 2005 7:58 pm

Watched a kid one time at an indoor meet at Arkansas change the standards on one side while another put up the crossbar. The crossbar came off and hit the kid moving the standards in the head and KNOCKED HIM OUT!!!! Must've hit just right!
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A scripture that makes me think of all you girls and guys pole vaulting....

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Unread postby lonestar » Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:23 pm

skyshark177 wrote:The school I coach at has a bundle of those triangle shaped cross bars. When I first started jumping I had no idea what they were. Black and white striped, thought they were some kind of fencing.

I should start using them as bar lifts.

Bar lifts. Never hear that one before. New thread idea: all the various names for the things you put the bar up with.

We call them bar jacks.
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Unread postby skyshark177 » Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:22 pm

lonestar wrote:
skyshark177 wrote:The school I coach at has a bundle of those triangle shaped cross bars. When I first started jumping I had no idea what they were. Black and white striped, thought they were some kind of fencing.

I should start using them as bar lifts.

Bar lifts. Never hear that one before. New thread idea: all the various names for the things you put the bar up with.

We call them bar jacks.

Bar Jacks are a new one for me.

I've heard, bar raiser, bar lift, bar putter-upper ( lol ).

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