incorporating pv drills in gymnastics

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incorporating pv drills in gymnastics

Unread postby i_heart_pv » Tue Jan 04, 2005 9:50 pm

I go to this gymnastics place and I know of a couple things to do there to help me thing on the tramp, climbing up a rope and swinging up to get inverted...and some stuff on the bars....I was wondering if there is anything else i can do? And if there is anything else please describe in detail :) thanks

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Unread postby vaulter894 » Tue Jan 04, 2005 10:01 pm unfortunately it is in German but it shows some different gymnastic things, i like to use the rings to do swinging drills, and we also use the high bar to do bubkas

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Unread postby i_heart_pv » Tue Jan 04, 2005 11:24 pm

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Unread postby MightyMouse » Wed Jan 05, 2005 12:49 am

Thats an amazing site! thanks
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Unread postby GirlPoleVaulter87 » Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:21 am

I do pv gymnastics twice a week and it helps soo much!

I keep my flexibility by lots of gymnastics stretching and jump and flip on trampoline and floor for spatial awareness.

Bubkas and bar work outs are good but another good thing are handstand pushups.

Also rings are good, especially since i'm a girl so i need my upper body strength. They help shoulder stabalization muscles.

Another cool thing is to take a mini bar like waist high, and stand in front of it (not facing it) and do a back extention roll to practice clearing a bar, since pv is kind of like a blind landing in gymnastics. you don't really see the bar until your body is going over it.

Playin on the vault (gymnastics vault) is fun too.
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Unread postby souleman » Wed Jan 05, 2005 2:12 pm

Bubba Sparks has this at his web site. I don't know if this will link but punch it in. It looks like a great drill.
Yep it links direct. I just tried it.

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Unread postby vaulter894 » Wed Jan 05, 2005 4:32 pm

GirlPoleVaulter87 wrote:
Another cool thing is to take a mini bar like waist high, and stand in front of it (not facing it) and do a back extention roll to practice clearing a bar, since pv is kind of like a blind landing in gymnastics. you don't really see the bar until your body is going over it.

that is an excellent drill and i think that german website has videos of it if u are a visual learner like I am.

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Unread postby GirlPoleVaulter87 » Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:59 pm

I was pretty scared to try it at first but sucked it up and went. They are soo fun!

Good clearing the bar awareness
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