Unread postby fong520 » Tue Dec 28, 2004 2:32 pm
Robert schmitt wrote:swtvault wrote:In all actuality leg lifts are the complete opposite of ab exercises. The reason you feel the burn in your abs is because your lower back is contracting so hard that your abdominals are actually stretching! Really though, leg lifts in excess will actually weaken your abs. Usually what happens when people do those (or sit-ups incorrectly) in excess, they develop lordosis (sway back.) I know of several tests to check abdominal strength, and people that religously do those exercises tend to fall in the bottom of the barrel. I am not saying that leg lifts are bad, because lower back strength is extremely important! What I am saying is that a whole lot of people are under the impression that those are ab stengthening exercises. Ask any health proffesional, and you will probably get a similar response.
For most people they wouldn't consider it a low back exercise per say. You are 100% correct however. what you are working out by doing a "leg lift" (flexion at the hip) is the illiopsoas muscle or hip flexor not the abdominal muscle. The action of the abdominal is to bring the rib cage towards the pelvis by creating forward flexion in primarly the lumbar and thoracic spine it is physiologicaly impossible for the abdominal muscle to lift the leg, as soon as you start to move at the hip it is the hip flexor that is being used.
The hip flexor is the combination of two muscles the psoas muscle and illiacus muscle (sp)? the psoas muscle originates from the anterior portion of the lumbar spine inside the abdominal cavity(hence it could be considered a low back exercise)and will cause some flexion of the lumbar spine. As the psoas extends down to the femur from the lumbar spine it becomes continuous with the illiacus muscle which originates from the illium forming the illiopsoas muscle which inserts into the femor causing hip flexion (forward bending at the waist)
hmm so should i still do it to work my back out? like is it a good excercise that works well. or is it pointless to do and i should try adn find another excercise to do?.
i run, therefore im buff.