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A forum to discuss overall training techniques, nutrition, injuries, etc. Discussion of actual pole vault technique should go in the Technique forum.
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Unread postby saraf » Sun Nov 14, 2004 10:51 pm

I TOOK YOUR SPOT!!!! its not fair ... there is a frosh girl here that we bench and pull up and squat and all that stuff and run the 300 and 200 in about the same speed (shes a lil better then me in a bunch of em)... NOT FAIR .. i want to be as strong as a girl!!!

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Mon Nov 15, 2004 12:28 am

saraf wrote:I TOOK YOUR SPOT!!!! its not fair ... there is a frosh girl here that we bench and pull up and squat and all that stuff and run the 300 and 200 in about the same speed (shes a lil better then me in a bunch of em)... NOT FAIR .. i want to be as strong as a girl!!!

Yeah but you're actually a good pole vaulter, so they'll probably like you better :P

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Unread postby vaulter870 » Mon Nov 15, 2004 5:53 pm

poor saraf we have a kid like that. only probublem is that he is not a very good vaulter
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Unread postby BethelPV » Tue Nov 16, 2004 4:54 pm

Vaulter870, I have been reading results from all over the state and still haven't heard anything about you. No one from Novi last year was jumping anything high. I hope you do jump up there like you said, cuz Michigan vaulters need to be represented well... Good luck, and i hope you jump as high as you say you can :yes:
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Unread postby mikepv1 » Tue Nov 16, 2004 10:44 pm

Age: 9
Sex: Male
Height: 6'
Weight: 130
Body Fat: 2%
Bench: 540
Squat: 735
Clean: 320
40m: 3.9 with two broken legs, carrying a pole, and pulling a schoolbus (really sucked when I tried to stop)
Pull-Ups: 75 with one arm while doing calculus homework with the other (in accelerated courses)
Pole Vault PR: 6'
High Jump PR: 25'
Tan: Brownish Gold
Hobbies: Outdoing Casanova (severe hormonal imbalance)
Bra Size: 90PPP (to support my massive pecs)

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Unread postby vaulter870 » Tue Nov 16, 2004 11:00 pm

i know i am not in the results zach i only started to get good this summer
but i am doing well now that i finaly started to vault again and i am feeling pretty good about it and i am gunna leave it at that. ;)
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Unread postby mcminkz05 » Tue Nov 16, 2004 11:46 pm

BethelPV wrote:Vaulter870, I have been reading results from all over the state and still haven't heard anything about you. No one from Novi last year was jumping anything high. I hope you do jump up there like you said, cuz Michigan vaulters need to be represented well... Good luck, and i hope you jump as high as you say you can :yes:

Dont worry zach, there will sure be some representin' this year ;)
What have you done today to get better?

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Unread postby BethelPV » Wed Nov 17, 2004 10:38 am

Hey Vaulter870, are you Dan Coleman? Just wondering!!
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Unread postby vaulter870 » Thu Nov 18, 2004 9:45 am

no but i know him he is kinda lazy and the total opposite of me. I am Chris Machisak if you wanted to know. I dont know if Coleman is even going to be jumping as well as last year (11'6") cause he dosnt want to work out at all and isnt really taking all of the oppertunities to vault,lift,and train like i do.Oh well it gives me something to do trying to get him shape. ;)
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Unread postby pvalltheway » Tue Dec 14, 2004 7:37 pm

mikepv1 wrote:Age: 9
Sex: Male
Height: 6'
Weight: 130
Body Fat: 2%
Bench: 540
Squat: 735
Clean: 320
40m: 3.9 with two broken legs, carrying a pole, and pulling a schoolbus (really sucked when I tried to stop)
Pull-Ups: 75 with one arm while doing calculus homework with the other (in accelerated courses)
Pole Vault PR: 6'
High Jump PR: 25'
Tan: Brownish Gold
Hobbies: Outdoing Casanova (severe hormonal imbalance)
Bra Size: 90PPP (to support my massive pecs)


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Unread postby Lax PV » Mon Dec 27, 2004 9:26 pm

i was a lot stronger when i was in high school then I am now. I still lift pretty hard, but I guess my job on the team is to pole vault, not squat. I don't have a problem at all with backing off 20 pounds in order to do it smoother with a better range of motion. So of these maxes are huge, so congrats on that, but Tim Mack and I have the same 1RM for squat but he is jumping 4 feet higher...

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Unread postby Axe » Wed Jan 05, 2005 7:45 pm

Age: 17
Body Fat:9%
Hieght: 511
Bench: 245
40: 4.48
I only lift on occasion. But i dont think i do that bad.
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