concentration/relaxation techniques

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concentration/relaxation techniques

Unread postby meg » Sun Sep 26, 2004 6:12 pm

before a meet i tend to have a lot of anxiety and nervousness...what are the best ways to calm myself and focus?

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Unread postby Scott Go Pre » Sun Sep 26, 2004 9:20 pm

I relax and get focused by listening to music that will pump me up, and I will also -- before hand-- I will spend a lot of time to myself and think about the "perfect" vault.

Other ways to relax is to take a pre-meet bathroom break to clean out your body of anything that could hold you down.
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Unread postby blazerunner121 » Mon Sep 27, 2004 6:10 pm

talk to someone about something, doesn't have to be vaulting, better yet, don't talk about vaulting. and i have to agree with listening to music, def. helps keep mind off being nervous.

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Unread postby fong520 » Mon Sep 27, 2004 7:06 pm

find someone u like. and start flirting with them, or just find some random person u kno adn do it... its pretty fun heh adn mayb ull get a hookup too hehe. play some guitar takes my mind off of it heh
but i guess id idnt read it right.. u gotta just think that u kno wat u have to do to get better and u will give ur best to try adn do it.. u kno that ur coach has taught u well now use it to help urself to try and get a new pr adn help the team score.
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Unread postby Lord of the Poles » Mon Sep 27, 2004 7:59 pm

I just talk and walk around and listen to music, I just take my attention off the vault
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Unread postby Mecham » Mon Sep 27, 2004 8:20 pm

fong520 wrote:find someone u like. and start flirting with them, or just find some random person u kno adn do it... its pretty fun heh adn mayb ull get a hookup too hehe.

Actually thats true. Usually when you have someone watching you, or someone that you really want to impress. You vault better. It gets the addrenalin pumping. It works for me anyway. So bring your girlfriend or some hot girl to watch you. (in a guys case)
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Unread postby mcminkz05 » Mon Sep 27, 2004 10:26 pm

Mecham wrote:
fong520 wrote:find someone u like. and start flirting with them, or just find some random person u kno adn do it... its pretty fun heh adn mayb ull get a hookup too hehe.

Actually thats true. Usually when you have someone watching you, or someone that you really want to impress. You vault better. It gets the addrenalin pumping. It works for me anyway. So bring your girlfriend or some hot girl to watch you. (in a guys case)

i definetly agree. Besides helpign to take your mind off of pole vault, polevault = show off, sooo... :yes:
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Unread postby OAKPV2004 » Mon Sep 27, 2004 10:38 pm

Have fun. dont feel the pressure
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Unread postby Lord of the Poles » Mon Sep 27, 2004 10:46 pm

Mecham wrote:
fong520 wrote:find someone u like. and start flirting with them, or just find some random person u kno adn do it... its pretty fun heh adn mayb ull get a hookup too hehe.

Actually thats true. Usually when you have someone watching you, or someone that you really want to impress. You vault better. It gets the addrenalin pumping. It works for me anyway. So bring your girlfriend or some hot girl to watch you. (in a guys case)

Actually, I get too nervous that I'll mess up and then I don't do as well because I'm too worried about doing well to impress. I prefer to not know who's out there in the crowd watching.
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Unread postby blazerunner121 » Wed Sep 29, 2004 8:49 pm

Lord of the Poles wrote:
Mecham wrote:
fong520 wrote:find someone u like. and start flirting with them, or just find some random person u kno adn do it... its pretty fun heh adn mayb ull get a hookup too hehe.

Actually thats true. Usually when you have someone watching you, or someone that you really want to impress. You vault better. It gets the addrenalin pumping. It works for me anyway. So bring your girlfriend or some hot girl to watch you. (in a guys case)

Actually, I get too nervous that I'll mess up and then I don't do as well because I'm too worried about doing well to impress. I prefer to not know who's out there in the crowd watching.

yea, i get scared if i mess up especially if theres someone there that i need to vault good for. i just pretend no one is there, thinking its just me, myself, and my vault.

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Unread postby fong520 » Wed Sep 29, 2004 9:21 pm

hah indoors we prac at nite and in the other gym on the north side of the school is cheerleaders practicing, and whenever they are lookign through the windows at us adn stuff or just inside watching i always feel like im getting a foot higher heh..
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Unread postby Lord of the Poles » Wed Sep 29, 2004 9:33 pm

fong520 wrote:hah indoors we prac at nite and in the other gym on the north side of the school is cheerleaders practicing, and whenever they are lookign through the windows at us adn stuff or just inside watching i always feel like im getting a foot higher heh..

Yea, I'd feel the need to impress, but that would cause me to probably overcompensate for what I'm trying to do, and then I do bad.
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