Pole Vault and High Jump Pits and Standards for Sale

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Pole Vault and High Jump Pits and Standards for Sale

Unread postby josesanmiguel » Fri Apr 21, 2017 12:26 pm

We have the following used equipment available at our facility in Durham NC.

Pole Vault
Gill National - 7 sections, top pad and weather cover - Red and grey. Received from ACC University. Exceed NFHS and NCAA
Gill International - 7 sections, top pad, weather cover. Red and grey Received from ACC University.. Exceed NFHS, NCAA, and IAAF
Gill National Pole Vault Standards.
UCS 1900 and Futura Standards - 7 sections, top pad, and standards base pads, standards and extenders. Red. Excellent condition. Sold as a bundle. Exceed NFHS, NCAA, and IAAF

High Jump
Gill Super Maximus HJ Pit - 4 sections, top pad and weather cover in good condition. Color is red and grey. Received from ACC University.
Gill International HJ Standards - in very good condition
Gill National HJ Pit - 5 sections, top pad and weather cover in very good condition. Color is red and grey. Received from ACC University.
Gill Collegiate HJ Standards

I can be reached at 919 523-8333 or at jose@polevaultcarolina.com
Thank you.

PV Newbie
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Joined: Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:36 pm
Expertise: Georgia Pole Vault Club Coach
World Record Holder?: Renaud Lavillenie
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Re: Pole Vault and High Jump Pits and Standards for Sale

Unread postby arnoldsa » Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:23 pm

Are the pole vault pits still available.
Please email me any photos and pricing to scott@funservices.us

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