8 to 9 lefts

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8 to 9 lefts

Unread postby tim hutzley » Sun May 02, 2004 9:40 pm

Would there really be much difference between 8 and 9 lefts? Ive been thinking about moving back but Im not sure about how much it would help.
and I dont really want to try it because it will take me a few practices to get used to it.

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Unread postby jhesch » Sun May 02, 2004 10:56 pm

heh same thing here, but with an increase to 8 lefts from 7 lefts. i assume it would be beneficial, in fact im almost positive, but i just havent had the time to try it extensively, and when i have tried it i seem to slow down towards the end instead of acclerate. tips? and any clue what kind of difference this step change would make in terms of pole weight increases (i.e. 5 lb. difference on 14 ft. pole?)
another question ive benn wondering: any specific numbers on how much difference a good plant can make on pole sizes? my coach says he was slow but he was able to vault on poles 20 lbs. + over his weight because he had a killer plant. lately hje's helped me get a better plant with strong jump, looking up, tall arms, etc. and ive started blowing rhough poles. ive blown through a 14 ft. 176. lbs. from 5 steps or so, next available poles are 15 ft. 165 which i blow through, then a 14 185 and a 15 185. huge jumps in poles, i know. im wondering if a longer run and bigger plant can help facilitate smoother transition between these poles.

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Unread postby das_1971 » Mon May 03, 2004 5:04 pm

jhesch wrote:another question ive benn wondering: any specific numbers on how much difference a good plant can make on pole sizes? my coach says he was slow but he was able to vault on poles 20 lbs. + over his weight because he had a killer plant.

you can get on monster poles with either a good or bad plant, unless you pull with your top arm. anyway, what a good plant will do is allow you to carry more speed from the runway into your jump. good plant and takeoff are vital for good topend vaulting.

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Unread postby bjvando » Mon May 03, 2004 7:11 pm

moving your run back wont necessarily make it much better. Some people reach max speed at a shorter distance, some have quick turnover where 7 or 8 strides will get your max speed at take off. For others ( like myself- i'm tall) it may take 8 or 9 strides to get to full speed. It depends on the person i think...
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Unread postby saraf » Mon May 03, 2004 7:45 pm

wholey crap ... thats a long apprach.... WOW thats all i have to say.. i m jsut gettgi nused to a 7 right run and i think its long ... WOW

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Unread postby jhesch » Mon May 03, 2004 8:53 pm

I'm 6' 2", and ive measured my leg length to a friend of mine who is 6' 5"......yeah our legs are the same length. (no i wasnt born retarded, he's got a large torso) i use a 7 left approach with a real strong start and aceel the whole way...any ideas on tryin on 8? i think its late in season so maybe not....

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Unread postby lonestar » Mon May 03, 2004 9:29 pm

saraf wrote:wholey crap ... thats a long apprach.... WOW thats all i have to say.. i m jsut gettgi nused to a 7 right run and i think its long ... WOW

I agree Adam - 14 steps/7lefts is a LONG run to me - I used to jump 8 lefts in hs and college, but I really enjoy jumping from 5 more than anything else.
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Unread postby bjvando » Mon May 03, 2004 9:29 pm

I believe it all depends on your run consistency, if someone has a STRONG, CONSISTENT run, then they will have an "easier" time fitting to a longer run. I would say it will take about 2 weeks, or 4 - 6 full practices to get it down solid. It could take longer or it could take less time, but it just depends on your comfort level. and i repeat myself, longer doesnt always mean better...... in physics ' Force = Mass* Acceleration...... if you dont understand those physics, then look it up, its very useful to know for vaulting, as all vaulting is are a bunch of physics....... :D
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Unread postby tim hutzley » Mon May 03, 2004 9:35 pm

I think Im just going to keep my run at 8 lefts for now. Then move it back this summer after all the CIF meets.

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Mon May 03, 2004 9:46 pm

I like running from 6 lefts. Lane says I don't have to go back to 7 lefts until I jump 12 feet and that makes me really happy.

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Unread postby skyin' pimp » Mon May 03, 2004 11:13 pm

19 strides..
6 strides checkmark, 10 strides acceleration, 3 strides plant
it's beautiful...
depending on if you have any clue at all on how to properly run you should be between 130-150 feet
(oh, i don't include girls in my calculations)
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Unread postby jhesch » Tue May 04, 2004 12:29 am

hmm...interesting formula, id like to try employing that. i assume your calculations are based on that (more or less) 9 left step. those caluclations for "anyone who knows anything" seem to not apply to a majority of people including myself who run from 7 lefts or another amount thats not 19 strides. but ill def. have to give that method a shot, it looks well calculated and consistent :yes:

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