Ankle rolling

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Ankle rolling

Unread postby Aviendha » Sat Apr 17, 2004 2:29 pm

So I have a problem with my ankles rolling when I run to vault. It usually happens on one of the last steps too, so I can't stop, and it really screws up my vault. I had a meet Thursday, and I kept rolling my takeoff foot, a few times ON the takeoff. It ended up hurting me the rest of the night, and the muscles were sore the next day, plus, I didn't vault as well because I couldn't run as fast.
Does anyone else have this problem? or know what I can do to help with it?
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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Sat Apr 17, 2004 3:05 pm

It sounds like you have loose ligaments. When you sprain an ankle you are a lot more likely to sprain it again. The swelling can stretch out the ligaments.

I would look into getting your ankle taped or wearing some kind of brace.

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Unread postby mcminkz05 » Sat Apr 17, 2004 3:43 pm

yeah, i had the same problem during football season.. i just got it taped up everyday and it was fine. might not be as bad as yours is though, because after football ended its been fine and i havnt had that problem. id suggest trying to tape it first.
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rolling ankle

Unread postby jmayesvaultmom » Sat Apr 17, 2004 5:44 pm

Find an "aircast"....they are a brace with inflatable pads inside and it velcro's around your ankle. It WILL fit in your just have to lace them bigger. Every one of my girls has had bad ankle rolls and two of them tore ligaments in ankles. They could tumble, run, and jump in an aircast. It just keeps you from rolling your ankle while it is healing!My oldest daughter broke her ankle in three places and after the cast was off, she wore it and could do everything just fine without the fear of rolling her ankle. At a surgical supply place or a pharmacy that carries those kinds of things they are about $50....but worth it. Then you just keep them for those times when your ankles are bothering you...or if you have just sprained one or rolled it and you want to keep on going...We now have a left and a right foot brace. I just keep them in the car. That way if she rolls her ankle, we have them with us. :yes:
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Unread postby das_1971 » Sat Apr 17, 2004 8:39 pm

I would suggest getting light taping. the hardest part is convincing the trainers not to give you a full ankle wrap. work with a GOOD trainer and make sure they know what you need.

personally I won't let anyone touch, and learned to tape thgough trial and error, with the help of some websights.

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Unread postby Aviendha » Sat Apr 17, 2004 11:18 pm

thanx :)

think i'll try the taping first, before going out to buy any kind of brace...
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