Timing of the PULL

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Re: Timing of the PULL

Unread postby KirkB » Thu Apr 10, 2014 12:58 am

PVDaddy wrote: ... blah blah blah ... you have made it clear that you do not believe in the following: 1) The extension of the bottom arm, after penetration, accelerates the swing. You think its a pull. 2) That a pull should occur through both shoulders after the break in hips. 3) That a strong bottom hand push toward the pit accelerates inversion. 3) That a strong top hand push accelerates fly-away.

You are putting words in my mouth - I did not say these things, nor will I be discussing them with you, as I've said all I need to say about these matters - years ago. You can't even get your quotes straight on what I said and what I didn't say (and what I THINK and what I don't THINK). You have no clue what I'm thinking, and apparently, you can't even quote me - word for word - correctly.

Furthermore, you have such a huge misunderstanding about what a PULL is and what it ISN'T, that I'm not even going to attempt to explain it to you, let alone debate it with you. I've given up on you long ago. I suspect that this is the same reason why other regular posters refuse to debate this topic with you.

PVDaddy wrote: Here is your Avatar: Run. Plant. Jump. Stretch. Whip. Extend. Fly. Clear. Look at all the missing links?

You may think my tagline (it's not my avatar - do you even know the difference between an avatar and a tagline?) is too "simple", but it's not. That's done purposely - of course there's more to PV technique than 8 words! You should know that! I think you're just looking for things to argue with me about. I think you're just trying to "bait" me.

DJ simplifies this even further. He says "Run, Jump, Swing!". Is that also too simple? No! It's purposely simplified to make a point!

PVDaddy wrote: Here is Petrov talking about ... blah blah blah

I'm not interested in discussing any of this with you. You've burnt your bridges with me.

Run. Plant. Jump. Stretch. Whip. Extend. Fly. Clear. There is no tuck! THERE IS NO DELAY!

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Re: Timing of the PULL

Unread postby PVDaddy » Thu Apr 10, 2014 1:04 am

Yup you are correct its called a tag line not an Avatar. I am tired and used the wrong term. I admit I do that at times.
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Re: Timing of the PULL

Unread postby PVDaddy » Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:39 pm

Kirk, I suppose if I had a tagline to most quickly describe the Vault it would be: Run, Plant, Jump, Stretch, Whip/Push/Lock, Break, Lean/Pull, Extend, Invert, Push/Turn, Push, Fly, Clear.

I know that's a lot of things to do unconsciously, but, proprioception cannot be developed correct;y until you can visualize this first CONSCIOUSLY!

Perhaps much, much more time needs to be spent with visualization then what is the standard practice by many?!! I say run the film in your minds eye on a daily basis and especially right before the vault like all the greats I believe do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwJsmDowiYU

Notice at one point I believe there are 3 things all occurring at the same time: Whipping the trail leg/Re-extending the plant/while locking the drive knee. Also I believe a backward lean toward the top hand should occur at the same time as a "PULL" through both shoulders to help raise the hips. If you read and think about the top Tagline and examine the clip below you should be very clear on what I mean by the timing of the Pull and what I mean by a Pull. Notice it is at this moment the most severe downward bend of the top of the pole occurs. From my point of view this is the only time that an intentional conscious pull on the pole should occur.

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