For those who are interested, here are the poles used during the competition by Renaud, easily recognizable by the color tapes on the poles:
5.76 - 520/14.6 (top blue-low red)
5.91 - 520/14.3 (top red-low blue, the one he used to jump 6.04 and 6.08)
6.01 - 520/14.0 (top black-low blue, the one used to attempt 6.16 the two last competitions, and again, I repeat that this one "looks" rather soft, but maybe it is because he is putting more power on it)
6.16 - 520/13.8 (top red-low yellow, he never jumped on it, maybe even did not guess that he was going to, because he has to label it with a pen just before his WR jump)
Interestingly enough, those are poles he get used to more than 2 years ago, using a 20cm raised run-up (except for the stiffer one).