pain in left hip

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pain in left hip

Unread postby crpat2 » Sun Mar 28, 2004 11:22 pm

I have been having a problem with my left hip hurting for a few days after i have a hard vaulting session. THis started last spring and went away during the summer but came back during the winter season. I though it might just be a problem with my hip flexor muscle but i read something recently that said i could be causing stress and possibly tendonitis on my hip by carrying the pole too close to verticle to the runway and therefore forcing my body to turn sideways as i run. I think it also said something about this same problem causing stess on the hamstrings and i have had problems with strains in my hamstrings as well. Does anyone know if the way i carry the pole could be causing my problem and is there any way to prevent it?

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Re: pain in left hip

Unread postby achtungpv » Mon Mar 29, 2004 8:38 am

crpat2 wrote:I have been having a problem with my left hip hurting for a few days after i have a hard vaulting session. THis started last spring and went away during the summer but came back during the winter season. I though it might just be a problem with my hip flexor muscle but i read something recently that said i could be causing stress and possibly tendonitis on my hip by carrying the pole too close to verticle to the runway and therefore forcing my body to turn sideways as i run. I think it also said something about this same problem causing stess on the hamstrings and i have had problems with strains in my hamstrings as well. Does anyone know if the way i carry the pole could be causing my problem and is there any way to prevent it?

go to a doctor. A torn hip flexor is pretty much what ended my PV career. I think it may have led to other problems also. Towards the end of my real vaulting, during warmups I had a specific point I had to warmup to. When I lifted my left leg, my hip popped, kinda like cracking a knuckle, once I warmed up enough, the popping stopped and if I stayed warm, I could sprint without pain. It got so bad, I couldn't rest between jumps. I had to jog on the infield otherwise it would lockup and I couldn't lift my left leg more than a few inches off the ground.

With no rehab for it, it has taken 11 YEARS for me not to have pain in my left hip when I sprint.
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Unread postby vaultmd » Mon Mar 29, 2004 2:13 pm

Next time I'm down in the Republic competing, I expect to see you jumping, achtungpv!

Another thing to consider is seeing a good massage therapist. Sometimes one of the many muscles surrounding the joint can be in chronic spasm and they can get that problem to go away. It worked for me recently.

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Unread postby VTechVaulter » Mon Mar 29, 2004 3:56 pm

have u hurt your back at all recently, and bottem outs or jarring. Last year i bottemed out a mat and messed up my back. After that i kept getting pain on the inside of my left hip. ended my outdoor season. turned out i tweaked my SI (sachro iliac) joint, hurt real bad for like 2months. rest was all they said to do. now its okay again, just needed to realign everything.
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