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Carolina Extreme
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Unread postby Carolina Extreme » Thu Jan 01, 2004 9:15 pm

PVJunkie wrote:pull ups are the exact opposite of bench..........push ups = bench........pull ups = lat pulls (mostly).

The best ans to the orig ques.............get out of the wt room and VAULT or get on a rope or a high bar and learn to swing.........If more young vaulters would learn to swing before learning to bend the pole 15' jumps would be nothing at the HS level.

On a side note................There ARE many very good coaches on this board with Yrs of experience at all levels. If given a chance they WILL post........the problem is none of us wants to have to defend our philospy to high school and college vaulters. This is why most of us do not post techincal advice. Its great to give advice lets just keep it all in perspective.


Race horses need to race to get faster and vaulters need to vault to jump higher. If you don't already have a good vault coach... find one. You may have to drive a good ways once or twice a week but it is well worth it. We have some vaulters that drive over two and a half hours each way for a two hour practice, and I'm sure many of the other coaches here have similar. Also, attend 2 to 4 day camps several times a year if you can. Let us know where you are at, what city/state, and we can recommend a coach if one is in the area.

In addition to practicing good sound imitative drills and vaulting, I really like the highbar. Bubka's, windshield-wipers, tap swings to Bubka's, free hip circles around the bar, free hip circles to handstands and front lever's.

Bubka's: From a hanging position (using a pole vault grip, left hand facing forward and right hand backwards for rt handed vaulters) with shoulders square with bar, swing up to where your shins are against the high bar. Your body will form a triangle and it is very difficult to stay in this position if you are not used to it. From this position push your feet and hips to the sky (slightly crossing over the bar for balance but fully extended), while dropping your shoulders up under your body. NEVER pull on your arms, ALWAYS hang. This should have you hanging upside down. The mirror image would be as though you were standing with your hands by your hips, your chin tucked and chest slightly concaved. Cheater Bubka's: If you can't do Bubka's correctly, cheat. Rt handed vaulters swing to the triangle position and place your rt leg on the opposite side of the bar so that the bar is between your legs. This will help you to balance easier until you can do it on your own. Everything else is the same.

Front Levers: Hanging straight down, keeping arms straight, begin a rocking motion pushing forward on your hands, then rock back through your arms, continue over and over with a tap swing at the bottom while simulaneously pushing forward with arms fully extended trying to raise yourself as high as you can. (I know this explanation stinks, it is a hard one to explain.)

Windshield-Wipers: Swing up into the Bubka position (triangle) with your feet against the bar. Now glide your shin down the highbar to the right, then back and to the left, keep going back and forth. Maintain the Bubka triangle position throughout. Remember to hang and not pull up on your arms. My back cracks like crazy everytime I do this one. It is also a great way to clean the bird droppings off the highbar. :dazed:
Last edited by Carolina Extreme on Fri Jan 02, 2004 11:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Carolina Extreme
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Pull ups and vaulting.

Unread postby Carolina Extreme » Thu Jan 01, 2004 9:42 pm

As far as pull ups, just today we worked hard to correct the built in bad habit of pulling on arms after takeoff, with several of our vaulters. This is very hard to correct when you have been doing it for while. So I would stay away from pull ups until you know how to hang and swing. Whether we realize it or not we are building muscle memory, good or bad, in everything we do. If you teach yourself to pull everytime you get into the hanging postion... well... I just don't see it helping your vault. :crying:

You give a good vault coach a skinny kid, a descent athlete with a little speed, add a swing, and there is a very good chance he'll jump 15'. :yes:

After you learn to hang and swing correctly, do all the pull ups you want. That way since you guys like to take your shirts off at practice you can dazzle the girls with your boulder shoulders, lats and six packs. Unless you are like my 8 yr old... he says he has a two pack. :D
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Unread postby jhesch » Fri Jan 02, 2004 12:09 am

hmm... 'stead of a two pack, i like to say "my six pack is in the cooler" or stick out my gut and claim a "cube" (what pepsi used to call a 24 pack-maybe they still do) there's also the ever classic keg instead of six pack. etc. etc. .....

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Unread postby skycock » Fri Jan 02, 2004 9:09 pm

jhesch wrote:hmm... 'stead of a two pack, i like to say "my six pack is in the cooler" or stick out my gut and claim a "cube" (what pepsi used to call a 24 pack-maybe they still do) there's also the ever classic keg instead of six pack. etc. etc. .....

hey, you cant have a party with a six-pack now can you?--not that id know that...<---------
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Re: Pull ups and vaulting.

Unread postby Psycho » Fri Jan 23, 2004 8:07 pm

Carolina Extreme wrote:You give a good vault coach a skinny kid, a descent athlete with a little speed, add a swing, and there is a very good chance he'll jump 15'. :yes:

Thats EXACTLY this kid at my school. He's a senior, vaults 15', and going for more. I really hope I can vault like him when I get to 12th grade, he's probably the best high schooler I know (except for the NYS record holder at like 15' 3 something). I'm pretty skinny myself, 5' 8", 120 lbs. And I do have a six pack, not for showing off to the ladies (well thats not the MAIN reason but...;)) but from doing situps, weight crunches, and Bubkas.

I have always been able to swing, now I am trying to couple that with bending, so I can top the pole.

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Re: Pull ups and vaulting.

Unread postby Carolina Extreme » Sat Jan 24, 2004 11:43 am

Psycho wrote:Thats EXACTLY this kid at my school. He's a senior, vaults 15', and going for more. I really hope I can vault like him when I get to 12th grade, he's probably the best high schooler I know (except for the NYS record holder at like 15' 3 something). I'm pretty skinny myself, 5' 8", 120 lbs. And I do have a six pack, not for showing off to the ladies (well thats not the MAIN reason but...;)) but from doing situps, weight crunches, and Bubkas.

I have always been able to swing, now I am trying to couple that with bending, so I can top the pole.

Sounds like you are on the right track. Don't forget the good coaching though. It is a very important ingredient. Very few vaulters get to 15' without a coach involved to some extent. 13' is common, but 15' would be hard.

Good luck and ...

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Unread postby frozensteele » Sat Jan 24, 2004 3:07 pm

I don't know if you're up for it but my coach has us all doing alot of gymnastic workouts. Such as doing Push ups while in a handstand. If you can't do those by yourself get a partner or even do it against the wall. We also do pullup rollovers which is when you do a pull up but stop at the top of the bar and then flip yourself over it. That may not make sense but stuff in that vein all works geatly. I had a PR of 8'6" last year as well but because of all of the things he has us doing without weights and just with our own body weight I am jumping 13'. Try to find gynastic workouts on the internet and then reason through which ones are right for the vault or even modify some to help your vaulting skills. A rule my coach has put on us is by the end of the season we have to be able to walk at least 50 yards in a handstand and also be able to hold it for a minute. It works...trust me!

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Unread postby vaultinggoat16 » Tue Feb 24, 2004 11:28 pm

Yeah I do not have much for a coach so if you folks good decide on atleast FOUR good drills to do I would be rather happy..I am going to see about driving to a local town to a vault coach soon.


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Unread postby mcminkz05 » Tue Feb 24, 2004 11:35 pm

hmmm.... bubkas- always good, slidebox for sure, especially if your plant needs work, ummm... thats all the great ones that i know, theres a ton more that i do, but i dunno if there important enough ot be "top 4" status here.
What have you done today to get better?

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Unread postby vaultinggoat16 » Tue Feb 24, 2004 11:41 pm

I do alot of bubkas already
Hand stand walking
some other stuff
Lots of lifts for the heck of it..
I can lat pulldown my body wieght and can row well over it..

05...I think I'm supposed to act all punkish about my class rating..

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