Poles for Sale or Trade, Tulsa, OK Area

Got something for sale? Looking to buy something? Post it here, but make sure to read the rules first!

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Poles for Sale or Trade, Tulsa, OK Area

Unread postby Dsooner81 » Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:07 pm

Want to sell or trade the following poles. Looking to supplement a series of 14', 175+, and 14'6", 160+. If interested call Dustin at 479-445-2967 or email at dcrowder@ridgerunners.net.

15' 130 Skypole
15' 170 Skypole
15' 180 Carbon Fx

15' 6" 185 15.7 Carbon Fx
15' 6" 190 14.5 Carbon Fx
16' 1" 190 Carbon

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