Hips are swinging forward too early?

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Hips are swinging forward too early?

Unread postby bb12334 » Sun Feb 05, 2012 10:04 am

So for the last long time I have been doing small steps or work on my top end. Because of this I developed the habit where I do not hold my drive into the pit long enough. Immediately after takeoff my hips swing in front of my chest which is killing any chance of me getting on a larger pole.

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Re: Hips are swinging forward too early?

Unread postby tsorenson » Sun Feb 05, 2012 6:56 pm

I don't see a problem with your vaulting...your plant, takeoff, and swing are above average. You need to move your run back and your grip up and bigger poles are right around the corner. Don't try to hold your drive any more, just move back to 6 or 7 lefts so that you are running faster at the plant, do everything the same, and get on a bigger stick. It may take you a while to get used to the timing of the longer run (and the farther out takeoff), but it looks like you are ready. Make sure you do lots of pole runs from the longer run in every practice.

Good luck!

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Re: Hips are swinging forward too early?

Unread postby bb12334 » Sun Feb 05, 2012 10:41 pm

So you think my lack of penetration on the first clip was more a lack of speed at takeoff than anything else?

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Re: Hips are swinging forward too early?

Unread postby tsorenson » Sun Feb 05, 2012 11:50 pm

bb12334 wrote:So you think my lack of penetration on the first clip was more a lack of speed at takeoff than anything else?

Yes. You may have been a little stretchy on your last stride, as well, which will give you a low takeoff and less penetration. Most of your jumps were very deep into the pit with plenty of pole speed, bordering on blowing through.

You can't get much speed from 4 lefts. Your short-run technique is good enough that if I were coaching you, I'd be trying to get your run back to 6 or 7 lefts so you can grip 14' poles near the top. Obviously you will need poles that are significantly stiffer than the ones you are jumping on now, since you are gripping so far down the pole. Try a step-by-step approach...move up one hand on the pole for each step you go back, and when the pole starts to get too soft (this will probably happen pretty quickly with the pole you are on from 4), move up to the next pole with the same grip as before. Don't just try to go out and cap a 14' pole...but you will need to raise your grip in a controlled and cautious manner. ***Always make sure you are getting deep into the pit before fully inverting...I usually advise people never to invert on the first time down the runway with a new pole or higher grip; just stay down and stand the pole up***

Good luck, send some video with the longer approach and higher grip


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Re: Hips are swinging forward too early?

Unread postby bb12334 » Tue Feb 14, 2012 9:07 pm

Sorry I haven't been able to post because a bunch of stuff has been happening and I keep forgetting to bring my camera to practice... However I have been trying to move my step back. In a meet I ran with spikes from 64' on a 5 lefts step holding 12-10 on a 14 135. However when I run it at practice it usually is not as successful and I have trouble penetrating. I think part of the problem is I have been tired, but another big part is my speed. My coach says that I slow down a little and do not press long enough. I am considering spending an entire practice or 2 just doing pole runs from a 6 or 7 step and working on really fast and consistent runs. Do you have any other ideas or tips that might help me. My top end is getting better and I am content with it because I can pretty much jump my handgrip or higher...However because I am unable to hold very high, I can't clear as high heights as I would like.

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Re: Hips are swinging forward too early?

Unread postby AVC Coach » Wed Feb 15, 2012 3:44 pm

Watch your clips again and notice what your bottom hand is doing at the take-off, even on your pop-up. Your lack of penetration starts there. Your hips take the lead because you're rowing your left hand into the box. You end up supporting your body weight on your bottom arm throughout the swing. Practice some standing one hand (bottom hand) pole drops to create the timing you need at the box to allow your hands to be moving up at the take-off instead of steering the pole tip into the box.

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Re: Hips are swinging forward too early?

Unread postby bb12334 » Wed Feb 15, 2012 9:29 pm

AVC Coach wrote:Watch your clips again and notice what your bottom hand is doing at the take-off, even on your pop-up. Your lack of penetration starts there. Your hips take the lead because you're rowing your left hand into the box. You end up supporting your body weight on your bottom arm throughout the swing. Practice some standing one hand (bottom hand) pole drops to create the timing you need at the box to allow your hands to be moving up at the take-off instead of steering the pole tip into the box.

I am not sure I 100% sure what you are saying. Are you saying that I am timing then pole drop wrong so that I end up having to use the bottom arm to steer rather than focusing on solely pressing? Also I do not really understand the drill you are suggesting. Could you try explaining it a little more or post a video of it?

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Re: Hips are swinging forward too early?

Unread postby AVC Coach » Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:46 am

You're addressing the box, at take-off, by stabbing the pole with your left hand. This forces you to support your weight on that hand immediately and continue supporting it throughout the swing.

As for the drill:
From a stationary position, hold the pole as you would at the start of your run. Keeping your left hand stable, let the pole tip drop to the floor with the normal planting action of the right hand. As the tip almost reaches the floor, let go with your top hand and try to time the tip touch with the extension of the bottom hand. They should hit simultaneously. It would be a good idea to video the drill and compare the bottom arm to what you're doing in the video you posted here on this thread. The difference will be like night and day.

This is something you will need to do hundreds/thousands of times as part of your weekly routine throughout the year. There's no quick fix for what you're doing so be patient.

Hope this helps.

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