Isinbayeva not what she used to be

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Isinbayeva not what she used to be

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:21 pm

Via google translate:

Isinbayeva did not guess from the poles


Two-time Olympic champion in the pole vault Yelena Isinbayeva explained the reasons for the unsuccessful and told about the future of sports plans.
I was going to win the gold medal in Daegu. Otherwise, just did not go to here. I am in great physical shape, you saw, what stock I had in 4.65! Simply, we make a mistake with a coach with poles. At 4.75 I took too soft. Underwent height, took the pole a little harder, but it was not enough. On the last attempt has even tougher, and here already gone too far. No luck. I do not know what is going on. It was as if someone has bewitched me! I was so tuned to this start, so feel good! For a week as abandoned dinner, we can say enough to eat mine. I thought now vzlechu!

I generally had a very difficult period in my life. I want to thank their families for what they have supported me. If not for them, I would be here did not exist.
Returning to my first coach was easy. In technical terms, we did not much change, just raise the speed, I now run much faster. In moral terms, too, everything was smooth. Yevgeny Trofimov worked with me since the beginning of my career, I know he feels. We can say that my own people.

No hasty conclusions from this performance will not do. I am motivated for next year, the Olympic Games. I think first I have to speak in Russian championship, because after three failures no me without the selection no longer take it.

This season, I still planned to start in Zurich, but maybe talk to the manager, and we give up on it, makes little sense in this statement do not see it.

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Re: Isi probably done for the year, reflects on Daegu

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:36 pm

Isinbayeva: What Next?

Tuesday. Daegu. Yelena Isinbayeva, after the defeat.

Another defeat in Daegu famous Yelena Isinbayeva has left many questions. In this explanation, the data on the heels of the most Isinbayeva, few people are satisfied. Special correspondent "SE" tried to understand the reasons for the failure of double Olympic champion.

Sergei Butov
of Daegu

Isinbayeva called the defeat of an error in the choice of six. 4.75 and 4.80 on the first try it on her own words, has a soft pole, and had to be hard. In his second and last jump at that height - the hard and had to be soft. In this analysis attempts by Isinbayeva have been exhausted. Next came the solid emotions, and conclude that defeat - pure bad luck.

Explanations of these, I confess, is not satisfied for all journalists in the mixed zone. In the election of six, of course, has its own game "to a thin". Feeling the pole - the essence of any athlete's talent, his "magic." But it's coming on the world championship, which was prepared in Volgograd Isinbayeva Yevgeny Trofimov nearly half a year!

Isinbayeva and Trofimov, with their vast experience understood exactly how they "go" on the final distance: 4.65 (from this height, Elena managed easily and in a choice of six is ​​not missed), then 4.75 and finally 4.85. Preferably all at the first attempt to secure gold. The fact that this is the height to guarantee a victory, after qualifying herself Isinbayeva told reporters.

But then a 4.95 to show the best result of the season in the world, or 5.07 (ie, a world record). In other words, all the heights athlete and her coach were known in advance.

Shestoviki travel the world with their poles, and do not take them for rent from the organizers, as someone might think. The "capacity" and stiffness characteristics of each of its pole Isinbayeva had to learn inside and out. Moreover, a 27-fold world record holder, it is easy to assume all the poles must be "with marked". This one - to jump at 4.75, that - at 4.85, with the global install. If we assume that in this logical chain is no visible gap, then it is very difficult to imagine how in such a situation can be three times (!) In a row (!) With a choice to err on the pole quite critical for Isinbayeva altitudes.

Much more plausible version would sound like that perform better rossiyanke prevent lack of competitive practices. Indeed, since mid-February to mid-June Isinbayeva has never emerged in the sector. From mid-June to late July it appeared on only four tournaments, although actually jumped twice in the Belgian Zolder Hoysden-on stage, "Diamond League" in Stockholm. The Italian Lignano Sabbiadoro Isinbayeva has not coped with the initial height of 4.60, and Lucerne in Switzerland is not performed because of lung damage your hands. Moreover, since late July, when Elena won in Stockholm, to Taegu was exactly a month.

About competitive practices, I asked Isinbayeva directly, but was very abstract answer, saying that a man once who learned to ride a bike, have not forgotten how to do it. The idea seemed quite controversial. All the more so just before we talked for a long time on this subject with Tatyana Lebedeva, the Olympic champion, who this winter is going to return to the sport after childbirth and surgery on his leg. And before the London 2012 plans, finally, to choose between the long and triple at any one thing.

So Lebedev talked a lot about what is going to speak as often as possible - it's faster restores competitive tone. This, we went to Tatiana and returned after the "seven things" Six Russian athletes, of which one got to Daegu Daria Pishchalnikova, placed there one of the last places in the discus throw. The reason, according to the Lebedev in competition, which is returning from suspension athletes could not for various reasons to get.

Speaking about how important such a tone, Tatyana quoted the example of our hammer thrower Tatyana Lysenko, published at the start of World Cup 2009 almost immediately after the expiry of disqualification. "According to Lysenko, then she went into the sector - and confused. It felt like she was going for the first time in my life to throw the hammer - complete disorientation" - said Lebedev. In fact, many observers noted that the Stockholm Isinbayeva also looked disoriented - but still beat opponents on the current finals with a score of 4.76.

- I have a speech Isinbayeva in Daegu has left the impression of highly controversial - admitted head coach of Russia Valentin Maslakov, who before the World Cup was a witness, as Isinbayeva had a 10-day gathering in Vladivostok. - The reason for the defeat not just in physical form, not that it is flawed somewhere. She was perfectly willing, it caught the eye. I think the key factor was the lack of competition. I do not want to get into the coaching business, but Lance was worth in this situation to begin before 4.65. Rasprygalas would have entered a little taste. I understand why she behaves, putting the 4.65, but perhaps it was not the case.

Yesterday your correspondent to get through to former coach Isinbayeva - Vitaly Petrov, who, after her passing close proceeded to prepare Brazilian Fabian Moorer, the first time in his career won world championship gold. Ironically, Petrov was a senior coach of Russia's pole vault. He gratefully accepted the congratulations on the success Moorer, but about Isinbayeva said reluctantly, adding that "would not want to interfere."

- I do not know how they are produced, so even just comment on Lena's statement to me for obvious reasons do not want to - said Petrov. - Of course, the third defeat in a row - this is serious. But in reality, for it had not yet lost. By and large, everything was still in her hands. Prior to the Olympics in London have the time. If she can concentrate on jumping, to understand yourself, anything is possible.

Fabiana Murer, which I asked yesterday to comment on the defeat Isinbayeva, nor about what bars do not even remembered that although this explanation Russians took over all the world's media.

- Lena, I think my friend and upset over it, - said Moorer. - I think she just needs time for it to normalize the training process with a new coach. I believe that she can still jump high. It is a long time getting used to new technology, and now had to decide to change again - again to change the technique. To do this, and some time, and a number of international competitions.

... Immediately after the defeat Isinbayeva said that now she will probably have to be selected in the Russian team at the Games in London on the usual lines. True, this statement sounded ironic. Just enough to not go unnoticed. Maslakov, who read these words Isinbayeva in the press and not heard tone with which they were told about the need to arrive at a national championship Helen said:

- She confirmed that, in fact, exhausted the limit of an unbounded confidence. Nobody says that Isinbayeva weak. Simply, in my opinion, she needs to come to the national championships at least to just be in the range of those with whom she spent many years. Collection in Vladivostok, where Lena was first in a long time came, showed that it needed to grow into the team. Become her there. To see the guys: that's Yelena Isinbayeva, she is with us, it is - one of us.

... Yesterday Isinbayeva with Trofimov flew from Daegu, again not having admitted to his reporters, except for those few minutes in the mixed zone, after which no one understood how great an athlete is going to live. And what conclusions she drew from the third consecutive defeat.

Well, do not talk to the press - the right Isinbayeva.

Us - to speculate and simultaneously sound the bell. Than doing.

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Re: Isi probably done for the year, reflects on Daegu

Unread postby VaultPurple » Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:43 am

If she still feels she had more in Daegu and is doing good then why not jump again this year? Vaulting is supposed to be about doing the best you can, having fun, and proving your the best. Right now she has not proved she was the best this year and if she thinks she has more then she should jump more this year. Almost just seems she doesn't care about the vault as much as the publicity from the major meets.

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Re: Isi probably done for the year, reflects on Daegu

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:38 am

Isinbayeva does not ... "doprygalas"?
Yelena Isinbayeva. Photo: Ilya Pitalev, RIA Novosti
Published on 02 September 11 (10:40)

At the start of the World Championship in Athletics and just talk about what this time will surprise Isinbayeva. I do not understand: after all, his last record in the pole vault Yelena already established two years ago! In my opinion, our once-great girl had long since lost the motivation and new achievements to expect from it should not ...
D. Obruchev, Kaluga
Responsible Valentine Maslakov, head coach of the Russian athletics:
- Do not rush to drop off Isinbayeva. Lena - a unique athlete, just at some point she had problems that prevented her to achieve results. Their reason is well known to us, and it's not a lack of motivation! Isinbayeva does not show new records because he did not want to lose. That fear prevents lesions of Lena. But, I am sure she will overcome this fear and will again delight its fans.

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Re: Isi probably done for the year, reflects on Daegu

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:56 am

- Defeat the pole vault Yelena Isinbayeva has suggested to you some thoughts?

- Lena had to speak more often in competition, especially since she had a big break in his career. And at home she should descend from heaven to earth, though no one denies that it is a great athlete. In the same sector, it should choose a different tactic. Ordering a height of 4 m 65 cm, and then only 4 m 75 cm, it is highly risked. Athletes who have succeeded, all made many attempts.

- After the competition Isinbayeva complained that was wrong with the choice of bars for the jump.

- It can really be a problem. Athlete tactics dictate to him what pole you need to select one or another attempt. What I can say for sure - from a technical point of view, Lena was all good. Jump to 4 m 65 cm was carried out with a good margin and with large amplitude. Here, I have no fears. I am sure that everything will work out Isinbayeva, and she will be able to install more than one world record.

- Return to Eugene Trofimov went to her advantage?

- Problems with the coach it does not. The reasons for the unsuccessful lie in it. As for winning the competition Brazilian Fabian Moorer, in the absence Isinbayeva she finally was able to allocate time former coach Vitaly Petrov Lena. I sat on the podium and saw the whole arena applauded him.

- Bronze medalist in the pole vault, Svetlana Feofanova able to beat the world record?

- Light - a real fighter. She also had problems, she even wanted to finish his career. But found the strength and continued to act ... Feofanova able to speak very stable, and this is its distinguishing feature.

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Re: Isinbayeva not what she used to be

Unread postby dj » Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:13 am

good morning,

her major problem is still the run... she was over a foot/30cm OUT on her poor jumps compared to her good jump..

If you (or anyone) are way out on your run... and don't know it, or don't correct it, or don't know that it is a problem.. you have "mental' issues.. because you think it's YOU and not the fact that you are stretching, losing speed, have a very low center of mass.. hips are in the wrong position and you CANNOT impluse/jump "UP" and/or you stretch under...

even though you tried very hard to takeoff like your coach has taught you... IT CANNOT HAPPEN...

Isi still like in Berlin, same as Doha....... same as Lavilienie.. the only way to correct his FLAT takeoff is to move his steps closer at the MID.. so the hips are in a correct alignment and he can "impluse" up at the plant/takeoff.

the only way for Isi to be back at 5 meters is to run faster AND hit the correct "MID"...

the Cuban had the best takeoff and he was 2 feet closer...


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Re: Isinbayeva not what she used to be

Unread postby stavhoppare » Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:31 pm

AGREE..........the difference of where she was to where she was supposed to be.....for a like the difference from the south rim of the grand canyon to the north rim of the grand just ain't gonna work. If "under" is "bad"...."out" is fatal!!!!
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Re: Isinbayeva not what she used to be

Unread postby Andy_C » Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:28 am

I just wanted to make a comment that can be applied to everybody and not really directed at any athlete in particular (like Lavillinie)

IMO, here's the catch 22 with taking off out:

Taking off "on the spot" is the bare minimum of what you have to try and achieve. And to me "on the spot" is about 3 inches out since taking off directly under your hand will (in most cases) load the pole before you leave the ground completely. Taking off under is still the cardinal sin of pole vaulting and must be avoided at all costs. At least if somebody is taking off out consistently with decent technique, I know they're very confident and brave which is something that has immeasurable value in an event like pole vault.

With regards to taking off out, it's good if you can do it - to be able to take off out with technique like Bubka or a world class long jumper (no stretching, strange stride or other funny business). To me, the goal is to take off as far out as possible without adversely affecting your technique. Among other things, having a pre-jump gives you massive angular leverage on the pole, it essentially makes you "taller" when you take off. I don't think I can state it enough that one of the most important things in the pole vault is how high the pole is the instant the it hits the back of the box. But only IF you can maintain technique. Technique must never be sacrificed because at the very least it will make sure you stay safe.

Of course as mentioned there can be a lot of problems with technique when it comes to taking off out, it is quite scary if a person is not used to it. But that's where training comes in. While it may be viewed that taking off out is something that will harm training progress (since it can encourage the vaulter to do bad things), I would actually challenge everybody to think of it another way: that taking off out is a challenge to the athlete's speed, technique and mentality - everything we value in the pole vault. You cannot take off very far out if you have bad technique, are slow and/or not confident/comfortable with your technique. In essence it is everything we can work on all neatly packaged for the taking.

Now in terms of pure physics there will be a point where taking off out would be detrimental to jumping since the trajectory of the jump will change completely. If you take off so far out there will be too little vertical component of your jump left when the pole hits the back of the box, that's definitely not good. But this point is at some ridiculous distance that is rarely seen - I think much more can be gained in the general population by worrying about not taking off under rather than taking off too far out. Important to note though that the point that is too far out is variable between different vaulters and is a function of the runway speed, take off power, technique of the jump and sheer confidence in what you're doing. But I have seen very few athletes (probably only one and no, it's not Bubka) that will be unable to take off out further because of physical traits (speed and power) rather than technical and mental considerations. To me this means that there is room to improve for athletes apart from trying to lift an elephant in the weight room and places for coaches to push training concepts even further. Which leads me to the most important and relevant question after all my rambling - how do you actually do it?

To me you can either look at taking off out as "the end" or as "a means to an end" when you actually implement it in training. If you just walk up to a random athlete and tell them to take off out, they will wreck themselves - and that will be the end of your little experiment. But if you set taking off out as a "micro-goal" from short steps (for safety and to build technique/confidence), I think a lot of people will be surprised at what can be achieved by using it as a means to an end! Make no mistake, taking off out is dangerous if not approached properly by athlete and coach. Start low and go slow is the best way of doing it. To me it is all about how you are able to teach somebody how to do it.

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Re: Isinbayeva not what she used to be

Unread postby Andy_C » Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:35 am

Anyway, sorry to diverge from the original conversation.

With regards to Isi, I think that next year will tell us how great she really is. She has already made her mark on the sport but now comes true adversity for her. I'm sure she's certainly not having fun right now. But she needs this infinitely more than how much she dislikes it. Will she just fade away slowly or will she come back from the darkest point in her bright career? The only think I love more than a good pole vault competition is a good fight! :yes:

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Re: Isinbayeva not what she used to be

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:55 am

OK now she's done for the year... ... _withdraws

Recently-crowned men's 100 metres world champion Yohan Blake will be the star attraction on Sunday at the ISTAF athletics meet and will be bidding at the very least to run the fastest ever 100m here.

While Blake's star is on the rise one who's star may be on the wane, Olympic pole vault champion Yelena Isinbaeva - only sixth at the world championships - has decided to skip the meet citing a lack of form.

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Re: Isinbayeva not what she used to be

Unread postby slvr1969 » Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:39 pm

Yelena is a fading flower - a has been great competition winner.

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Re: Isinbayeva not what she used to be

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Sun Oct 02, 2011 7:33 pm

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