RIP Dixon Boughman

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RIP Dixon Boughman

Unread postby woodtoaluminumtoglassvaul » Sun Feb 24, 2008 5:49 pm

Dixon Boughman the 1973 Big Ten vault champion from Indiana University died this past Thursday of a heart attack. Dixon was a great guy, who struggled a bit as he matured, but he will be missed by those who knew him. Dixon continued vaulting after college with the Chicago Track Club and had a PR of 17'8" I believe. Dixon was never as happy as he was pole vaulting.
Steve Callaway

Gordon Crail
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Unread postby Gordon Crail » Sun Mar 02, 2008 11:10 am


Dixon Baughman was the epitome of a pole-vaulter. He was fast and smooth on the runway, sleek and graceful flying through the air, bold and daring in his approach to the sport. Off the track he was cool without trying to be and had a somewhat reckless zest for life. I admired him from the moment we met.
Pole-vaulting is a very special activity that brings out the best in anyone who takes it seriously and creates a unique bond between like-minded individuals who share the same risks and obstacles. We became friends in a way that only rival vaulters can and I liked him as a person.
Although Dixon had some misfortunes later in his life I will always remember him for what he was able to accomplish. I believe that whatever troubled him as an adult probably existed when he was young and the heights he reached as a vaulter were achieved in spite of what he was experiencing inside. Vaulting requires going beyond fear, beyond pain and beyond what you yourself believe is possible. Dixon Baughman did that and he did it well.
Dixon was the key player in the most dramatic event of my life and the memory of that day has turned out to be a source of strength to me over the years during some very trying times. He seemed unstoppable and I had to reach down into that place where uncertainty and doubt reside and find the confidence that is so easily lost.
I will always be grateful to Dixon for that experience. He had lots of fans when he was a vaulter and he will be missed. I hope there is a special heaven for pole-vaulters and that he is soaring to new heights with millions cheering him on.

Gordon Crail

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Unread postby woodtoaluminumtoglassvaul » Sun Mar 02, 2008 11:38 am

Well said Gordon. I shared some of those moments from a slightly different perspective as you know. Bob Crites sent me a link to the site for your pole vault trainer. Bill Perin would be proud. If you put those in carnivals, everyone would want to become a vaulter and I would be a carney. With my bad legs, the idea of vaulting without running is like a dream come true. I have established what I imagine to be a virtual wake for Dixon and the following link should get you there. I would like to add this posting if you don't mind.
Steve Callaway
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Unread postby woodtoaluminumtoglassvaul » Sun Mar 02, 2008 11:39 am

I forgot the link. Anyone with thoughts and memories of Dixon is welcome:
Steve Callaway

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Re: RIP Dixon Boughman

Unread postby joeoyler » Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:07 am

I was looking at some vaulting on YouTube and thought I'd google Dixon Boughman...glad I did.
Dixon....I miss you bud. You were gone before I knew it and I hadn't seen you in years. I went off to vault at Purdue and you ended up at that Other school. You know, I didn't even know you won the Big Ten....I was out of touch with you then. Bet you didn't know I was like LAST in the Big Ten a couple of years, hahahahaha. Well, I didn't get much better and you and Bobby soared to greater heights....I loved being around you, that funny little kid that vaulted with us, but held the pole on the Wrong Side....we did love vaulting didn't we. Remember when we went to the JC's in Indy to, I was like a junior and you were like 8th grade, but you couldn't have been that much younger...anyway, I have videos of that meet and there is little Dixon vaulting with us big boys...right in there having fun as all vaulters do when we're together. And the old friends here I see...I must get in touch...Bobby, Craig...I'll give a shout.

Miss you Dixon....where did our youth go???? Joe Oyler...McKinley, Washington, Northwestern H.S. and then Purdue vaulter 68-71

Dixon, what ever happened to your Opel GT.......RIP

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Re: RIP Dixon Boughman

Unread postby Bubba PV » Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:11 pm

Dixon was a great guy. He used to come jump with us at UC Irvine. Sorry to hear he is gone but he will be missed. Bubba
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Re: RIP Dixon Boughman

Unread postby obabob » Mon Jan 07, 2013 9:07 pm

Dixon and I had many battles from 1968-1970. He from Kokomo, me from Elkhart High School. Whether it was Kokomo or Goshen relays, Regionals or State, we split victories about even. I finished 3rd at state in '70', Dixon 2nd and I think Gordon Crail 1st. Our battles were epic, you from the left side, me from the right. Often it came down to least misses or who passed the hightest. We psyched each other out by jumping early heights in our warm ups. I had great respect for you my friend. Still have videos of us vaulting at the Goshen Relays against each other. Did a random search today to see if I could find you and discovered you had passed. So sorry to hear it. Miss you my friend.

Bob Godfrey
Elkhart High School

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