
News about national level high school pole vaulting, pole vaulters, rules, etc. Things that are of local interest only should go in the regional forums below. High schoolers wanting to chat should go to the High School Lounge.

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Re: Scholarships

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Thu May 28, 2009 10:45 am

AVC Coach wrote:
IMHO, it's a bit short sighted choose a lower tier university just because they throw you some money. It may save you money for 4 years but but it will definitely hamper your earning potential over the next 30 years. Sure, with hard work, you can get rich and be successful, yadda yadda yadda but if, as a parent, you have the opportunity to not just open the door for your kid but push them through, why not do it? Personally, I think there's no choice between attending OU over a TX DII. OU will provide a better academic environment, being an athlete at OU will open up far more networking opportunities for internships, jobs, etc...all of which make it much easier to get ahead later in life.

That sounds great until this kid graduates and then spends the rest of his life paying back student loans. If he can get an education for free why not get it?

I gotta agree with Morry on this one.

In some lines of work, it can help to have a degree from a more well-known school, but I think in most, it is far better to be in a situation of having less debt. Many smaller schools are well-respected academically, and all schools have alumni that are out there working, so there's always a chance that the person who interviews him for a job went to that school and it ends up being an advantage over a bigger school. In many fields, it really doesn't matter that much, grades, accomplishments, internships, etc matter more.

I was about one semester away from graduating from University of Georgia. I left to go pole vault for an NAIA school that is terrible academically. I realized that in my field (sports) no one cared where my degree was from, they cared about what I had accomplished. By the time I graduated, I had competed at (NAIA) Nationals 5 times, been Sports Information Director for my team for 3 years, sold a picture to Track & Field News, and coached a DIII All-American. I would not have had any of those opportunities at UGA.

When the economy sucks (and who knows where it will be in 5-6 years), it can be tough to find a job no matter where your degree is from. My husband got laid off right after we got married in December. Between us we have no debt, and have been able to stay in free housing at the parks the whole time in exchange for volunteering, so we are able to afford to live for very little. If we were trying to pay off student loans, the situation would be crippling and we'd probably end up in the parents basement. Graduating college with little to no debt could give him the freedom to pursue less lucrative things like internships or low-paying entry-level jobs in an area he loves. Having a lot of debt traps many college grads into working at Starbucks for years because of the half-decent pay and benefits.

And yes, OU has some major credibility issues with the vault. Your son could walk-on to just about any school in the country and never have to worry about his ability to vault as long as he stays healthy and out of trouble. OU is one of the only major schools with a track record of saying "sorry, we just don't want to have pole vaulters this year."

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Re: Scholarships

Unread postby vaultmd » Thu May 28, 2009 1:12 pm

I'm going to have to agree with Morry and Becca on this one, too.

The thing that affects future success the most is the five people you spend your time most with in college. If they are achievers chances are you will be, too. Becca is correct in stating that employers care more about what you have accomplished than where your undergraduate degree is from. At the higher levels of education, though, the school's name often does matter. So my strategy would be to go to the best cheapest school that offers what you want to do and save the money for graduate or professional school if that is in your plans. I had a cheap public education (including professional school) the whole way and it worked out for me.

Out here in CA there is a program where you can go to community college for a couple of years and pretty much be guaranteed a transfer to a UC school. Whether a kid started at community college or at UC has shown no predictive value for later academic performance.

The assumption that a DI school would be better academically than a DII just because it's DI is not only not true, but most likely the opposite of true. It's a lot easier to have an elite academic institution when the tail (Sports Entertainment Dept) does not wag the dog. And don't bring up the bogus myth that the alumni donate more if you are DI - most DI schools come out well behind in that balance. If the previous poster was actually implying that OU might be a better school than most of the Texas schools, he might have a case; but it's not because it's DI.

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Re: Scholarships

Unread postby pvdad81 » Thu May 28, 2009 6:52 pm

Wow! I didn't expect this much response. I want to thank everyone for their input. I have another question. If he went to Texas for a year and didn't like it, could he transfer to OU without losing any eligibility? or vise versa?

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Re: Scholarships

Unread postby kev44000 » Thu May 28, 2009 9:28 pm

pvdad81 wrote:Wow! I didn't expect this much response. I want to thank everyone for their input. I have another question. If he went to Texas for a year and didn't like it, could he transfer to OU without losing any eligibility? or vise versa?

No he would not either way. What school in Texas is it?

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Re: Scholarships

Unread postby pvdad81 » Thu May 28, 2009 9:49 pm

West Texas A and M in Canyon, TX. The Track coach there is from Moore, OK. and has made offers to several Moore Kids.

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Re: Scholarships

Unread postby kev44000 » Fri May 29, 2009 11:19 am

pvdad81 wrote:West Texas A and M in Canyon, TX. The Track coach there is from Moore, OK. and has made offers to several Moore Kids.

Did you get lefty entered in the Great Southwest? I would like to see him there. If you need info have Jon call Jack.

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Re: Scholarships

Unread postby vault3rb0y » Fri May 29, 2009 11:43 am

Unless you plan to become a professional pole vaulter you need to get the education. HOWEVER it is extremely important that if you do make a commitment to vault in college that you trust in that program to help you become successful. The worst thing would be getting paid to jump for a university you hate going to. But realize that pole vault is not the end game for 99% of even COLLEGE vaulters. My personal priorities in choosing a college broke down like this:

1.) Education
2.) Athletics
3.) finances
4.) social/geographical/etc....

Obviously these priorities change for give circumstances, but i do not think that finances should ever take priority over education and athletics unless they quite frankly, have to. You need to find a comfortable balance. I signed on for 15% as a 16'1" vaulter, but only because i was blessed to have the resources to go out of state to the best program of my major in the nation, with a solid athletic program to match. It was an investment, yes, but im banking (no pun intended) on it paying off when i get out of college. Just realize theres a balance.... Everyone needs to find that perfect balance for themselves. But also realize that as long as you can afford it, the money isn't going to be in your mind as much when you are actually on campus. So go where you can be happy, get a solid degree, a solid 4 years of vaulting, and as little debt as possible when you get out.
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Re: Scholarships

Unread postby vaultmd » Fri May 29, 2009 11:49 am

pvdad81 wrote:West Texas A and M in Canyon, TX. The Track coach there is from Moore, OK. and has made offers to several Moore Kids.

To me the issue would be whether the school has a good academic program in the field of study your kid is considering, and (this is important) whether they have enough good programs in other areas to accommodate the kid if he/she changes majors (the usual case, not the exception).

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Re: Scholarships

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Fri May 29, 2009 12:47 pm

pvdad81 wrote:Wow! I didn't expect this much response. I want to thank everyone for their input. I have another question. If he went to Texas for a year and didn't like it, could he transfer to OU without losing any eligibility? or vise versa?

In DI, you have 4 seasons of eligibility and a 5 year clock that begins when you start school full time (at any college). This clock does not stop even if you take time off from school (and taking time off from school makes it nearly impossible to make enough academic progress to stay eligible).

If you mean Texas as in University of Texas, aren't they in the same conference as OU? Each conference has rules that go above and beyond the NCAA rules, and almost every conference requires athletes to be ineligible for a year if they transfer within the conference. Some conferences it's two years!

If you mean a DII school in Texas, he would probably be OK transferring, but I think he would need to get a release?

So as long as you don't transfer in the same conference, you can usually transfer once without major penalty, but you still have the 4 seasons and 5 year clock.

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Re: Scholarships

Unread postby pvdad81 » Fri May 29, 2009 1:58 pm

kev44000 wrote:
pvdad81 wrote:West Texas A and M in Canyon, TX. The Track coach there is from Moore, OK. and has made offers to several Moore Kids.

Did you get lefty entered in the Great Southwest? I would like to see him there. If you need info have Jon call Jack.

No, it's not in the budget. Nike Outdoor is the only big meet we can afford to go to. That will be his last summer meet. He spoke with the OU coach today and is going to walk on.

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Re: Scholarships

Unread postby kev44000 » Fri May 29, 2009 4:14 pm

pvdad81 wrote:
kev44000 wrote:
pvdad81 wrote:West Texas A and M in Canyon, TX. The Track coach there is from Moore, OK. and has made offers to several Moore Kids.

Did you get lefty entered in the Great Southwest? I would like to see him there. If you need info have Jon call Jack.

No, it's not in the budget. Nike Outdoor is the only big meet we can afford to go to. That will be his last summer meet. He spoke with the OU coach today and is going to walk on.

If he lives at home the cost will not be that bad. This is what they offered Jack live at home and they would cover books and tuition. I hope they hire a vault coach I think that is important. See you at the sooner state games on the 13th at Yukon maybe.

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Re: Scholarships

Unread postby vault3rb0y » Mon Jun 01, 2009 5:09 pm

I truly believe that the coach a college OR high school athlete has is the single best predictor to his/her success. Getting poles, going to meets, technique, training, motivation, fun, etc, are all facilitated by a great coach. It's very important.
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