Trouble with free takeoff

This is a forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to intermediate level pole vaulting.
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Trouble with free takeoff

Unread postby jam354 » Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:03 pm

I was a 15' vaulter back in the early 90's. I was consistantly a foot under. I have pictures of me taking off with the pole almost at 90 degrees. I tried to fix it my whole career but would always steer myself under. I'm now 29 and getting back into vaulting. I'm trying to relearn everything starting with a free takeoff. Today I was holding around 12', still working on straight pole. When I take off free, it feels as if I jump...then the pole hits...and my arms feel like they're getting tugged off my body. I realize that a lot of this has to do with the fact that it is just a different feeling than I'm used to, but I'm wondering if anyone has any advice or thoughts on what I might still be doing wrong.

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Re: Trouble with free takeoff

Unread postby powerplant42 » Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:09 pm

Firstly, there is a wealth of information on this site on this topic, so using the search feature is highly recommended.

You will find that a common theme in take-off remodeling is going back to the basics... 1 step Jagodins, 2 step Jagodins, all in the sand or on the grass/track. Focus on an early plant and overemphasize the pre-jump. :yes:
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Re: Trouble with free takeoff

Unread postby baggettpv » Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:29 am

The Free Take-Off

Go to youtube and get the explanation of it from me. I explain it very well.

Rick Baggett
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