Trying to fix my plant and takeoff *updated 12/30/08*

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Trying to fix my plant and takeoff *updated 12/30/08*

Unread postby sooch90 » Sat Nov 15, 2008 3:38 am

Hey guys, I just started vaulting this week

I've made it my top priority to fix my plant. I'm a little lost though. I'm not sure which ways I should improve my plant and how I should improve it. I think right now I'm just trying to get a higher plant.

I'm trying to drive the pole up, like I tried to on the jagodin. I'm trying to prevent the pole from smacking me in the face, and one way I'm doing this is by fixing my pole raising sequence (which I did a better job on jump 7). However, even on jump 7 the plant still collapsed. Also, when I move back to 4 lefts and move up poles, my plant really collapses. I need advice on how I should improve my plant and if I'm doing it correctly or not. How do I get a high plant without jamming my bottom arm into the pole? How do I get a high plant while still getting a free takeoff? Are there any useful drills?

So any comments or advice on planting would be greatly appreciated!

Age: 18
Weight: 142ish lbs
Height: 5' 8.5"
College: Haverford College
Coach: Irv Mondschein

*EDIT* 12/07/08
New video, I've moved my run back, takeoff definitely still needs improvement. However, I wanted some input. The last jump in the video was a competition jump, but I'm not as connected with the pole as I was in my other videos. Is it cause I'm undergripping a little in that video? I feel like my jumps in practice were a lot cleaner than my meet jumps, but I guess it just takes time to transfer my practice jumps into my meets jumps?

Also I still need to work on my planting sequence and bring up my bottom arm first.

The bar/bungees were at 13 feet. Any input would be appreciated! Thanks!

*EDIT* 12/30/08
Okay, I'm finally getting into a takeoff position that I am satisfied with. Well, maybe not completely satisfied, but it's definitely A LOT improved. I think what really helped me was thinking about hitting the pole before the pole hit the box. With this mindset, I think I started to really hit the pole at takeoff and get that good initial pressure that a good plant needs. I think I getting into a much better position with better posture at takeoff as well.

However, my concern now is that I can't seem to swing and stay connected to the pole as well as I did before I fixed my plant! I have a video comparing two jumps, one which was from before I fixed my plant, and the other was taken right when I fixed my plant. It seems that I don't have enough time to invert on the latter jump. Could this be evidence that I'm putting too much pressure with the bottom arm? Or maybe I just need to give myself some time to develop my swing with the new takeoff? Or maybe it's because I had more adrenaline in the first jump because it was at a meet.

I don't know, any help would be appreciated! Thanks for all the comments so far, they've all been great! ... annel_page
Last edited by sooch90 on Tue Dec 30, 2008 4:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Trying to fix my plant and takeoff

Unread postby powerplant42 » Sat Nov 15, 2008 11:26 am

Hmmm... This is a difficult one...

I have a few things you can do though.

1. Typically, you should begin to fix a phase by fixing the phase before it. So your run... It does look like you could improve it a lot! Get doing those ladders and pole runs, BUT, don't forget straight up 20/20's, and of course, claws and ostriches. You can even ostrich into 20/20's. The better your run is, the easier it is to plant. You also appear to be a little under on many of the jumps.

2. Keep you bottom hand HIGH! If you drop it much below your chest, you will have difficulties getting it up high early without doing some wierd stuff with your run/posture.

3. Get that take-off heel under your butt! I have a couple drills for this one... This one I came up with on my own (I guess I should add it to my drill database then, huh?): I call the drill '100m weighted take-offs' or just '100m take-offs'. Strap about 2 pounds to your take-off foot. Slowly jog into the best take-off you can do, with your hands high as you jump (you could even use a stubby for this one!). Put special emphasis on the take-off heel coming UP instead of going OUT. Do that for 100m, you should get around 12 reps or so in. Then walk back to the starting line or wherever to give some rest to your leg. This is a pretty intense drill... I had a pretty sore right hamstring the day after I first tried these. Give that a shot, tell me what you think of it! Another drill: Altius' 'bungy bar' drill. That's explained in my 'database' thread. Basically tie a bungy on an angle and do short pole runs toward it, trying to touch the bungy with your top hand on each jump. It's on an angle so that you can progress, or so that others with different abilities can participate at the same time. :yes:

Hope can fix all that by meet-time! Good luck dude! :D (And do let me know what you think of that 100m drill... I'm itching for some objective feedback.)
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Re: Trying to fix my plant and takeoff

Unread postby charlie » Sat Nov 15, 2008 7:51 pm

I'm going to cause some negative reactions from coaches. First, you are doing alot of things right. Your plant is early and your front arm comes back over your head AS IT SHOULD and you PRESS up instead of block out as most americans do. The greatest vaulter ever ,does it like you do . The only thing I would like to see you do is press up just A LITTLE BIT SOONER on alarger pole and I will guarentee you will get BLOWN up of the end. I am coach polhamus in Fitzgerald , Georgia Had a invitation at my facility last sat 9yr old girl 8' I have 23 vaulters from 4 states. Had # 1 7th grader in the nation last year13' 8 hs state champions in 2008. I personally set 8 masters indoor and out door world records and won back to back mworld championships years ago. I teach the exact way you are vaulting with a little more and SOONER PRESS UP as you are leaving the ground, and yes; I can still do it at 65 yrs old . Good luck and keep doing what you are doing , because it'S right. Coach Charlie

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Re: Trying to fix my plant and takeoff

Unread postby powerplant42 » Sat Nov 15, 2008 9:55 pm

But it isn't perfect... Bubka's plant was not perfect... nor was his take-off... nothing can ever be perfect, but we must strive to make it so... Sooch asked for HELP! He's trying to FIX something, which absolutely DOES need fixing. Your resume, while extremely impressive, is almost totally irrelevant... how does it relate to how Sooch can improve his far from perfect plant and take-off? Positive feedback is good, and needed, but what about his mistakes?

Just one of those 'negative' reactions you mentioned...

But, he is doing a lot of things right, as you said. Otherwise, he would not be jumping in college...

In my second viewing, I have some additional comments.

Sooch, a lot of your 'face' problem is only due to the poles being way too small for you. Once you get on poles you don't massacre, you might find these problems disappear. It makes it harder to critique as well! Also, you tend to take off a few inches under... that does not help this either. I didn't see it at first because of the angle and my focus was not really on that, but watching again I see it.

Why that large of a pole variation in your jumps?

Oh, and watch your bottom hand during your plant in your jagodin, jump 5, and jump 6, along with your 'good plant' jump. What do you notice?
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Re: Trying to fix my plant and takeoff

Unread postby sooch90 » Sun Nov 16, 2008 5:11 pm

I actually appreciated your comment, charlie. It's good to know that I'm at least on the right track with where I'm going with my plant. I also appreciate that advice about driving the pole up a little earlier, so thanks!

In my good plant sequence, I think I did a better job of raising the bonding plant hand first, which is something I've been working on.

However, about moving up poles.. I found that when I do move up, my plant becomes even worse. That's when my face really smashes into the pole haha
I'm trying to keep it light and short for now so I can fix everything first on the lighter poles. Then move up as I get more comfortable and better and planting.

Also, I'm not sure I'm seeing my takeoff being under on the majority of my jumps. I was under on jump 3 and jump 8, but I think for the rest I had an on or slightly out takeoff?

Hey I'd really appreciate other people to critique as well! Thanks!

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Re: Trying to fix my plant and takeoff

Unread postby IAmTheWalrus » Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:52 pm

I will have to agree with you that your takeoff is on or close to it. I am only watching on Youtube, so I can't frame-by-frame it, but it appears that your body passes through the vertical plane (from top hand to takeoff foot) without the pole bending, however, it is possible that your left arm collapse is delaying the bend of the pole. I can't think of a better way to say that, so if its confusing I apologize. It also looks to me like you do a good job of jumping up off the runway. I'm not going to comment on the swing at all, because you are on soft poles and were asking about your plant and takeoff. I think that you could gain a bit from staying behind the pole longer and better. I have seen a lot on the "left arm" on this forum, so I am fully prepared to be refuted on this, but here goes. I had always been taught to drive upwards with both arms at takeoff, then maintain this upward pressure while applying pressure down the pole throughout the swing. This I believe is in contrast to "locking out," but some may disagree. This is just my opinion, feel free to disagree, I welcome other opinions and opportunities to learn.

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Re: Trying to fix my plant and takeoff

Unread postby powerplant42 » Sun Nov 16, 2008 9:32 pm

The force that you can put into a pole with a correct bottom arm is pretty negligible... I think it's better to try to do that than risk not being tall through take-off.
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Re: Trying to fix my plant and takeoff *updated 12/07/08*

Unread postby sooch90 » Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:31 pm

Hey updated with new video on the first post in the thread! Please comment, thanks!

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Re: Trying to fix my plant and takeoff *updated 12/07/08*

Unread postby powerplant42 » Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:07 pm

MUCH better plant, but it's still a little bit late. "Hands before feet!" Even though it's still late, it's no longer your primary limiting factor, nor is your being a few inches under at take-off (a little more than occasionally I would say, but not on every jump). I would say it is now your swing. Get on a high bar and stay there for the next month or so! :yes:
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Re: Trying to fix my plant and takeoff *updated 12/30/08*

Unread postby sooch90 » Tue Dec 30, 2008 4:20 pm

hey, I updated it with another video! 12/30/08

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Re: Trying to fix my plant and takeoff *updated 12/30/08*

Unread postby powerplant42 » Tue Dec 30, 2008 6:22 pm

I believe your take-off might be flat. I'll take another look later to confirm it.
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Re: Trying to fix my plant and takeoff *updated 12/30/08*

Unread postby sooch90 » Thu Jan 01, 2009 9:02 pm

Thanks powerplant

Anyone else have any other comments? Please all input would really be appreciated, especially from coaches!

Here's the video again ... annel_page

happy new year!

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