Sounds Like a Training Pole

A forum to discuss everything to do with pole vaulting equipment: poles, pits, spikes, etc.

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Fri Aug 22, 2003 7:29 pm

Geez guys do I need to close another thread on you :P Be nice and call each other if you want to be mean! :eek:

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wow when you are my age you will understand the mind thingy

Unread postby Bruce Caldwell » Fri Aug 22, 2003 7:30 pm

wow when you are my age you will understand the mind thingy! If that is the 2nd thing to go what was the first?

1969- 2003=34 years
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Unread postby PVJunkie » Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:14 pm

rainbowgirl28 wrote:Geez guys do I need to close another thread on you :P Be nice and call each other if you want to be mean! :eek:

Thats how old people talk.............

So leave them alone until the slide rulers start to fly!!!

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Unread postby lonestar » Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:39 pm

PVJunkie wrote:
rainbowgirl28 wrote:Geez guys do I need to close another thread on you :P Be nice and call each other if you want to be mean! :eek:

Thats how old people talk.............

So leave them alone until the slide rulers start to fly!!!

So in "Pole Vault Power: the Movie" would Jack Lemmon play pvjunkie and Walter Matthau play essx? Angelina Jolie as rainbowgirl28, right?

Cool, just had an idea for a new thread - I'll post it in the lounge.
Any scientist who can't explain to an eight-year-old what he is doing is a charlatan. K Vonnegut

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Unread postby PVJunkie » Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:45 pm

Did I come across as mean..............I was refering to Jeff aka decamouse. I HOPE that all my posts would come acoss as biased at worst, not mean. I would buy Bruce a beer any time any where, OK not anywhere, I dont know him all that well but you get the point.

AND Kris, I hope to oneday sit down with you after a 3 hour vault session and have a cold one and discuss vault tech til the club kicks us out!!! Then continue until the sun comes up while watching video (who cares of what) until we agree to disagree about the exact same thing!!!!!!!!!! There, I said it I :heart: ya man.....................

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Unread postby lonestar » Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:09 pm

PVJunkie wrote:Did I come across as mean..............I was refering to Jeff aka decamouse. I HOPE that all my posts would come acoss as biased at worst, not mean. I would buy Bruce a beer any time any where, OK not anywhere, I dont know him all that well but you get the point.

AND Kris, I hope to oneday sit down with you after a 3 hour vault session and have a cold one and discuss vault tech til the club kicks us out!!! Then continue until the sun comes up while watching video (who cares of what) until we agree to disagree about the exact same thing!!!!!!!!!! There, I said it I :heart: ya man.....................

Whoa, whoa, whoa there cowboy, you may not know Bruce all that well but I don't know you all that well either, so let's make sure we're watching "pole vaulting" videos ;) and keeping the affectionate statements to a mere "you're a cool mutha*&^%$#"

Any scientist who can't explain to an eight-year-old what he is doing is a charlatan. K Vonnegut

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:09 pm

lonestar wrote:So in "Pole Vault Power: the Movie" would Jack Lemmon play pvjunkie and Walter Matthau play essx? Angelina Jolie as rainbowgirl28, right?

Cool, just had an idea for a new thread - I'll post it in the lounge.

LOL. How about Jessica Alba to play me :P

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Unread postby Lord of the Poles » Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:11 pm

They're both really cute...doesn't matter...haha...

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Unread postby PVJunkie » Fri Aug 22, 2003 11:08 pm

lonestar wrote:
PVJunkie wrote:Did I come across as mean..............I was refering to Jeff aka decamouse. I HOPE that all my posts would come acoss as biased at worst, not mean. I would buy Bruce a beer any time any where, OK not anywhere, I dont know him all that well but you get the point.

AND Kris, I hope to oneday sit down with you after a 3 hour vault session and have a cold one and discuss vault tech til the club kicks us out!!! Then continue until the sun comes up while watching video (who cares of what) until we agree to disagree about the exact same thing!!!!!!!!!! There, I said it I :heart: ya man.....................

Whoa, whoa, whoa there cowboy, you may not know Bruce all that well but I don't know you all that well either, so let's make sure we're watching "pole vaulting" videos ;) and keeping the affectionate statements to a mere "you're a cool mutha*&^%$#"


Do you doubt my MANHOOD.................I know your not from tx but whats that they say.............tx is full of steers and queers..............Im from indiana.............uuummm corn, corn and maybe more corn.........Oh yea and Bobby Knight.............but we gave HIM to you texans. Go figure!!


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Unread postby Decamouse » Sat Aug 23, 2003 5:19 am

Sounds like he already has been sitting by the campfie having a few - or PV withdrawl - its been a week for him - ;) World Champ womens qual. today - check the net for results
Plant like crap sometimes ok most times

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Unread postby vaultdad » Mon Aug 25, 2003 12:55 am


You guys lend a whole new meaning to "conversational therapy". :P
Vaulting Incognito "I saw those tubes on your truck, and I thought you were a plumber . . ."

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