testing poles - haverford123

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Unread postby Haverford123 » Thu May 08, 2008 9:22 pm

mm i see what you are saying, thank you
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Unread postby souleman » Fri May 09, 2008 11:07 am

Really work those hill pole runs with good straight back (or tall) posture. The thread regarding the run drills would be helpful to you too. I copied the link of the girl doing the drills. The high knee drills will be very good for you both on a flat track with pole and the hill. Check it out.

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Unread postby sooch90 » Fri May 09, 2008 3:51 pm

hey man, if you're really serious about fixing your stride/run, then I would really suggest that you do the drills that ladyvolspvcoach gave me.

heres what I do to set up the rundrill on the track. Either find a white line that goes across the track like a finish line. Or draw one with chalk or use tape across four lanes. Then take a small pole and measure down it length from the top of the pole and measure 5 feet. Then pull off about 18 inches of athletic tape and put it on the pole running down the length of it. Now measure 5'3" on the tape and mark it. Then write 5'3" at the mark. Then measure down from the top of the pole 5'6" and do the same. Then 5'9" and 6'0" and do the same. Now you have a measuring stick to lay out the lanes. Go to the mark that goes across the track and lay the pole down with the top of the pole at the mark going across the lanes. lay it on one of the lane lines. Now make a mark on the edge of the lane at the 5'3" mark. now move the pole until the top of it is at the mark you just made. Now look where the 5'3" mark is on the pole and make another chalk mark on the track. Repeat until you have 7 marks on the track including the one going across the track. Now go to the second lane and repeat theprocess using the 5'6" mark. Then do the same in the next two lanes using the 5'9 and 6'0 marks. So now you should have 4 lanes marked with the last 6 strides showing in each and each being a little longer than the previous one. So to get your starting point in each lane do this: Go to the first land (5'3") put your tow on the last mark you made in that lane. Pick your pole up and run away from the marks accelerating as fast as you can. have some one catch your 3rd left. mark that spot. No you have one completed lane. This is a 6 left pole run. Now go to the next lane and run back from the last mark 4 lefts and mark where the toe hits. Now you have a completed lane for 7 left pole runs. Go to the next lane and run back 5 lefts and go to the last lane and run back 6 lefts. the drill is to run 5 reps in each lane. Count down as you run each lane. So the first lane you'll count six when your left foot hits the ground the first time. Start by putting your right foot back and raising your left toe off the ground. then Push Out hard and accelerate until you reach number 4 in your count-down. Then just try to get your feet down as fast as you can and jump up and extend your arms at the count of one!! You can practice all of the approach mechanics including good pole drop mechanics and take off mechanics....There's more but this should do for now....Let me know how it works and if you can send a video that I can critique...
Coach Job

This drill has been the best method for getting used to proper stride length and cadence, and it's the only one that I could transfer right to my real run when actually vaulting. Using the midmark chart alone and just finding your steps using the chart is helpful, but you'll find that you still stride out a lot.

However, this drill brings real results and not just temporary flukes. Try it! :yes:

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Unread postby VaultPurple » Fri May 09, 2008 4:00 pm

it seems like you are blocking out by pushing your bottom arm too far in front ... when you push it at the plant, it should go up and thenalmost directly over ur head , not so far infront .... because your left hand is infront of your face after take off it makes it harder to swing upside down and get inverted

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Unread postby souleman » Fri May 09, 2008 4:33 pm

Sooch is right on this one. Ladyvloscoach has got this run and approach thing down. Check out his posts regarding the subject. Don't forget that the strengthening of the chain begins with the links at the top of the runway. Later............Mike

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Unread postby Haverford123 » Sat May 10, 2008 6:26 pm

sounds good, ill try it this week and try to post a vid.
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