Why the plant is late?

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My plant is late because

My arms are moving pole too slow forward
I have no idea
I begin my pole drop too late
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Pole Drop

Unread postby BlueGoldPolevaulter167 » Thu May 08, 2008 8:20 am

A problem I've had, and still have some problems with is that i forget to have a pole drop until im 2 left steps from the pit; and to compensate for that I run flat-footed to slow down so I can get the plant up in time. This isn't a good thing to do but i was able to clear 9'0" (upper hand @ 10'3") like this from my 4 left. Pole Drop timing is key to a vault. By the time people are almost at the pit, the pole should be nearly parallel (i'm pretty sure my coach said this). But this is only my 2nd year polevaulting so i don't expect myself to be perfect.
my current PR: 9'6" (almost 10') (as of 5-6-08)

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Unread postby dj » Thu May 08, 2008 8:59 am

good morning

correcting your run by using the "MID" chart and carring the pole.....

"left wrist higher than the left elbow... right hand near the waist or high butt.."

should get you closer to a natural drop.

the steps must be "ON" before the posture and rhythm can function properly.

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Unread postby BlueGoldPolevaulter167 » Fri May 09, 2008 8:36 am

Thanks, this only happens when i forget to have a pole drop, my run is already on and im working on my pole drop.
my current PR: 9'6" (almost 10') (as of 5-6-08)

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Unread postby volteur » Fri May 09, 2008 9:53 am

dj wrote:good morning

the steps must be "ON" before the posture and rhythm can function properly.


So true!

Where do i find your chart?

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Unread postby volteur » Fri May 09, 2008 10:57 am

Hi Agapit i've enjoyed looking through your posts and like the way you think.

I'm wondering what specifically happens at 6 steps that is different from before that. I realise the pole is dropping in one continuous motion in an ideal situation yet what specifically happens at 6 out? Also if we take the right wrist turning over as initiating the plant, i'm seeing the plant as going from left liftoff to landing on the right (for a R-hander) and then the takeoff occurs from right to left. A two step action. Does this fit with what you are saying?


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Unread postby dj » Fri May 09, 2008 1:55 pm


what is your 6 step "MID".. and grip for your PR..

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Unread postby BlueGoldPolevaulter167 » Mon May 12, 2008 9:43 am

DJ, I'm not sure what my "MID" chart thing is, im using a UCS Spirit 155 pole (13'), my run is 65' 9' and my upper hand grip is roughly 11' 6" i'm 6'0", Take off step (where i jump) 8' (roughly) This should be able to answer the MID chart i believe. this is only my second year vaulting (2nd season), i havent heard of the MID chart before.
my current PR: 9'6" (almost 10') (as of 5-6-08)

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Unread postby dj » Mon May 12, 2008 10:44 am

good morning

i forget to have a pole drop until im 2 left steps from the pit; and to compensate for that I run flat-footed to slow down so I can get the plant up in time.

running flat footed and slowing down is an indication that your run is off.. the accuracy of the run effects the posture and pole "balance" which in turn does not allow you to plant on time and with good Plant posture.

the "MID" is a good indicator of the correct run...

an 11'5 grip is close to 38' and 11'8 is 39'... if you are not in that range it is a sure sign your run is incorrect and you can not change your plant technique if the run is out of "wack".

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Unread postby volteur » Mon May 12, 2008 11:15 am

Hi dj

how does the MID chart account for individual variance in stride length?

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Unread postby dj » Mon May 12, 2008 11:23 am

good morning

volteur the chart is on the PVP home page.. bottom..

or did you find it already..

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Unread postby OH-IOvaulter » Mon May 12, 2008 11:53 am

Hey Volteur, check out the MID thread, it covers all this. DJ, I know I opened the can of worms once so I'll go for you, Individual Stride variance is not covered for in the chart because from what I understand of DJ's chart (not DJ's opinion or mine, just my understanding of the chart) the variation is more in frequency of strides and less in the length of each.
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Unread postby dj » Mon May 12, 2008 12:13 pm


stride length is a product of "speed" (or actually how aggressive the "push off" is) and not a product of the leg length of the athlete.

With that in mind that is why it is very important to keep the stride length the same over the last 6 steps (“MIDâ€
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