Big Improvements...

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Big Improvements...

Unread postby BadMotherVaulter » Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:38 am

now... dissect the jumps in this video if you will...

all the details are in the video. :)

Now i'm a coach at a high school here in Evansville. Here's a question for all you coaches out there: what kind of potential am i showing at age 21 on these vaults? Could you see me vaulting in college and being moderately successful?

My goal right now is to get to where i've got a good vault going for me and since im not the wealthiest, i'm trying to get good enough to achieve even a partial scholarship somewhere. I know its a lot of big talk for a 13' vaulter, but i'm trying to set some high goals.
Last edited by BadMotherVaulter on Tue Apr 08, 2008 10:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread postby souleman » Tue Apr 08, 2008 9:41 am

Your best jump was the make at 13. Three things I noticed. First you're running "long" not "strong". What I mean by that is I'd like to see higher knees and a taller run. Next you're waaaaaaaaaay under. Look how much you're pole is bent and you are still on the ground. Finally (largely in part to you being under) a better trail leg whip would get you ready for a better result at the top. Later........Mike

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Unread postby BadMotherVaulter » Tue Apr 08, 2008 10:01 am

Thanks mike!

I can attribute the 'long' running style to the fact that i'm a distance runner... i'm working on it more and more. But in all honesty, i'm really really slow. haha.

I'll adjust my steps for next practice and see where that puts me... and i agree with that swing, i need to whip that trail leg more and put more energy into it, that will put me in a better position at the top of my vault. So i really need to get into shape haha.

But, i feel my plant is good and powerful, i just wish the top of my vault is where it needs to be. When i get everything right off the ground, i think it will be a bit better.

My goal earlier this year was 14', but at the end of practice i had a clean clearance of that, so do you think 15' in 6 months or less is a reasonable goal?
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Unread postby souleman » Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:22 am

To help with running style and posture, do pole runs on a slight hill. That will force you to keep your run tall and your knees up. Your plant positioning (shoulders up) isn't bad, but because you are under it causes that to be a moot point. The basics are there you just need to improve on them and get them to fit the model better. Keep in mind, adjustments are in inches and not feet. You won't be able to move that takeoff out by just simply moving your step back. Your brain has determined a spot that you feel comfortable taking off at. When you run down the runway, (if you just move your step back) your brain will tell your legs to adjust to hit that predetermined point. So, like raising your grip which we do by fingers not fists, likewise with your run and takeoff. You need to retrain your mellon to be ok with taking off "out". As to goals? I'm a big believer in setting and resetting your goals. First thing you have to do is get a bar up there at 13' and make that you "gimme" height. Bungees in my opinion promote laziness at the top. You can cream the bungee and it stays up giving you a false sense of accomplishment. Once you can jump that thirteen on any given day, let's move that goal up 6 inches and so on. There's a multitude of nuts and bolts info on this forum that you can search for and utilize to improve your technique. Find it and use it. If you haven't got Beginner to Bubka yet I would strongly suggest that you do and follow it's instruction. Hope this helps.........Later...............Mike

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Unread postby BadMotherVaulter » Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:33 am

THANK YOU again.. very informative post... and i think i need to order beginner to bubka...

haha i really need a coach.
suck it up.

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Unread postby BadMotherVaulter » Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:27 pm

any other takers?
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Unread postby vault3rb0y » Thu Apr 10, 2008 5:18 pm

You say you run distance? You might not want to do that anymore lol. Get on a good sprinting workout, and really focus on pole runs and running technique. You want to break your distance running habits. Do i notice a heel-to-toe running on the runway? You want to stay on your toes while you run and be almost "bouncy" with your knees high.

You swing through very nicely with a straight trail leg almost all the way to the top. Thats going to help you a TON when you accelerate your last few strides into a free-take off, because you will be swinging probably twice as fast as you are now.

To work on a free take off, i've found that knowing exactly what you are striving for will help a lot with getting there. You want to Leave the ground before the pole tip hits the back of the box. Do pop ups and work with positioning your hands where they need to be so that the pole tip doesn't hit the back until you are off the ground. Hold as low as you need to. The point is to avoid pushing your hands forward to feel the comfort of the box before you leave the ground. If you can get comfortable with that, go to a little higher grip and do the same thing. You may need to adjust your run, but make sure you are keeping your hands tall at the plant, dont "feel" for the box. It takes tons of repetition, and rebuilding of muscle habits. But it pays off bigtime. Jump "UP", not "IN". Have that in your mind on every vault you take. When you hit a free take off, or getting closer and closer to a free take off, there is a split second that you are in the air before the pole bends. Use this time quickly to "finish your take off" by getting your trail leg into the famous inverted "C" position. That way you are not forced to swing immediately, only after you have had time to hit your position. I hope that helps a little!
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Unread postby BadMotherVaulter » Fri Apr 11, 2008 7:31 am

vault3rb0y wrote:You say you run distance? You might not want to do that anymore lol. Get on a good sprinting workout, and really focus on pole runs and running technique. You want to break your distance running habits. Do i notice a heel-to-toe running on the runway? You want to stay on your toes while you run and be almost "bouncy" with your knees high.

You swing through very nicely with a straight trail leg almost all the way to the top. Thats going to help you a TON when you accelerate your last few strides into a free-take off, because you will be swinging probably twice as fast as you are now.

To work on a free take off, i've found that knowing exactly what you are striving for will help a lot with getting there. You want to Leave the ground before the pole tip hits the back of the box. Do pop ups and work with positioning your hands where they need to be so that the pole tip doesn't hit the back until you are off the ground. Hold as low as you need to. The point is to avoid pushing your hands forward to feel the comfort of the box before you leave the ground. If you can get comfortable with that, go to a little higher grip and do the same thing. You may need to adjust your run, but make sure you are keeping your hands tall at the plant, dont "feel" for the box. It takes tons of repetition, and rebuilding of muscle habits. But it pays off bigtime. Jump "UP", not "IN". Have that in your mind on every vault you take. When you hit a free take off, or getting closer and closer to a free take off, there is a split second that you are in the air before the pole bends. Use this time quickly to "finish your take off" by getting your trail leg into the famous inverted "C" position. That way you are not forced to swing immediately, only after you have had time to hit your position. I hope that helps a little!

Haha yeah i ran distance all through high school and after... i am positive i'm running heel-toe. I did some pop-ups yesterday though from 3 lefts out, concentrating on running the correct way.

I've done free take-offs before, and yeah, it feels awkward as hell, but then again when i was first learning, every time i did something right it was awkward as hell. haha.

So i'll try to incorporate that into my pop-ups from now on too and work it into my full vaults. Thank you!

P.S. (5.10? impressive pr...)
suck it up.

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Unread postby vault3rb0y » Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:13 am

Yea a free take off is going to feel weird. Ive been hitting them on and off all season, and it feels weird at the take off, but the entire vault feels so much more smooth when you hit it. You dont feel any pressure in the vault, and you feel like you can swing sooo hard.

Thanks, my PR last year at this time was 14'8". When you focus on a free take off and adding energy all the way to the top of the vault, good things happen!
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Unread postby BadMotherVaulter » Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:13 am


so i started working on my run and free takeoffs from 3 lefts out doing pop ups then gradually moved back a left after i got it right.

the free takeoff did feel a little weird at first, but you were right in the fact that you can swing a LOT faster and harder when you're doing it. I have my approach down and the free takeoff at 5 lefts now but i'm still a little under on my takeoff when i do a full approach from 6 lefts.

i vaulted some yesterday and have a few really big jumps, but when i moved up on poles i couldn't get my swing all the way and stay vertical... i think i was getting tired and just got pooped. haha. So i went and did some drills and some bubkas and i'll try hitting it again today.
suck it up.

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