Vaulters Bicycling US to Raise Money for Cancer Research

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Tom Wilson
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Posts: 64
Joined: Fri Sep 08, 2006 1:38 pm
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Vaulters Bicycling US to Raise Money for Cancer Research

Unread postby Tom Wilson » Thu Jan 03, 2008 9:13 pm

Willing to help fellow vaulters? Of course! In this case we want raise money for The American Cancer Society. Summer of ‘08 a couple vaulters and friend(s) are bicycling across the northern US. Each rider is hoping to raise $10 in total pledges per mile. If we succeed we’ll have over $100,000 raised for fighting cancer. Vaulters and others can help us in a couple ways.

1) Pledge a donation towards our goal, 1 penny per mile will be about $40. ¼ penny is about $10. To donate please visit

Your donation check will be made out to the American Cancer Society directly so you can be sure all 100% of the donation goes to ACS.

2) We’ll be looking for backyards, parks and campgrounds to stay in and anyone so inclined to let us stay a night in their yards would be warmly welcomed. Route is not planned yet but in general will be Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michagan, Canada, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New Jersey.

We’ll tally up total donations from various group types. Let’s show everyone how generous the pole vaulting world is. Thanks in advance for helping![/url]

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