Decamouse wrote:We have people with well over twenty years of experience making poles - and this softening is not an urban legend - now the original thread - may just be that pole worked better for that vaulter
I never said it was not happening, I am in search of why it would happen and why a company would allow such a thing?
We know how it happened with the wonder poles and the white trainers, but we solved it before it went into the field.
High Density epoxy products must lose something; glass or resin to become softened!
I was only asking if you had a theory as to how it was happening with the spirits and not other poles?
Again I have not seen that much of a softer pole in the measures we have done.
How much softening have you found?
Is it enough to be concerned with?
20 years wow who would that be?
30 years here.
Most people in the industry that are making poles I would know, such as Paul Richards and Steve Chapel.
You must be talking about Dan West is he making and designing your poles he has some very sound ideas!