Pole Vaulters in Vancouver and area

News about pole vault competitions that occur outside the US and international pole vaulters.
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Pole Vaulters in Vancouver and area

Unread postby Pogo Stick » Mon Oct 08, 2007 7:15 pm

Let me introduce myself briefly: I am former pole vaulter, now in mid 40, who have decided to start again after 20 years. I am living in Canada (Richmond, BC) and I am looking for information about local pole vaulting community, especially for masters (veterans).

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Tue Oct 09, 2007 12:50 am

Andy Miller would be a good person to get in touch with, he can put you in touch with the other vaulters up there. He is PowerVaulter on this site: http://polevaultpower.com/forum/profile ... ile&u=1124

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Unread postby master » Tue Oct 09, 2007 12:26 pm

I don't have email addresses for them, but getting in touch with John Hawkins or Gerard Dumas would likely be helpful. Both are in BC, around Vancouver I believe.

Welcome to the group of former vaulters who have returned! :yes: You'll find a good deal of support here on PVP. Check out the Masters forum.

- master

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Unread postby Powervaulter » Tue Oct 09, 2007 12:58 pm

I PM'd POGO STICK, but in case he doesn't find that, I recommended the group in Vancouver. The contact there is Laurier Primeau. His email is lprimeau@stgeorges.bc.ca . Of course he's welcome to our group in Abbotsford, but it might be a little farther to drive.

North Van isn't quite set up with a lot of equipment yet (from what I understand). John Hawkins has pits, but I don't think he has anywhere to jump indoors (I could be wrong).

Gerard Dumas is on the island, so that's out for sure... unless you like ferry lineups!

Feel free to email or PM me for more details.
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Unread postby Pogo Stick » Wed Oct 10, 2007 2:05 pm

master wrote:I don't have email addresses for them, but getting in touch with John Hawkins or Gerard Dumas would likely be helpful. Both are in BC, around Vancouver I believe.

Welcome to the group of former vaulters who have returned! :yes: You'll find a good deal of support here on PVP. Check out the Masters forum.
- master

Thanks for welcoming me. My wife has told me "ok, but you will not even touch the pole without decent insurance policy". So, I need to resolve this "problem" first. :-)
I am originally from Croatia, a country with no big pole vault tradition and very modest national PV record of 5.12m (16'9.5"). My personal best was 4.70m or 15'5" ft from 1985 and it is still on top-ten list. My other PB's: long jump 7.02m (23 ft), 100m 11.1, high jump 1.85m (around 6 ft), decathlon around 5900 points. I was definitely strong and fast enough to jump 5.50 (18ft), but my technique was close to none. It is time now to finally fix that. :-)


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BC Masters

Unread postby roger/over » Wed Oct 10, 2007 11:23 pm

Gérard Dumas' address is gddumas@shaw.ca

Best wishes in your return to vaulting!

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Unread postby Powervaulter » Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:34 am

You should definitely be able to jump well, given your physical abilities. With some good coaching, the technique will help you to go far. Ryan Hvidston is the coach in Vancouver, who is a 5.20m vaulter himself, and has a very good eye for technique. You'll be in good hands with those guys. :yes:
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Location: Vancouver, Canada; Split, Croatia

Unread postby Pogo Stick » Fri Oct 12, 2007 2:40 pm

Powervaulter wrote:You should definitely be able to jump well, given your physical abilities. With some good coaching, the technique will help you to go far. Ryan Hvidston is the coach in Vancouver, who is a 5.20m vaulter himself, and has a very good eye for technique. You'll be in good hands with those guys. :yes:

My PB's are 20 years old. :)
I will do some tests this weekend: 40m, 60m, 100m, long jump, standing long jump... just to log initial condition. I will be more than happy with 100m around 13 sec and long jump around 4.50m (14'9")

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