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Another quick Petrov blurb.

Unread postby BruceFlorman » Sat Jun 02, 2007 12:08 am

The latest little excerpt from the Весь спорт phone interview with Petrov was posted yesterday afternoon, but I didn't have time to do a real translation until this evening.
13:31 30.05.2007 – Light athletics
Vitaly Petrov: It’s splendid that Lena is successfully developing in many directions

The recommendation for appointment to the athletes’ commission of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), which the Olympic pole vault champion and multiple world record-holder Yelena Isinbaeva received from the All-Russian Federation for Light Athletics (VFLA), will be an extra incentive for successful performances and versatile development. Vitaly Petrov, personal trainer to Yelena Isinbaeva, expressed this opinion to “All sport”, the agency of sport information.

“For me as Lena’s trainer, this recommendation is an undoubted plus,” said Vitaly Petrov. “The additional responsibility will not just more strongly hold her in the sport, but also force her to maintain form at a very high level. She completely understands that it won’t look good to be a member of this commission and perform badly. Furthermore, I’m not a fan of having my athletes just train and lie around in bed. People must develop themselves, and it’s splendid that Lena is successfully doing this in many directions, to say nothing of the benefit which her participation is capable of bringing to all athletes.”

Previously “All sport” reported on the VFLA presidium’s decision to recommend Yelena Isinbaeva for inclusion in the IAAF athletes’ commission. "The members of the IAAF athletes’ commission are not elected. They are appointed by the IAAF council,” explained VFLA President Valentin Balakhnichev. “Nevertheless, we decided to express Lena’s interest in the work of the international federation and recommended her appointment to the athletes’ commission.”

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June 3rd AiF interview

Unread postby BruceFlorman » Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:55 am

Wow, it's feast or famine on the Isi Update front, and we're clearly entering the feast phase. Of course I exacerbated the situation by not finding the IA Sportcom interview for two weeks, but still, the pace is clearly picking up. Yelena just made the cover (along with four other people and a puppet) of «Аргументы и факты» (Arguments & Facts), and the article was posted on their website yesterday evening.
A+F cover.jpg
A+F cover.jpg (5.53 KiB) Viewed 3768 times

Even though it hits some old topics, there are a couple meaty nuggets of interesting information here. And furthermore, in my role as an amateur Russian translator, I finally made a connection that’s been eluding me for about a year! :D
In AiF magazine, Tatiana Bogdanova wrote:Yelena Isinbaeva: I will do like "Bubka!"

On June 3rd Yelena Isinbaeva will note her 25th birthday.

The Olympic champion noisily celebrated her prior birthday in Monte Carlo. Fashionable presentations, banquets with the prince of Monaco, Albert II... But glamorous performances from Isinbaeva did not follow.

“This life is not for me. Let’s go train,” she said then to her trainer Vitaliy Petrov (former trainer of Sergey Bubka). And they left for Italy, for the training base in Formia. Here on the eve of her next birthday, before her morning training session, Yelena answered questions from “AiF”.

— How will you observe your birthday?

— We’ll get together with the athletes and trainers at the base and have a barbecue. I’d have liked to go home, to Volgograd, but I decided it’s not worth losing the time on the road. I’ll celebrate my birthday with my family in the autumn, after the end of the sport season. But for now every day for me is like "Groundhog Day". From morning and pre-lunch training sessions, then a nap; in the evening training again, and afterward — supper.

— You still want to “outdo” Sergey Bubka in quantity of records? So far the score remains in his favor: Bubka — 35, Isinbaeva — 20.

— I still want to. Last year I was introduced to the Australian swimmer who established 42 world records. Now I have the maximal goal: I wish to establish as many records as I can (Isinbaeva does not jump to her maximum, but adds a centimeter each time, obtaining approximately 50 thousand dollars for each record. — authors). If I eventually overcome 5 m 30 cm, then 42 world records could become reality for me. The question then is whether I will be able to jump so high...

“Money did not spoil”

— The top models break their competitors’ heels; ballerinas plant pebbles in slippers. Your rival jumpers don’t by chance saw your poles?

— They could jostle my start, and spike my pole, and move my marker. Such things happened while I was coming up. But now no one dares to mess with me.

— Some of your former associates from Volgograd reckon that “Isinbaeva developed ‘stars disease’; big money spoiled her.”

— I cannot please everyone. With my athlete friends who knew me already at that time, when I was a nobody, my relations have not changed a bit. And my close ones feel that the money in no way spoiled me. Otherwise they’d quickly bring me down to the earth. In no way would I want to lose their love and attention. I only get to see my parents and the sister two times a year, and I really miss them.

— Your mom worked in a boiler room, your father as janitor-handyman. Have they become well-off people because of you?

— Now they’re in need of nothing. I gave them a car and send money every month. They bought a new apartment, which is currently being fixed up.

— Rumors went around that the Italians offered you 6 million Euros to give up your citizenship and represent their country instead of Russia.

— They really must value me so highly! I constantly receive proposals to change citizenship, but now they’re of a joking nature. Like: “Maybe you can represent us?” Sure, just wait. No one seriously asks me about this anymore. Everyone knows perfectly well that the answer will always be no.

— You split with your trainer Yevgeny Trofimov with hard feelings. "After me she could be trained by a handyman from ZEK,” he said. Over the last year and a half have you reconciled with your former teacher?

— If you’ll allow me, I’d rather not answer this question. As the saying goes, those who talk about the past, keep their eyes there.

“Without a personal life”

— Your quote: “Of course I want to obtain ‘gold’ and establish world records, but I must still have time to become a mom.”

— Like all normal girls, I want to have a large, friendly family, loving husband and healthy children. But everything must be in its time. Most likely I will think about motherhood after the World Championships of 2013, which will take place in Moscow. True, by that time I will already be 31 years old, and for some reason in Russia such moms are offensively called “starorodyashchimi” [literally “old-birthers” –BF]. But now I’m located in Italy, and therefore I will consider myself a European woman: 31 years is a suitable age for having a first child.

— You keep your personal life a secret. Does the 25-year-old beauty really turn her novel only with a pole?

— I have a dear person, but due to our circumstances we’re forced to be apart. I am trained, and he too. For sport it’s necessary for us to sacrifice our personal lives. But I think after the 2008 Olympiad in Beijing, everything will change.

— Is he Russian? An athlete? Is he also a pole vaulter?

— He’s Russian, and an athlete. But he works in another form of sport. And don’t ask me more.

In a couple of prior interviews Yelena has mentioned «день сурка» with regard to her daily training routine. My dictionary and all the online translators say that means “day of a marmot”. I’d assumed this was probably some sort of colloquial Russian expression alluding to the boring life of a rodent. But it was always in quotes, so this evening I decided to try digging a little deeper, and discovered that marmots and groundhogs are closely related. That loud smacking sound was me finally catching on that she’s been talking about the Bill Murray comedy all along.
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All sport pre-Oslo interview

Unread postby BruceFlorman » Sun Jun 17, 2007 2:50 am

Evidently this interview was posted on Friday morning, but I didn’t see it until Saturday afternoon. Given the order of the topics and responses, I’m pretty sure this was the source for the pre-Oslo AFP article I posted here on Friday.

Natalya Maryanchik for Весь спорт wrote:09:54 15.06.2007 – Light Athletics – First stage of the Golden League-2007
Yelena Isinbaeva: I don’t have enough strong rivals

Today, 15 June, in Oslo will pass the first stage of light athletics’ “Golden League” - the ExxonMobil Bislett Games. Primary attention will be riveted to the women’s pole vault tournament, where the champion of the Olympic Games, World and Europe, world record holder, Yelena Isinbaeva will compete. On the eve of the chase for the million dollar “Golden League” jackpot, Yelena Isinbaeva gave an exclusive interview to the special correspondent for the agency of sport information “All Sport”, Natalya Maryanchik.

- Yelena, you’ve never before competed in the “Golden League”. What are your feelings?

- I literally flew into Oslo the day before the start, and right away left for the stadium to warm-up. The sector is good, but windy. I hope the weather will improve for the competition. But so, I feel completely confident in myself. I’m in good form, and completed the bulk of my training work. So everything should be normal.

- Did beginning your season so early force you to change your plans in any way?

- I usually open my summer season no earlier than July, but since it was announced that the women’s pole would be part of the “Golden League” this time, my trainer, Vitaliy Afanasevich Petrov and I planned my preparation so as to be in form already during June. Physically I feel absolutely ready. My technique though, is not yet completely firm. I’ve completed only ten training jumps with the new technique, and for complete confidence I’ll need somewhere from 20-25 attempts.

- The technical experiments of last season will be continued also in this one?

- Last year Vitaliy Afanasevich and I changed literally everything. So complete disorder reigned in my head: I did not see the pattern of my jumps; didn’t understand what to do and when. Furthermore there were the problems associated with leaving Russia, with the change in my way of life. Now everything has settled down, and we were able to dedicate my pre-season preparation to improving my jump. The changes have already occurred, so from here we’ll improve what’s already in place.

- What specifically do these changes consist of?

- First, we’ve shortened my takeoff by approximately a meter. Consequently, I now take shorter, higher and quicker steps. Secondly, I’ve gone away from a power style and begun to jump with more amplitude. I think, even non-specialists will note that there are no pauses in my jump and all the elements are carried out continuously, flowing smoothly one into the next. Naturally, good physical form will be required for this. I’m not particularly fond of weights, although my bench press record is 70 kg.[1] But it’s faster in this case.

- You’re certain that this new technique will work to your benefit?

- The main thing is that my trainer is confident in this. Vitaliy Afanasevich is a real professor of the pole vault. And if he considers that the new technique will allow me to use stiffer poles and jump higher still, I trust him completely.

- Recently the American woman Jennifer Stuczynski established the US record - 4,88 m. When will you meet with your most serious rival?

- Better if you ask her when she’ll meet with me (laughing)! But in general I’m very glad about Stuczynski’s progress. When there is no competition, it’s difficult. I really don’t have enough strong rivals, who would push me a bit, and force me to go further. I’ve made my best jumps in times of strong competition – first from Svetlana Feofanova, then from Anna Rogowska. But now I’m even training with the men in order to see how I’m progressing. There are some strong vaulters, but something is always insufficient for them. The Brazilian Fabiana Murer has been training with me, and her technique is splendid, but she’s rather weak physically. I really look forward to when someone finally challenges me.

- You don’t fear that this someone might deny you the million dollar jackpot?

- For me, winning is always most important. I never think about the jackpot, the prize money, or the status of the competition. My goal is to win at every competition where I participate. Certainly it would be pleasant to earn a million dollars, but money isn’t my top priority.

- But what about your statement that you are not so rich that you can add more than one centimeter to the world record at once?

- Well, these words were said long ago, after Olympiad in Athens (laughing)! I still won’t add more than a centimeter to the record, but for a different reason. Suppose I were to jump 5,20 tomorrow - and then what?! If this would be my maximum, which I never improve? I prefer to go forward step by step, and thus preserve the interest of myself, of the spectators, and of the sponsors. It seems me, that when this progress occurs gradually, it’s much better for everyone than a single flash.

- How are your relations with the other two Russian vaulters who will compete in Oslo - Yulia Golubchikova and Tatiana Polnova?

- Of course we always exchange greetings and smile – we’re not savage at all! But on the whole, we don’t have a lot to talk about. I’m not here to socialize, and to be honest, I wouldn’t even know what to ask them about.

- Do you consider these Russian women worthy rivals?

- I consider every rival worthy and strong. The unexpected can present a gift to anyone. Therefore I never weaken, since I expect the best vaults from everyone. Victory is never guaranteed for me.

- On 3 June you reached 25 years. How did you celebrate your birthday?

- I celebrated it in Italy – in order to not take time away from my training – with everyone I work with at the base in Formia: the athletes and trainers. They baked an enormous cake for me with my photograph and candles, which I, as is fitting, blew out. On the whole, I was quite satisfied.

- The All-Russian Federation for Light Athletics recommended that you be appointed to the athletes’ commission of the IAAF. To become an international official, is this your initiative?

- Valentin Vasilevich Balakhnichev and I discussed the subject, and I said that this nomination is a big plus for me. Certainly this is a great honor, and I really want to become part of the IAAF family and then, possibly, the International Olympic Committee. I’ve spent my entire life in sport, and I want to be useful to sport even after the completion of my career.

- You aim to make a career in the IOC in earnest?

- If it happens, sure! I have so many plans, that I haven’t specifically decided what I want yet. But perhaps I will go along this line.

- Then you must have concrete ideas that you will take into international sport politics.

- So far I haven’t thought seriously about this. But probably first of all, I want to improve Russian stadiums. For instance, in Moscow there is nowhere to train, since all the arenas are devoted to football.[2] In my native Volgograd the situation is also not significantly better. It would be great if I were able to help create good conditions for the athletes.

- Will you put off your withdrawal into politics until after the World Championships in Moscow in 2013?

- Certainly! I really hoped that the World Championships would take place in Moscow in 2011, but now I’m even glad it’s 2013. It will motivate me to prolong my sports life for another year. And our World Championships will receive an advantage, since all the newly-crowned Olympic champions will participate. And I hope to be among their number! If, of course, I live that long (laughing)!

ATTENTION!!! At the invitation of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), the special correspondent for the agency of sport information “Vyes sport”, Natalya Maryanchik will work at all six stages of the “Golden League” this summer. All the most significant commentaries and exclusive interviews from the superstars of world light athletics - only on the site of the agency of sport information "Vyes sport"!

[1] I’m not 100% sure of my translation of “жиме от груди” – literally “press from the chest” - as “bench press”. After seeing video of her doing the handstand pushups and such, 70 kilograms seems kind of low, doesn’t it?

[2] I could’ve translated this as “soccer” for all us USAnians, but since the Russian word is actually “futbol”, I just left it that way.

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Unread postby BruceFlorman » Sun Jun 17, 2007 11:26 pm

I posted a translation of a SovSport interview with Tatiana Lebedeva here on the IAAF message board, but it contains a brief Isi-related excerpt that I figured I’d quote here.
- This year the “Golden League” program includes the women’s pole vault for the first time. And this means that Yelena Isinbaeva becomes one of the aspirants to the prize.

- I’d really like for Lena to feel the enthusiasm and joy for herself and her country which I experienced two years ago. Sure this is a commercial tournament, but victory in it is no less prestigious than in the World Championships. This season will be very intense, and Lena has an outstanding chance to win two important tournaments in one year!
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Unread postby dj » Mon Jun 18, 2007 7:47 am

good morning

flippin' channels yesterday.. bisslet games, golden league? was that old or new? and i think they showed one vault of isi?

anyone esle she the jump?

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Unread postby BruceFlorman » Mon Jun 25, 2007 11:20 pm

Ooooh! Isi made the cover of the Russian equivalent of Track & Field News. :D
Journal “Legkaya Atletika” № 4-5 in 2007
20070621.jpg (59.64 KiB) Viewed 3764 times

Read: review of the spring marathons; interview with the respected trainer of Russia and the USSR Valentin Mikhaylovich Maslakov; interview with first Soviet Olympic champion Nina Ponomareva (discus); interview with Clyde Hart - trainer of 400 m Olympic champions Michael Johnson and Jeremy Wariner.

Analyze: first in a series of articles about running technique, power exercises for endurance runners

Study: World, European and Russian records; list of the best athletes of Russia (juniors) in 2006

Editorial staff telephones: 623-04-57 and 628-96-72.

The cover caption says “Yelena Isinbaeva - best sportswoman of 2006 in the world,” which I assume is a reference to her Laureus award back in May.
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Sportivnaya politika

Unread postby BruceFlorman » Tue Jun 26, 2007 12:48 am

Dang, those sneaky guys at Весь спорт pulled a fast one on me and filed an Isi-related story last week under “Sportivnaya politika” instead of “Legkaya atletika”!
Весь спорт wrote:08:41 19.06.2007 - sport politics
Nick Davis: new rule increases Isinbaeva’s chances of being appointed to the athletes’ commission of the IAAF

A new rule of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) regarding the formulation of commissions – requiring the presence of at least two women - increases the chances of the Olympic Games, World and European champion, and multiple world record holder Yelena Isinbaeva to be appointed to the athletes’ commission of the IAAF. IAAF press-attaché Nick Davis elucidated the procedure to “All sport” the agency of sport information.

“The members of the commissions will be assigned by those elected to the IAAF council and the IAAF Presidency by the IAAF congress on 21-23 August in Osaka,” Davis reported. “This is due to the fact that the commission more closely resembles a working group. We try to arrange it so that different regions are represented in the commissions, and furthermore we focus special attention on competence. The election however, is more a political moment, and while the makeup of the commissions is important to us, first of all are the professional qualities and experience of the candidates. The athletes’ commission is limited to 16 members. It’s important to note that now there must be at least two women in each commission. Consequently, this increases Yelena Isinbaeva’s chances to become a member of the athletes’ commission.”

Nick Davis also explained the procedure for selecting the members of committees. “There are five IAAF committees – on cross-country racing, veterans, sport walking, technical and women. The members of the committees are also selected at the IAAF congress. The committees advise the IAAF council and help to formulate the questions, which then are carried out as the day’s agenda.”

Recall, the Russian nominees for membership in the IAAF committees: women - Olympic champion Irina Privalova, veterans - Doctor of Economics Vadim Marshev, walking - Vyacheslav Krasnov.
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Pre-Paris GL interview from

Unread postby BruceFlorman » Sat Jul 07, 2007 2:05 pm

I already posted Isi’s post-competition comments from Paris in the Paris – Isinbayeva 4.91 thread. But Natalya Maryanchik from Весь спорт also had a much longer interview with her from before the meet that was posted earlier yesterday. I didn’t have time to do a proper translation before hand, but I think it’s still fresh enough to be of interest today.
[quote="Natalya Maryanchik"]01:04 06.07.2007 – Light athletics – second stage of the Golden League of light athletics-2007
Yelena Isinbaeva: To be assured of Sochi’s victory, I even broke with my regime

Today, on 6 July, in the second stage of the prestigious “Golden Leagueâ€Â

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Unread postby joedavis-shirt » Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:12 pm

I do not know if this has been brought up before, I searched but didn't find anything. But what size poles does she use?

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Sun Jul 08, 2007 3:18 pm

joedavis-shirt wrote:I do not know if this has been brought up before, I searched but didn't find anything. But what size poles does she use?

She is usually capping 14'7 Spirit poles. She has a series of 15' poles as well, not sure if she is using them regularly yet.

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Isi swaps Stockholm for Moscow

Unread postby BruceFlorman » Mon Jul 09, 2007 11:29 pm

About six weeks ago Petrov said this was likely to happen (link).
10:43 09.07.2007 – Light athletics - “Russian Challenge”-2007 International light-athletics competition
Yelena Isinbaeva will appear in Moscow this summer!

The Olympic Games champion, world and European champion, and multiple world record setter in the women’s pole vault, Yelena Isinbaeva will appear in Moscow for the first time since the winter world championships in March 2006 - on 5 August at the “Russian Challenge” tournament. Yelena Isinbaeva reported this herself to the agency of sport information “All Sport”.

“I very rarely have opportunity to appear before the native fans, and I’m glad that this possibility was given to me,” recounted Yelena Isinbaeva. “True, the “Russian Challenge” conflicts with another tournament where I planned to be - in Stockholm. It’s also scheduled on 5 August. And I’m very grateful to the organizers of the Stockholm tournament, who sent the release and permitted me to appear in Moscow. For me this start is really very important.”
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July 9th interview for SE - Jennski, Gibilisco, etc.

Unread postby BruceFlorman » Sat Jul 14, 2007 11:59 am

This article was posted on the Sport-Express website last Tuesday, but I was busy taking my son to Freshman orientation down at IU, then between trying to catch up on my real work and trying to follow the GL meet yesterday in Rome, I didn’t have time to do a real translation until this morning. But there’s some real juicy stuff here for fans of international pole vault soap operas. And some good bulletin board material for Team Jennski. :)
In Спорт-Экспресс, Yuri Yuris wrote:10.07.2007

After victorious appearances in the first “Golden League” stages in Oslo and Paris, pole vault world record holder Yelena Isinbaeva is the sole remaining representative of Russia in the struggle for the million dollar tournament jackpot.

Our correspondent was well aware that Isinbaeva is located in Formia Italy, where she trains under Vitaly Petrov’s management, however on Sunday she persistently didn’t want to answer her telephone. Eventually Petrov was reached on his cell phone: “After Paris, where Lena overcame 4.91 on Friday, she got a well-deserved day off and, as far as I know, left for the beach. Ring her tomorrow at 12:30 in Moscow. You’ll be able to talk before she begins her training.”

I rang. We talked.

- How are things different for you this summer season from last?

- Perhaps there’s more tension. The “Golden League” plus the world championships in Japan leave no place for starts which could at least be conditionally called “insignificant”. I mustn’t lose anywhere.

- What motivated you to focus on the “Golden League”? A great desire to become rich?

- At its root you’ve posed the question incorrectly. The organizers of the “Golden League” only included the women’s pole vault in the program after they secured the guarantee of my participation, as though I am critical for the development of our event.

- Really, you’re completely uninterested in making off with the jackpot?

- I’m interested, of course. Only doing this won’t be easy. Besides me, three more contenders remain in other disciplines, and for sure they’re not about to give up. Let’s see how it goes. I can smell the blood, but to just grab the jackpot – that won’t happen. The other matter is winning at every meet. This however is my usual aim.

- In Paris they say you were close to the world record, barely missing on your third attempt at 5.02. What happened?

- My pole turned out to be too soft. At 4.91 it launched me, but at 5.02 it didn’t want to. Plus I wasn’t lucky with the weather: the wind was blowing in my face. So the stiffness of my pole on the third attempt wasn’t quite sufficient. Although the flight above the bar came out very well.

- I thought you already exchanged poles for more rigid this season...

- Yes, but these, as it turns out, are still insufficient for the jumping technique I’m working on with Petrov.

- Probably this is the famous “Bubkinskaya” technique?

- Exactly. I try to use – of course with correction for “female” heights – the model of Bubka’s jumps. Here the stiffness of the pole is fundamentally important. My jump has more momentum, is higher, I’d say, has more "flight" than it did earlier.

- How has your trainer evaluated your initial starts this summer season?

- Vitaly Afanasevich feels that there are positive changes in the technical execution of my vault, that I’m feeling more confident in myself than last summer. True, sometimes in competition you forget, about technique, and generally about everything in the world but jumping over the bar! Here Petrov immediately intervenes, calling out “stay on task”.

- As before, you don’t sense competition from your rivals?

- I do a bit: they gradually improve, so to avoid surprises, it’s always worth being on guard. Feofanova jumped well in Paris. The result of the American Stuczynski, who jumped 4.88 this season, must be respected. But nevertheless, I’ll consider my rivals seriously no earlier than when they reach the five-meter height. So far I’m still my own main competitor.

- Stuczynski’s 4.88 clearance doesn’t make you at all wary?

- Not a bit. According to Petrov’s reckoning, this is her ceiling today. Already it’s high enough, but she’s still a long way from solidly mastering such heights. A lot of other jumpers are unstable. In this sense Feofanova appears better: one can consider her an example of stability and highly combative qualities.

- Where do you spend most of your time, in Monaco or Formia?

- Monaco during the preparatory period, Formia in the competition season.

- When were you last home, in Volgograd?

- Very long ago already – in March. That’s how it goes, such is an athlete’s life.

- Your relatives don’t visit you?

- There are no obstacles, except one: it might hinder my preparation for the competitions, distract me from my main concern. Therefore it’s necessary to limit myself to telephone conversations with my parents and sister.

- By the way, did your sister and her husband finally make you “aunty Lena”, like you wished for long ago?

- Oh yes! This happened quite recently – June 25th. Now I have a nephew Vanya: weight - 4 kg, height - 50 cm.

- Do you have any new hobbies other than collecting dolphin figurines and refrigerator magnets?

- I’ve started to read more.

- Detective stories, probably?

- No, I don’t have any special weakness for that trash. For the most part I prefer serious books - on philosophy, psychology.

- Do you want to somehow connect your life with these sciences in the future?

- No, these are all for general development. In life, and especially in sports life, difficult situations very often come up, and the way out can be found precisely in such books. To use the example of people who already found themselves in a similar position and managed to get out with honor. Learning from the errors of others is always preferable to your own.

- All things considered, should we expect a world record at the third stage of the “Golden League” this Friday in Rome?

- Can I leave this question unanswered? Because as soon as I start to talk about this theme, to make forecasts, then nothing comes out. I’ll say only that physically and psychologically I’m completely ready for this. It’s still “flying” weather for me...

- Your last winter season could be called a "sprint", and this summer a "distance race". Which is more comfortable?

- I think the summer. In winter it was sometimes necessary to compete twice a week, sometimes I jumped against a background of fatigue. Now I don’t. There’s enough time between starts to recover both physically and psychologically. I don’t like to hurry at all. But now, alas, I must hurry: my training begins, and this is sacred.

It goes without saying that detaining the world record holder would not befit a correspondent for “SE”, but then it was possible to direct several questions to Vitaly Petrov.

- Was Isinbaeva’s break between the winter and summer seasons not very long?

- Certainly not. Exactly 120 training sessions were packed into it, which is our usual inter-season total. On the other hand, this year’s summer for Lena will come out unusually long: almost four months. Therefore it’s very important to correctly distribute her energy.

- Other than the six “Golden League” meets and the world championships in Osaka, where else do you plan to appear?

- At the World Finale which takes place in Stuttgart. But Lena will complete her season with two starts in the Far East - in Shanghai and South Korea. This will be something akin to zeroing in on the Beijing Olympics already.

- How do you grade her transition to the stiffer poles?

- In my opinion everything is going normally. With each start Lena feels more confident with everything. It’s a shame that we haven’t had much luck with the weather so far. All three competitions in which she’s participated this summer have been accompanied by either rain or high wind.

The world record didn’t take place in Paris only because of the interference of the wind. Her jump was a lovely sight. Under normal weather conditions, I don’t doubt she would have cleared the height.

- What can you say about the Jenni Stuczynski, whose 4.88 jump this season is nearer than anyone else to Isinbaeva?

- I’ve known of her a long time. She started in basketball, then moved to the pole vault. They called me two years ago and proposed looking into a possible collaboration. However, I wouldn’t ever begin to consult for Stuczynski – since after all, she’s a rival of Isinbaeva and, by the way, her contemporary.[1] This year she’s already added 16 centimeters to last year's result, and I doubt whether she’ll go higher before the end of the season.

- What do you think, is Feofanova again capable, as in bygone times, of giving Isinbaeva competition?

- I wouldn’t want to personally occupy myself with talking about Lena’s possible competitors. Other things are important for me: that Isinbaeva, like Bubka in his time, constantly holds her pursuers at a distance of 15-20 cm. If one of them reaches, let’s say, 4.90, Lena will jump 5.15 – 5.20. [2] She’s ready for a serious fight, and so far her determination hasn’t waned. I’m confident this will remain.

- And finally - a question a little bit “off the topic”. What’s the story about the doping incident with your pupil, the Italian vaulter Giuseppe Gibilisco, who’s threatened with a long disqualification?

- This story, you might say, has a beard. [3] By law, the IAAF and WADA have absolutely no jurisdiction over Gibilisco in this case, as his tests never revealed any banned substances. The claims arose from a criminal police investigation. Three years ago, while investigating doping in cycling, one night the police searched the apartments of 135 athletes, primarily cyclists, and Gibilisco was lumped together with them.

- But he’s certainly not a cyclist!

- It was sufficient that he’d consulted on the telephone with a "bicycle" doctor, who turned out to be mixed up in the doping scandal. The police obtained a wire tap warrant, and Gibilisco also turned out to be regarded as a suspect. Then all suspicions were removed from him and they laid the matter to rest. But now, in connection with the subsequent spiraling scandal among the bicycle racers, they’ve again reached the light of day.

- For what are they going to disqualify him?

- It’s all the same - for the contact with this "suspicious" doctor. The Italian Olympic committee recommends a two-year disqualification for Gibilisco, but the national light athletics federation must ratify this verdict.

- You haven’t worked with him in a long time?

- Not for the past year. When I made him the world champion, Giuseppe was like a son to me, but when I began to consult for other athletes, when Isinbaeva appeared, he began to get jealous. He couldn’t stand that I was giving my experience and knowledge to someone other than Gibilisco. That’s the story...


[1] It’s interesting that Isi’s not too worried about Stuczynski, while Petrov doesn’t want to consult for her, but doesn’t have a problem advising Pyrek or Murer. Clearly that 4.88 got their attention.

[2] Either Vitaliy Petrov needs to polish up his math skills, or Yuri Yuris needs to work on his note-taking skills, since 15-20 cm over 4.90 would be 5.05-5.10. :D

[3] I need to get some Russian friends or something to consult about these sorts of colloquialisms. I really don’t know if “this story has a beard” means it’s old, or it’s not what it seems to be, or something else entirely. If I could see an obvious English analog, I’d have substituted it. But since none occurred to me, I just decided to leave it in and let you readers figure it out.

I sure hope Jenn’s back issue isn’t serious. Since evidently Isi has pulled out of the DN Galan in Stockholm in favor of the Russian Challenge in Moscow, it looks like there’s only going to be one opportunity for a direct Isi-v-Jennski matchup prior to Osaka, three weeks from now on August 3rd in London. Let’s hope they both bring their “A” game. In fact, though I love Isi to death, if Jenn were to upset her in London, especially if she were to go over 4.90 while doing it, it would probably make the showdown in Osaka one of the hottest events on the schedule. I’m definitely going to have some mixed emotions. ;)

Edited to restore the text lost due to the old server's improper handling of non-ANSI text.
Last edited by BruceFlorman on Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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