gimme poles!!!!!!!!!!

A forum to discuss everything to do with pole vaulting equipment: poles, pits, spikes, etc.

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gimme poles!!!!!!!!!!

Unread postby vaulter580 » Tue Apr 15, 2003 9:04 am

i am finishing up my last year of college and i will continue to jump and try to make it to the 2004 trials. but i have already spent a butt-load of money on poles and as i progress they just keep getting more expensive
i have a PR of 5.49m and i WILL jump higher before this year is up

my question is how high does a fella have to jump to get some poles around here!!!!

or how much ass-kissing can one do for the same result??
Arkansas State University
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Re: gimme poles!!!!!!!!!!

Unread postby PVDad » Tue Apr 15, 2003 1:41 pm


Talk to Earl! Also, are you going to Mt. SAC? Drake Relays? Speak to the manufacturers reps. when you're there.

You're not the only one looking for free/discount poles though! ;)
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Unread postby PVJunkie » Tue Apr 15, 2003 1:49 pm

We have promotional standards in place. If you meet the standard you can qualify for discounts as well as free poles. We did this several years ago to justify/qualify the calls from people wanting freebies. You can call me at Gill to see if you (based on your age and best jump this year) qualify. 800 637 3090


The standards are based on a % of the average of the indoor and outdoor world records.

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