Condensed trainining

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Condensed trainining

Unread postby jumpbackin » Fri Dec 16, 2005 3:44 pm

Hi guys,

I'm hoping you guys can help me with my training. I'm 40 and I just got back into vaulting this summer. I live in a cold place so I haven't been able to run for a few months except that I've gone to an indoor winter vault training a few times.

I'm going on vacation for Christmas at a nice warm location and I think I can get to a track and workout before the rest of the familly wakes up and I want to take advantage of that opportunity. Hopefully come back in good enough shape to vault more aggressively.

Other than not running for a while I'm in pretty good shape. Of course I have a few nagging injuries but I've been lifting weights, my resting heart rate is under 60 and my body fat is about 8%. This is my tentative workout plan:

Day 1. Ten 60's Gentle excel to about 90% effort
Day 2. Four 200's
Dat 3. Warm up drills and easy striders
Day 4. Five 60's and either five flying 25's or blast five 40's
Day 5. Warm up drills and striders
Day 6. Four 60's and five flying 30's
Day 7. Five 150's

What do you guys think? Am I biting off more than I can chew? Any thoughts or suggestions on the progression, volume, or the rest? Anything else?


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Unread postby cdmilton » Fri Dec 16, 2005 3:59 pm

You might want to work some endurance in there if you can take it. 15-30min jog or bike.

I would modify what you gave to something like this:

1. Speed - Ten 60's
2. Strength - Four 200's
3. Endurance - 15-30 min jog or bike
4. Speed - Five 60's
5. Strength - Five 150's
6. Endurance - 15-30 min jog or bike
7. Day Off
Chris Milton

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Fri Dec 16, 2005 4:31 pm

The most important thing is to listen to your body. If you start to feel something funny, play it safe and back off.

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Unread postby DBH027 » Fri Dec 16, 2005 6:08 pm

I'd put more rest in there, 2 days on 1 day off....

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Unread postby jumpbackin » Fri Dec 16, 2005 7:50 pm

Thank you all for the quick feedback. DBH, the warm up / strider days were intended to be rest days, but I think you are right. I'm going to be doing a lot of hiking and such and I don't want to get shin splints or faciaitis or anything, so I will take those days off.

Rainbow, I'm finally learning and starting to do that. That is why I requested the input. I've found my workouts to be much more productive if they are well planned. Doing what I feel like doing on a given day just doesn't cut it. The flip side of planning my workouts is if I write something down, I have a strong compulsion to finish it.... no matter what.

Chris, baahahaha. If you were my son I'd have to give you a time out for talking like that. Seriously, me and endurance just don't mix. If I'm running a 300 I have to run it kind of fast because if I take too long it hurts even more. I'm not doing anything I don't like while I'm on vacation. I'm sure it would be great advise for other people so thanks all the same.

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Unread postby souleman » Sat Dec 17, 2005 6:21 pm

At 40, you will be able to do a lot more than I can at 53. The one thing that Bubba Sparks has beaten into my head is always stay on the friendly side of pain and total windlessness. We have to remember that we have these 18 year old brains sitting on top of these middle aged bodies. In my case a 70% effort in the brain is about a 100% effort on the old bod. My guess is for the next 5 years you will be able to come back pretty quickly from any injury that over working muscles may cause. I wish I had those years back because I think if I would have been doing this then, these aches and pains and just plain not being able to whip the body in shape wouldn't have been as hard as it is. Personally, I joined a little "no frills" gym and go there 3 times a week. I have a light (yeah right! It does a pretty good job of kicking my a**) 45 minute overall body circuit that I do that Bubba says is perfect for me. I have 20 minues of cardio separating 10 strength exercises. Each time I go, it gets a little easier. I keep track of the difficulty on my chart on a 1 to 10 scale. 6 on the chart is what I've figured is the "perfect" mark, with a burn in the muscle area beginning about 60% to 65% through the exercise. 8 and up is "holy sh*t"! The cardio is done on 4 machines. A inclined treadmill (I can only walk it at this point at 3.5 mph) , a machine called the Arc Trainer, (2 times about 1/3 and 2/3 into the routine) and a recumbent bike. All cardio machines are done at differing resistances and all are done for 5 minutes each. Both Bubba and the gal up at the gym says that at this point in my winter training I need to work on endurance. Therefore I modified my original intent as to reps. I was going to start doing all of the excercises for 10 reps until I could come back through and do 2 sets of 10. Instead, they told me to do 1 set of 15 to start on each excercise. Also if I can't do all 15 at a perscribed weight to drop a plate and finishing up the 15 is better than not doing all 15 reps. When I'm able (probably after the first of the year) I think Bubba's going to have me do the 2 sets but do them at 12 reps and then 8 reps. He may also have me alternating legs and core days to emphasise certain needed areas. I hope this helps you figure out how you can train. You are right, if we write it down we will do it. This is how I am doing it for myself. You can PM me and I'll attach the chart that I am working with and you can modify it to your capabilities which I'm sure will be greater than mine. Good Luck and Later..........................Mike

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Unread postby jumpbackin » Mon Dec 19, 2005 12:29 pm

souleman wrote:My guess is for the next 5 years you will be able to come back pretty quickly from any injury that over working muscles may cause.

I sure wish you were right but my capacity to recover from injuries is very poor. I've had Piriformis Syndrom for 5 years and a spastic Scapula Stabilizer for 4. Fortunately these haven't hindered my Vaulting efforts so far. I need to get my leggs under me then get the balls to grip 14'8 on a big pole and attack it.

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Unread postby souleman » Mon Dec 19, 2005 9:41 pm

So basically you, like me have to work on the endurance part of training so that when we do jump, we don't hurt ourselves. I e-mailed Bubba and asked him to jump in here and comment. He should be along any minute. Do you have access to any machines like I do? If so, I'm sure there's a bunch of us here that could put together a very good workout that would help make your "wish" a reality without of course ripping your arms out of the sockets, crumpling the knees, hammerin' the back, pulling a groin.........Oh wait a minute,.....I'm talking about me again. But anyway, I think we can get you something that will work. I am sooooooo looking forward to being able to go to a meet this summer and be able to jump more than 4 to 6 times before my body tells me I'd better knock it off. Later...........Mike

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Unread postby souleman » Tue Dec 20, 2005 7:59 pm

Jumpbackin, Bubba e-mailed me a link that he has me working off of and thought might help you in your training. Go here and check it out.<


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Unread postby jumpbackin » Wed Jan 04, 2006 4:35 pm

This is what I did:

#1. Ten 60's as planned
#2. Three 300's. I was too tight to attempt the 200's. So much for not doing anything I don't like while on vacation!
#3. Warm up, agility and striders.
#4. Five 60's and five all out 40's. I did a set of broad jumps between each 40. This workout felt really good. I love doing the quality work. It also pointed out my lack of explosiveness. I now know I need more work in this area.
#5. Was supposed to be a rest day but I climbed a mountain with my nephew and that was a lot more work than I anticipated. My legs were jelly on the way down.
#6. Five 60's and five Flying 30's. another quality workout. Loved it.

I missed my last planned workout because I slept in too late.

I vaulted last night and was able to do more volume than previously but was also dissappointed that I had muscle soreness in my right flexor and left ham. Both were close to cramping and I had to do alot more warm up than I would have prefered. I hate wearing myself out just getting warmed up.

I didn't do any swinging or rocking back but if I had I think I would have been around 14 feet. I also think I could have easily moved up six inches on the pole. Since I'm using a pretty short approach I think it's a reasonable goal to get on a 15 foot pole by the end of next week and hold at least 14 feet.

Mike, there was nothing on that link. Thanks all the same.

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Unread postby souleman » Thu Jan 05, 2006 2:00 am

Bubba has me into stage 2. I work lower body one day, upper body 2 days later and a combined for the 3rd day in the week. I won't be doing any jumping until mid Feb so I'm hitting the weight room pretty heavy. Lower body is basically lunges, squats extensions and leg curls. I break up the sets with either a treadmill (5 minutes at 4 mph with the last 4 minutes at progressive inclines), or a machine called an Arc Trainer, 5 minutes with 30 pounds resistance or the recumbent bike same 5 minutes 30 pounds resistance. All in all I break up the exercises with a total of 20 minutes of machine cardio. I've been in the gym for about 2 months now doing an over all workout, and Monday was my first "legs"day. My right thigh is killing me (stiff and sore kinda like the first couple of days of football practice back when we were in high school). Tomorrow night will be upper body night with bench press, overhead press, lat machine, curl machine triceps and Lateral flys. I start every work out on the treadmill and the exercises are pretty intense but I will limit the cardio to a minimum on upper nights. I figure I'd better explain pretty good now cause if the legs were any indication, OH BOY, I won't be able to type tomorrow night. Bubba told me the squats will help me with speed. If you'd like to PM me I'd be happy to send you my charts that I've been working off of. Later............Mike

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training legsat 60

Unread postby 2-15-46 » Sun Jun 04, 2006 8:46 am

well I read the posts and the training sounds reasonable..... I did the weight thing this winter but discontinued in may thinking I would be outside........haha it rained all may her in Ohio.. my upperbody and shoulders are good when I attempt to jump... but the legs..............i'm lucky to get down the runway 4 time before my quads and groin start tightening up.... hams and calves are good, I think I can atrribute that part to the earth workout shoes I've been wearing all is nice now , I have a meet in three weeks so I must work on leg strength.... any suggestions for a crash course would be greatly appreciated'''''''''''''


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