8th grader clears 13' article (IL)

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8th grader clears 13' article (IL)

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Sun May 22, 2005 8:11 pm

http://www.pjstar.com/stories/052205/SP ... .077.shtml

Eighth-grade vaulter clears 13 feet at EastSide

Sunday, May 22, 2005

by Jacqueline Koch

of the Journal Star

East Peoria - As the crowd clapped in unison around Alex Freshour, the eighth-grader from Stanford Olympia shattered the all-time the Illinois Elementary School Association boys pole vault record on Saturday by clearing 13 feet at the Class AA state track and field meet.
Freshour calmly cleared 12-5 and 12-7 before missing his first attempt at 13 feet. He soared over the bar on his next attempt to surpass the old mark of 12-2 and earn a first-place medal at Eastside Centre.

The pole vault produced one other area champion. Megan Emmons of Green Valley Midwest Central cleared 8-10 to take the eighth-grade girls title.

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Unread postby jr » Sun May 22, 2005 8:52 pm

There were actually 3 boys that broke the record.3rd place cleared 12'3.2nd place cleared 12'5.Great competition.The 8th grade girl dodged a bullet when she missed twice at opening height and then bailed out of her 3rd attempt,jumped over the box and landed on the pit behind the box.No call was made and she went down and made the bar and went on to win.Tyler Pence from IVC/Chilacothe,7th grader,cleared 10'1 but a week earlier at Beardstown cleared 10'10 1/2.My daughter,Brooke,who is 11 cleared 6'3 and placed 15th out of 29 7th graders.

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Unread postby VaultMarq26 » Sun May 22, 2005 10:27 pm

Where is this kid going to go to High School?
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im going toOly

Unread postby alexfreshour » Wed May 25, 2005 2:58 pm

Im to Olympia High School.

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