Form Drills

This is a forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to intermediate level pole vaulting.
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Form Drills

Unread postby Ins0mnizac » Sun May 02, 2004 4:38 pm

Im trying to put together a routine of form drills ex. Bubkas, swing ups on high bars, crunches etc. that i can do everyday to help build strength for vaulting and help my form. If anyone has routine like this that they think helps, or any drills that would help with form or strength for vaulting please share. Im trying to figure out what the best order and repetitions would be to help the most. (Im bad about needing a structured workout or i lose focus and patience) Thanks to anyone who has any ideas.

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Unread postby OkieVaulter813 » Wed May 05, 2004 5:55 pm

Pole runs turn out really well
Pylos to get that extra explosion
1 armed pop-ups, get a low grip with a short run and just try to pull with your top arm, seems to really help, reminds you to finish up top

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Unread postby opalkak » Wed May 05, 2004 7:22 pm

I sent you a medicine ball workout, I'd up load it on here, but i don't know how to do it.
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Unread postby baggettpv » Fri May 07, 2004 1:20 am

Check out Todor Bompa's book on "Periodization of Training". The go to your local gymnastics club and look thru their training manuals for the developmental levels. You will get a good perspective on activities that can be done to enhance the training in the Pole Vault.

Rick Baggett

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Unread postby vaultmd » Fri May 07, 2004 11:34 am

If you want the Reader's Digest version of Bompa's stuff, he has a chapter in Bill Foran's High Performance Sports Conditioning, which has a lot of good information on a variety of subjects. At Rick's suggestion, I looked for some of Bompa's work and settled for the chapter in Foran's book to account for my short attention span.

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