Pole Vault Convention To Return To Akron In January

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Pole Vault Convention To Return To Akron In January

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Tue Sep 03, 2013 10:09 pm

http://www.gozips.com/sports/track/2012 ... 0801b56yel

Pole Vault Convention To Return To Akron In January

Follow Zips Track & Field on Twitter (@ZipsTFCC) and Facebook

Tentative Schedule (PDF)

AKRON, Ohio – The University of Akron track and field program will host the second annual Pole Vault Convention at Stile Athletics Field House from January 3-5, 2014. The event is designed to be an all-inclusive pole vault experience for athletes, coaches and parents and will feature classroom sessions, learn-by-doing clinics, and competitions. Instructors will include world-class coaches and vaulters, in addition to top collegiate and club coaches from the region.

The open atmosphere of the convention will allow participants to choose to attend sessions that are most intriguing to their personal interests. The clinicians will offer their specialized perspective about how to get athletes to follow the ideal pole vaulting model in addition to seminars about injury prevention and other ways to take performances to greater heights.

The Pole Vault Convention is the vision of Zips' head coach Dennis Mitchell, who has coached 66 All-American honors during his career, including All-Americans in the Pole Vault at the University of Texas, University of North Carolina, and University of Akron.

During his 19 years at Akron, Mitchell has won 18 Mid-American Conference Team Championships and been named the MAC Coach of the year 17 times. Furthermore, Coach Mitchell's athletes have established the MAC All-Time Records in Indoor & Outdoor Men's & Women's Pole Vault.

Feedback from 2013 Pole Vault Convention Attendees
"My vaulters and I felt this was an experience of a lifetime. We had a blast, can't wait till next year!"

"Really enjoyed & appreciated everything! Parent sessions were nice. Appreciated all the Olympic vaulters…very inspiring to my daughter!"

"I enjoyed the guest speakers and the breakdown of jumps on video."

Read the recap of the Inaugural Pole Vault Convention in 2013.

New in 2014!
The Pole Vault Convention College Meet will allow collegiate performances from the Pole Vault Convention to count towards NCAA qualifying. Meet information can be found here.

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Re: Pole Vault Convention To Return To Akron In January

Unread postby FlPoleVaultAcademy » Mon Sep 30, 2013 12:04 pm

Can Youth athletes compete in the Open division if they jump 16'+ ?

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I'm in Charge
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World Record Holder?: Renaud Lavillenie
Favorite Vaulter: Casey Carrigan
Location: A Temperate Island

Re: Pole Vault Convention To Return To Akron In January

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Mon Sep 30, 2013 3:11 pm

FlPoleVaultAcademy wrote:Can Youth athletes compete in the Open division if they jump 16'+ ?

You'll need to contact Dennis Mitchell about that, I have no idea.

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