Distance running and the pole vault

A forum to discuss overall training techniques, nutrition, injuries, etc. Discussion of actual pole vault technique should go in the Technique forum.
PV Wannabe
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Re: Distance running and the pole vault

Unread postby Kris » Sat Aug 04, 2012 3:58 am

"Training consideration include speed-power/endurance ratios. In the Heptathlon the ratio should
be 6.5 speed-power/.5 endurance. In the Decathlon the ration should be 8.5 speed-power/1.5
endurance. You can see where we should be spending the bulk of our training time.
According to Richard Liber, fiber type changing does occur. You do have the ability to increase
both the size and ratio of fast twitch fibers and slow twitch fibers. Given this information and
knowing such a small percentage of the combined events is endurance you can accomplish more
with speed-power training than spending time on endurance training. Remember; chronic
training makes you slower"

Just found this in an article on the multi events from a 2006 USATF convention - looks like i'll have to greatly re-evaluate my training

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Re: Distance running and the pole vault

Unread postby fishman4god » Sat Aug 04, 2012 4:02 pm

The article I am putting in the post will break it down for you with the actual science of "slow" twitch "fast" twitch and wht you can do to increase speed/ power/endurance and all aspects in between. It is not cut and dry but the artcle will give you some useable real world examples. Don't stress you can get it done! http://www.higher-faster-sports.com/fas ... chine.html

PV Wannabe
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Re: Distance running and the pole vault

Unread postby Kris » Sat Aug 04, 2012 5:32 pm

Seems like a strange coincidence that i read that exact article less than an hour ago, but thanks

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Re: Distance running and the pole vault

Unread postby fishman4god » Sat Aug 04, 2012 7:08 pm

Wow , thats kinda weird.

PV Wannabe
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Re: Distance running and the pole vault

Unread postby Kris » Sun Aug 05, 2012 5:49 am

I've been looking around and searching the board but havent really been able to find a good plyo workout - does any of you guys have some suggestions for an effective plyo workout/drills?


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Re: Distance running and the pole vault

Unread postby dj » Sun Aug 05, 2012 7:58 am

Plyometric Circuit – The Dirty Dozen

20 yards down and back for each plyometric exercise. This circuit is to be done once every 7-10 days. Think form, form, and more form!

1. High Knees
2. Butt Kicks
3. Skips; form and medium speed
4. Walking Lunge
5. Ski Hop side to side
6. 1 hop out, 1 hop up (bunny hop)
7. Karaoke
8. Backboard slide/hop
9. 2 hops out, 1 hop up (bunny hop)
10. Bounding stride (Deer Leap)
11. Fast skips
12. sprint/acceleration

Rest 2 minutes and repeat the circuit 3 to 6 times in one training session.

There are many other plyo exercises that work. I do avoid very high boxes, or very heavy (too much weight on a sled) weights. I avoid going to the extreme which will harm technique.

I keep this though in mind when designing a plyo program. As an athlete I improved my vertical by well over a foot from high school to my senior year in college. (40"- 24-7 LJ). I coached basketball early in my career. I heard all the "he's a natural jumper", even the racially twisted ones. What most didn't think about was this kid had thrown a ball at a hoop since he was 5 years old. That in one game of basketball you produce over 200 jumps in less than an hour!

This is a circuit that works and is "adaptable" to everyone. I set the program up in "circuit" fashion so the technique of each exercise could be focused on.

Each exercise has a specific muscle development purpose. If you do "sets and reps" of any exercise the "form" suffers at the end of the training because you become tired. So I have you perform one of each exercise, pay attention to form and add more "circuits: as you progress in your training.

Years ago I found plyometeics must have three "phases". A Base, a power transfer phase and a speed phase. Most programs either skip the last part of "transfer" and all of the "speed" phase.

This program combines the three in a way that as you add a second, third….. a sixth, you are getting form, power development, transfer and speed.

When designing this I used prior coaches work, experience and logic. My high school girls basketball and football teams progressed to three circuits in their "pre-season". My 54 foot triple jumpers progressed to six (6) circuits during pre-season and by Christmas.

I will explain each exercise when needed.


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Re: Distance running and the pole vault

Unread postby Kris » Sun Aug 05, 2012 9:02 am

Thanks you, are the 2 minute breaks between exercises or between circuits?

Edit: also, what is the ski hop side to side and backboard slide/hop?

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Re: Distance running and the pole vault

Unread postby dj » Sun Aug 05, 2012 11:20 am


two minutes between circuits... do the twelve exercises at a "moderate" pace.. take the 2 min and do another circuit..

ski hop.. zig-zag back and forth over a lane line... feet stay together..

backboard "tip".. jump stright up as if to "tip" touch one side of a back board.. do a step/slid over to the other corner and jump/touch and slide back count of 20 or count of 10 on one side.


ps.. if you want to start "easy" do one circuit twice a week.. for a while.. depending on your training cycle and seasonal period.

PV Wannabe
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Re: Distance running and the pole vault

Unread postby Kris » Sun Aug 05, 2012 12:27 pm

Alright thanks a lot, it's nice that people on this forum take time to answer rookie vaulters

As for the 'easy start', i've been training for a good 2-3 hours a day lately, so i think i'll just jump right into it with 3 circuits and see how it goes

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Re: Distance running and the pole vault

Unread postby fishman4god » Sun Aug 05, 2012 2:50 pm

Another very easy plyo workout is on stadium steps. Bound up skipping steps alternating legs. Bound up right only left only one or two steps whatever you can handle. Bound up both legs together. Start with 2 set each X 4-6 step sets. Jog down is your rest interval. Repeat once every 5th day. Really easy really effective and only takes about 20-30 minutes.

PV Wannabe
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Re: Distance running and the pole vault

Unread postby Kris » Mon Aug 06, 2012 11:52 am

fishman4god wrote:Another very easy plyo workout is on stadium steps. Bound up skipping steps alternating legs. Bound up right only left only one or two steps whatever you can handle. Bound up both legs together. Start with 2 set each X 4-6 step sets. Jog down is your rest interval. Repeat once every 5th day. Really easy really effective and only takes about 20-30 minutes.

Unfortunately i don't have access to stadium steps - also, got any ideas for effective training that is light on the shins?


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Re: Distance running and the pole vault

Unread postby dj » Mon Aug 06, 2012 12:18 pm

do your "form runs" in the high jump or pole vault pit..

interval training.... sets and reps... 3 x 5 @ 15 seconds for sprint training.. 25 seconds and 40 seconds for 400 meter training

great training and you can't cheat the form...


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