Bare Minimum Run/Height Progression (High School)

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Bare Minimum Run/Height Progression (High School)

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Fri Feb 12, 2010 12:37 am

Here is a general guideline I use with my vaulters regarding what they should be able to clear before advancing to a longer run.

High school boys of average ability
3 lefts (6 steps) - 6’ (must be able to clear 6' from 6 steps before advancing to 8 steps)
4 lefts (8 steps) - 8’ (must be able to clear 8' from 8 steps before advancing to 10 steps)
5 lefts (10 steps) - 10’
6 lefts (12 steps) - 12’
7 lefts (14 steps) - 14’

High school girls of average ability
3 lefts (6 steps) - 5’
4 lefts (8 steps) - 6’6”
5 lefts (10 steps) - 8’
6 lefts (12 steps) - 9’6”
7 lefts (14 steps) - 11’

It's not one-size-fits-all. If a freshman boy is the same size or smaller and of similar physical ability than the girls, they might need the girls' standards applied to them! If an athlete is talented and picking up the event quickly, they might benefit from having higher standards applied.

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Re: Bare Minimum Run/Height Progression (High School)

Unread postby Barto » Mon Feb 15, 2010 9:37 am

GREAT coaching advice for high school.
Facts, Not Fiction

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Re: Bare Minimum Run/Height Progression (High School)

Unread postby cdmilton » Mon Feb 15, 2010 10:45 am

Great advice! I don't really have a hard rule but when I think of the kids we had last year they all match up to this.
Chris Milton

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Re: Bare Minimum Run/Height Progression (High School)

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Sat May 22, 2010 9:12 pm

Did anyone else try this this year? If so, how did it work out for you?

At our last regular meet of the year, all of my athletes either PR'd or were within 3" of it. For those who qualified to League, all PR'd except my top guy who was 3" under his. At districts, they all tied their PR (in terrible weather conditions) except my top guy who was 3" under his and managed to qualify for state despite not being ranked high enough coming into the meet.

I think that starting the season on short runs, while gradually backing up to longer ones as the technique improved helped them to peak at the right time.

Now if we can just get a little good weather at State...

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Re: Bare Minimum Run/Height Progression (High School)

Unread postby Barefoot » Sun May 23, 2010 10:47 pm


I put you guidelines onto my coaches cheat sheets, along with mid chart, grip heights, our pole inventory, etc. So was in my clip board and glanced at occasionally throughout the year. It actually correlates close to were my kids ended up.

I begin the year (pre-season) with everyone back at a four left (three lefts are for drills and we use them throughout the year) ... they progress based on what I perceive as technically sound run/plant and vaults. I have some who worked a little better one left forward or back from your guide, but generally it's pretty close.

I'll PM you the raw numbers...

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