Drills/Stretches With a Pulled Back

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Drills/Stretches With a Pulled Back

Unread postby crayford » Sun Apr 18, 2010 12:00 pm

So on Wednesday I took off at about 8' when my step should normally be at 11' and subsequently I jacked up my back pretty bad; it also doesn't help that I was vaulting on a new, bigger pole (same length, 5lbs. heavier). I've been icing every day (some nights I've even slept on ice) and trying to stretch it out, but it still hurts a lot under and between my shoulder blades, above my hips, and, after a hard workout, around my ribs.

I found it very hard to even do pop-ups and pole drops the following day, but I can still walk/jog/run/sprint with minimal pain (except for around my ribs).

I was wondering if any of you had experienced this/had a vaulter who's done something similar and what you/they had done to either keep training or speed recovery.
Hips to nips

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Re: Drills/Stretches With a Pulled Back

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Sun Apr 18, 2010 12:27 pm

Go see a doctor!

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Re: Drills/Stretches With a Pulled Back

Unread postby crayford » Mon Apr 19, 2010 9:52 pm

Psssh, doctors are overrated.
I could list off plenty of doctor stories from my friends, but I'll not get in to that.

I was more curious if y'all had exercises/stretches that are relatively low impact to the back, but still related to the vault. I understand that the back is extremely key in the vault, which is probably why I can't think of a single exercise, so what have you all done?
Hips to nips

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