Oh come on!
powerplant42 wrote:Even though this post has been put up as a wind up I have been studying this technique in detail recently.
As a Sports Biomechanist, specialising in energy transfer mechanics, I have shown that vaulting this way is the most energy efficient. If you can get into the right position on the pole, then leaving the pole in a rigid position will give far higher energy transfer than the classsic technique. Infact the calculations showed that the energy difference is so large that you can vault at leat 15-20% higher than with normal technique.
I have therefore started coaching a similar technique to my group and the results are quite impressive. most of the athletes have been vaulting over their bests in training and are looking forward to coming out in competiton.
I will hopefully be writing a paper on it and will be published in one of the main biomechanical journals.
Therefore i would urge you to continue with this method pvmax.
I look forward to reading it... Please post it on here.
1. Your name is powerplant42 and his is perfect_plant_43
2. He joined today
3. He has 1 post, this one, right after joining.
4. His poor spelling and grammar do not befit a researcher that writes for academic journals.
5. His explanation is vague and sounds made up.
6. The whole premise is ridiculous.
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that this is another joke and suggest that--if it is not--then it should be.
Can we get back to intelligent debate, now?